Yo-Kai of Myth Bio's

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A/N: This will be the Bio for the Four new Characters, who I'm dubbing the Yo-Kai of Myth. It'll also include their Awaken forms and Weapons for some Future Chapters. They are confirmed to be Legendary Yo-Kai, but not the Legendary Yo-Kai we know.

The Yo-Kai of Myth are a group of Legendary Yo-Kai that were once animals with Power that's not like anything else the Yo-Kai ever witnessed. The Four Animals are as followed; A Wolf, a Sea Creature, an Deer and a Wyvern.

Due to their Power, the Enma Clan gave them weapons that can handle their power from an unamed Yo-Kai Blacksmith, which are a Sword, Trident, Axe and a Pair of Fans.

Before the Events of Forever Friends, they took on a powerful an unamed Foe that wanted war against the Enma Clan, but they took it on and had to take out the source of the Army, the Dark Book of Wrath. After it was taken down, it's power not only destroyed the Army and the Master, they were also taken with it, but the Weapons were left behind.

After being reincarnated as Humans, they now need to find their Weapons to regain their True Strenth. They're all helping the Main Characters.

It's unknowned which Tribes they Belong too or if they have Arks themselves.


Okahi is the Leader, Fire and Wolf of the Legendary Yo-Kai of Myth. 


He's a Boy with Red Hair.

Once he gains his Weapon, his clothes go into more of a battle General style, as his Eyes and Tuft goes into more of a Wolf form

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Once he gains his Weapon, his clothes go into more of a battle General style, as his Eyes and Tuft goes into more of a Wolf form.

Once he gains his Weapon, his clothes go into more of a battle General style, as his Eyes and Tuft goes into more of a Wolf form

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Arkchive Entry

Leader of the Legendary Yo-Kai of Myth. Weilding a Sword that is powered by Fire, he can Burn anything that threatens anyone he trusts.


After being reincarnated, he is focused on finding the Weapons and regaining the power they once lost. However, after meeting Kyle and Homura and finding out about them having Yo-Kai Watches, he has faith in them helping them out on their Quest.

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