The thought of wondering where Baekhyun went is driving me over the edge. I prepared the twins' breakfast and even made them lunches to take to school, but my edginess must have been made apparent. They must have noticed that their father wasn't here, but they didn't question it. In a blink of an eye, they took off to school and I was left alone here at home. My eyes were locked outside, eyeing the scenery and the dead leaves that blew in the autumn weather. Is Baekhyun going to do something Erec? My teeth dug into my bottom lip as the thought haunted me. After all these years, I thought I moved on from Baekhyun and finally found someone I could settle down with and be happy again, but fate told me another story. Are Baekhyun and I truly meant to be together, despite all the hardships and all these years?
My doorbell rang, snapping me out of my thoughts. I straightened myself out and headed towards the door, taking a deep breath, and opening it. The person who stood there left me flabbergasted and I was filled with overwhelming happiness. He smiled and gave a small wave before opening his arms and taking a big step towards me. I wrapped my arms around him, realizing that it's been years since we last saw each other in the flesh.
"Luhan," I murmured, hugging him tightly. He squeezed my body just as tightly. "I've missed you. It's been so long!"
Luhan chuckled and we both let each other go, and I let him inside my house. The deer neatly took off his shoes and I eyed his style; nothing's really changed except his hair. He still looks handsome and youthful as ever, but I'm not sure if he's married or with kids yet. After I closed the door behind me, Luhan engulfed me once again in a tight hug, and I happily obliged.
"It feels so great to finally see you again, Dara," he finally spoke. "It's weird going out and the only people with me are Sehun, Yixing, and Chanyeol and you're not there with us. Because you know, Sehun and Chanyeol are stuck to you like glue." We both laughed and he loosed his hold on me, stepping back enough so we could look each other in the eyes. "There's so much I want to talk to you about, but I'm afraid I can't stay in America for long."
"Busy man, I'm assuming?"
Luhan shrugged, "I'm just helping out a old friend and he's made a deadline for everything to be done. So, why not?" Luhan patted my head. "How about you go take a shower and get dressed? It's always better going out, yeah?"
"Likewise," I smirked and stepped out of his hold. "Make yourself at home. The kitchen is there, living room there. My bedroom's upstairs, but you're always welcome to come with."
"Don't make such invitations to grown men who still are capable of having hard-on's for you," he mused.
"I'm only being truthful," I turned, hiding my smile as he spoke. I started upstairs and heard him follow behind me. "But in all honesty, you look absolutely amazing. A decade and so years later, and I'm still jealous of Baekhyun."
When he said that, I stopped where I was. Luhan cursed under his breath when he realized I stopped walking and almost ran into me. A sigh escaped my lips. I'm such a complicated woman...
"Well, Luhan...Baekhyun and I aren't together," I told him quietly. "The thing is...I admit I still have strong feelings for him, and being with him brings such nostalgia and euphoria, but I'm not sure if I can allow such things to unfold. I mean, I knew all those years ago that if I were to see him again, something like this would happen." My shoulders dropped. "He has this effect on me that I can't stop loving him, no matter how many times he hurts me."
"Talk to him, Dara," Luhan walked up and planted a hand on my back. "If there's anything I know, it's that he's never stopped loving you and your children endlessly. But remember to always do what's best for you." I gasped when he kissed the top of my head. "And that I'm always here for you."

Finally Home (KPOP Fan Fiction)
FanfictionTHE SEQUEL TO "COME BACK HOME" Dara and Baekhyun were so sure that they'll work everything and be the ideal high school sweet hearts. They both graduated high school while raising their kids, Haru and Luna. Baekhyun debuts, setting off towards his...