chapter 15 fun-fucking-tastic

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Chapter 15

After explaining and answering questions we just continue to have fun. After some fun dancing, singing and drinking one of my hidden alarms went off. It just means one thing. There are intruders.

“STOP!” I screamed and everyone stops, it gets real quiet, no music and no one’s talking. With silence I can hear footsteps but it’s still far away maybe 10 minutes away.

“why? What happen?” Jeff asked and everyone’s waiting for my answer

“intruders” just one word was needed and there are growls heard and fangs showed

“how did you know?” Paul asked.                                   “I put invisible alarms on the outer line of the territory for safety and if someone steps in our territory without permission will cause those to alarm. And now it alarmed inside my head” I said but still sensing them

“How far?” Mark asked                             

“They were almost 10 minutes far from us awhile ago but now 8 minutes more and we’ll see them.”

“Whose them?” someone asked

“I don’t know. It’s weird I can’t identify what they are but they are so many and someone is powerful in that group”

“Powerful? Angel the only powerful enough for you too not feel them is him” Alec said

“shit your right. Now that there are intruders, those who don’t fight whether you’re a girl or boy go inside the house. It’s safe in there. There’s a barrier around it so no intruder can enter. Now go! For those who can and willing to fight will stay but I am not obliging you to stay.” I shouted giving orders

“what are we fighting?” someone asked

“I truly don’t know. But please if you’re uncertain go inside the house. NOW! They’re almost here!” I shouted one last time and used my mind-link to talked to Karl intruders are coming, put a stronger force field around the house and warn the fighters. Some should come out and some should stay there for additional protection. Some people from here are coming there for safety.

Okay. I already ordered some fighters to go out and the stronger force field is done. I’ll be staying here. Please stay safe   Karl said sounding worried

C’mon believe in me. We can do this. Take care of everyone there for me I told him then I blocked my link. I looked around, almost half of our numbers are gone, only some female left, but the others are replaced by some of the top fighters.

“I contacted my beta and told him to call our pack allies to come here and help us. 2 packs with their best fighters are already on their way to help us” Jeff said I nodded

“I also contacted my brother and father. They’re sending help. We just need to wait” Paul said. I nodded again

“now what?” a fighter asked

“now we wait and wait for my signal” I said

“Angel go inside the house now. You’ll be safe there” Jeff said while Paul agreed. I glared at them. Are they telling me I’m weak?

“you’re both in trouble now” Michael said while Alec is shaking his head after hitting Michael in his head.

“Angel don’t” Alec said. “Both of you take that back we don’t want an early fight here”

“What? It’s true. I won’t allow my mate to get hurt. This is my territory so I’m in charge here” Jeff said. “Angel go to the house now” he said using his alpha tone. I’m starting to feel myself shake with anger. Mate or not, nobody orders me.

“That’s right. as your guardian let the boys handle this” Paul said. Now I’m truly pissed. No one underestimates me because I’m a girl.

“ooh that does it” Michael talked again, and he received another blow from the head from Alec. If I’m not this pissed I could’ve laughed but no. I can feel myself changing form. I think it’s my demon form.

“no one I mean no one orders me around. Not even my mate. No one should underestimate me because I’m the strongest one here and I can kill with just a look. So it’s either you shut up or face the consequences” I said and my voice is filled with venom. Everyone flinch and shut’s up. We heard a snap of a branch and we all looked that way with defensive stances. And it’s truly him again.

“Hello love. What’s with that form? you look like a demon but a hot one. You are so damn sexy Angel” he said and I shivered in disgust. Many growls are heard but the loudest is from Jeff. He put his hand on my waist and I changed to my human form. Sean looked at Jeff then his hand on my waist and his eyes become red. Oh no he’s mad

“get your dirty paws off her mutt! She’s mine!” he screeches when Jeff growled.

“no she’s not. She’s mine and we’re mated. What are you doing here you bloodsucker?! You’re not welcome in here!” Jeff shouted. He just smirked

“for my mates birthday of course and I know you’re mated, that’s the other reason I’m here. To kill all of you and take my Angel to satisfy my needs and wants if you get what I mean” everyone growled then Alec and Paul are beside us now.

“you and what army huh?” Paul asked

“this!” then out of nowhere vampires, rouges comes out behind him, then there’s smoke everywhere so that means there’s also so many demon.

Great! Just fucking great! Fun-fucking-tastic!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2013 ⏰

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