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“Both of you—stop!”

I held my arms up both ways, ignoring the searing pain of nicked skin on my abdomen. I felt the blood quickly sleep through my clothes and dripping down my skin. Once I took a slow, deep breath, I met both their eyes and both reflected the same expression; shock.

                “Dara, please, get out of the way,” Daehyun warned me with a low voice.

                “This does not involve you,” Baekhyun added.

                My jaw dropped slightly and I furrowed my eyebrows, “Doesn’t involve me?” I flinched once my voice rose slightly. “I have every right to be involved, since both men that I love are aiming guns at each other, one injured, and the victim injured as well.”              

                “You’re injured, Dara?” Baekhyun exasperated in a regretful tone. “How—“

                “Because you idiots almost killed each other!” I shouted, sucking in a tight breath when pain struck my side. “And I can’t allow that. I won’t.”

                “I can’t let you get hurt again, Dara. Please get out of the way,” Daehyun warned darkly.

                I pursed my lips, “No! If it means killing me in the process, I won’t.”



                “Why won’t you two quit this?” I begged them, tears forming in my eyes. “I’m safe and alive right now, isn’t I, Daehyun? And Baekhyun, you are not allowed to show your face to me whatsoever.”

                “There are some things between us that neither of us has told you, my love,” Daehyun said. I watched him slowly lower his arm holding the gun but he straightened it back up, aiming right at Baekhyun. “But it was only to protect you and the kids.”

                “Protect?” I dropped my arms. “Whatever past you two had together should just drop. You are both grown men, and you think killing each other will solve it—“

                “Yes!” They shouted at the same time.

                I curled my hands into fists. What has Daehyun hid from me all these years? My eyes shut tightly, holding back the tears. Right now, I’m putting the future of my children before my own. They don’t need to know what kind of father Baekhyun is, or Daehyun. My abdomen is searing with enough pain that I could feel it draining my consciousness slowly, but it’s not enough to stop with what I have to say to them.

                “Baekhyun,” I turned to him, our eyes meeting instantly. His expression changed to relief but then hardened again when I continued. “Even after I demanded you to never show your face again and to never be a part of our children’s lives, a part of me has never stopped loving you.” Baekhyun softly smiled. “I don’t regret it. What we had was real, and it brought me the greatest joy I could ever experience. However, I don’t regret saying that you cannot be a part of it, because not once have you proven to be a part of Luna’s and Haru’s lives.”

                I turned around to Daehyun, smiling softly, “And you, Daehyun. Everything you’ve done for me and everything we’ve been through together is something I will never forget. Our love was real. You made me happy again,” Tears spilled and streaked down my cheeks as my hand reached over and pulled off the ring on my finger, “I love you so much and I really wanted to have my second chance at love be true, but Luna’s and Haru’s safety comes first—“

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