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It was late, everyone in the house was asleep, except for one, Cre. They had barely come out of their room since they got back from Minecraft, they were trying to figure out what CC was, how are they here, what happened to them? Though with no progress, they didn't know what else to do.

Your mind plays tricks on you, what does that even mean!? How can your mind play a trick on you? Cre thought. Is CC just a figment of my imagination? are they the trick my mind is playing on me? No, Cre stop being delusional!

They lied down on their bed, now staring at the ceiling. They did this so much, and to much as a human, just staring at their ceiling and thinking about what happened through out the day, though it was mostly just embarrassing shit. Now they actually had to focus on one thing, and not let their mind get scattered. They failed terribly trying to do that. Their mind got scattered as soon as they started thinking about where CC had come from.

C: " 'So you don't end up like me'... What does that mean? Did their mind play tricks on them- NO, that's just stupid stupid. "

Cre looked at the clock on the mini table next to their bed and saw that it was almost 3 am. Guess I should get to bed now, I'll continue this in the morning. Cre heeded as they got under the covers, avoiding the two cats that were lying on the bed as well, of course being in the middle of the bed. They closed their eyes and tried to think about nothing, until they drifted off to sleep.














It felt like just a few seconds passed but Cre woke up anyways, though they hadn't woken up in their room, did they even wake up in a room?

The place was black all over, nothing was everywhere. Despite the place being pitch black, the buzzing of lights could be heard, and Cre could see themselves.

C: " What the fuck is this..? " Cre asked to themselves while standing up, looking around and still seeing nothing.

CC: " Well look who we have here! "

Before Cre could react CC swooped down from the 'sky' and picked up Cre by their arms. They had wings? AND THEY WERE FLYING?

C: " W-WHAT THE, CC? "

CC: " Cre, I can't believe you're here! Wait, how are you even here? Did you die, I mean what else could've happened? of course you died. "

CC put down Cre and landed themselves on a 'floor', hiding their wings in a moments notice.

C: " Um, first of all, I'm not dead. And second of all, where did the wings come from!? "

 CC: " Well you not being dead is interesting, but these wings are because I'm dead. Being dead is kind of how you get here. "

C: " Wait you, dead? " Cre's assumptions had been completely wrong, but now was their chance to learn about CC and how they even came to be.

CC: " Oh of course, any entity that travels here is dead, that's how they travel universe to universe anyways. Oh and speaking of that, this is the place between universes! Though me and Bray have been trying to come up with a better name. "

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