Chapter 9 My Fight

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I fly and fly until I reach a certain part of a forest near the beach resort. I saw a clearing and I stand in the middle of it. I was crying so hard, I can’t breathe and I just let myself drop to my knees and cry harder. I looked at the sky and saw that it’s a full moon then I let myself roll to my side and cry; I’m shaking and struggling to breath. I just cry and cry until I heard someone’s foot step. I was so lost to my own thoughts and did not sense someone sooner. “Why is a beautiful Angel here alone in the woods?” I know that voice anywhere. I looked up at the guy of my nightmare. “Sean?” I ask between my sobs. This is so not the time for past persons in my life so I make myself to stop crying “what are you doing here alone? Are you crying my love?” he put a finger to my chin to look at him “Who did this to you?!” he ask and anger is present in his tone “wh-what are y-you do-doing he-re?” I asked him between this stupid sniffs. I already stop crying but I can’t stop the sniffs and hiccups “Didn’t I tell you that I’m going to get you back and now I’m here to get you” he ask it with seriousness. And all I can do is to look at him with fear and shock. “But not for now, you’ve been a naughty girl. I heard that you’ve been flirting to the princes of werewolf and vampire and now I’m going to punish you. But not me because I can’t hurt you myself, not yet, but they can hahaha I’ll come to get you next time I see you my lovely Shinu good bye” with that he was covered in smoke then disappeared. But before he was totally out of sight, I saw him smirked and it send shivers to my bones. Now a bunch of demons, a pair of werewolves and a vampire are looking at me. This is shit. I can’t call Alec because of my new revelation and he will take time before they got here so I have no choice to fight all of them.

I closed my mind so no one can enter in my head or talk to me. I can’t use anything around me because it’s nothing but a clearing. The trees are far away but I can always use something. The pair of demon comes near me, I know some things about them; they’re a strong demon and they will do everything just to kill me but one thing is for sure. They’re the most stupid demon and they will just charge without thinking so I make the ground move and make a hole beneath them with very sharp stones at the bottom to kill them and they fall to my trap. Stupid demons.

Now I know the true fight will start because the werewolves and vampires have the brains to think, the werewolves come for me but before they can come near me I changed to my vampire-angel form to gain some more power. They come fast but not fast enough. They’re big and they always give me the menacing growl. At some point it scared me but it disappeared quickly. The 2 werewolves keep on trying to bite and scratch me. I kicked the other werewolf to send him flying while I grab the shewolf on its neck and squeeze it so hard until I heard the bones cracking then it changed to its human form but before it dies from my grip, I bite its neck and release my venom so it will kill her slowly and painfully. I release the now whimpering naked women on the ground and face the other one with an evil smirk. It growled and charge at my face but I kicked it’s snout so I send him flying backwards and before he reached the forest floor I slammed him down then continuously kick his ribs until it break then it changed to its human form then like what I did to the girl I bite him. I let my venom do its work. And with his last life he crawled to the girl and hugged her. Looks like I killed a mated pair but I don’t care.

I felt a pain in my back and saw that the vampire had kicked me where my wings grow and now his holding the root of my wings. This part is the most vulnerable part of my wings because its feather is not sharp. I felt him grip very tightly to the root of my wings very hard, I screamed in pain then he kicked me at my side that sends me flying. I felt the pain on my side and a huge pain on my wings, it’s probably broken, and before I can regain myself the vampire is now punching me in the face and body. I can’t think straight with the pain of broken wings, all I can do is cover my face and some parts of my body. Without thinking about the pain I kicked his stomach and move as fast as I can to punch him in the face and I heard his bone cracked but I’m not done yet. Paybacks a bitch you vampire! I keep kicking and punching him in all places I can and threw him across the field then he hit a huge rock. I heard bone cracking and I smell blood, I move closer to him and the blood is coming from a huge open wound on his head. I always love the smell of blood, he was half conscious so I leaned down to his ear “this will only hurt” I paused “a lot hahaha” I laughed a devilish laugh then bite him. I chose for him to feel so much pain and he screamed, but I removed my fangs because his blood is gross so I just hold his head with my 2 hands then twist it. It separated from his body then I drag the bodies and put it in a pile then set it on fire, I also closed the hole I make on the ground to remove tracks.  

“Mark! Michael!” I called them in my head but only Michael answered me “Angel what’s the matter? Mark is drunk. Where are you? You’ve been gone for some time now. They’re looking for you” Michael said. “Can you get me here?”. “where are you? And why? Can’t you fly?” he asked. “Fly towards the woods and you’ll see a huge smoke that’s where I am and I can’t come back. My wings are broken. Well,  I’ve been fighting ha ha ha” I told him. “What the hell are you thinking?! I’m coming right now. Wait for me there” after that I closed my mind again. I can feel someone poking in my head but I just set it aside. I can’t worry that now, I have bigger things to think; like my broken wings and probably some broken ribs cause it hurts. After waiting some minutes Michael arrived, when he saw arrived, he’s pretty face was now full of range but when he saw me, he was shocked. Then he faced me “are you okay? Are you hurt?” “I’m fine. I just want to rest. C’mon now” I told him but he shook his head “no need to hide it Angel. Did you forget that I can see the past? I saw what happened to you this whole night. I know you’re hurt so let’s go to Alec to help you. He’s not mad at you and they already know I showed it to him” wow. Now I’m in deep shit. Alec will be so mad for me about this. I let him carry me but very carefully because it still hurts, almost everywhere and I’m exhausted.

We are going to the roof top of the hotel in the resort. And there is Alec, woah wait he’s with Rose, Paul and shit it’s Jeff. I already expected Rose but how did the 2 of them know? “Ahmm Michael why is Paul and Jeff there” I asked him while we’re in the air. He looked down at me and said sorry. Looks like they also know what happened. Michael slowly put me down and then he started to walk away but before he go down the stairs he look at me with an apologetic look on his face that I returned with a small smile and with that he’s gone. I’m still in my vampire-angel form, I looked at them for awhile; Alec and Paul is very angry while Jeff’s face expression is kinda scary. I suddenly have the liking to the floor. He looks like he’s going to kill someone, his eyes are black and his fangs are slightly showing, he’s shaking and any minute now, he’s gonna shift. Oh shit now I’m in really deep shit.

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