A Glitch? pt 2

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Okay, continuing from the last part um yeah I'll just get to it, this'll probably be the last part of this introduction story so ye, enjoi.

Y: " Okay, first of all, who are you? And second of all, how did you get here? "

M: " Well I'm Maroon, and I have no idea how we even got here, it was just a normal day when we started to glitch and stuff, and now we're- " Maroon would get interrupted by Beast kicking him off of the top of them.

Beast would get up and brush themselves off, not wanting any dust on their jacket. (Despite  already being banged up as is)


Be: " I've told you enough times not to stand on me! "

M: " And it took that long for you to do anything about it? "

S: " Okay break it up you two, speaking of which who are you? " Second would ask staring at Beast.

Be: " I'm Beast, the only one here who has morals! " Beast would explain staring at Maroon, annoyed.

While the others were bickering about how they even got there, the light orange stick figure would raise themselves up with their hands, slightly shaking. They'd be kind of dizzy and have a headache from something, but when they looked up and saw the skittle gang Maroon and Beast all in Alan's computer they screamed slightly.

CG: " Hm? "

C: " I-I I um, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to s-scream... "

Blue noticed how the stick figure was shaking a bit, something was wrong.

B: " Hey, are you alright? " Blue would walk over to the stick figure sticking out his hand in a friendly manner, genuinely concerned.

They'd hesitate to grab Blue's hand, still freaking out with the situation, but decide to grab Blue's hand, and does it. (NOT A SHIP)

Blue would pull them up to their feet, but they'd lose their balance and almost fall back down, but Blue would keep them semi-on their feet.

C: " ACK- How do you guys walk like this?? "

Blue would help them regain their balance, and they'd be able to actually stay up.

R: " W-What do you mean? "

M: " Oh yeah, they're our creator! Their human, or well, at least they were. "

B: " Hold on, you're a human!? "

S: " Like Alan? "

C: " I guess you could put it that way, though I'm not sure I'm still one now..? "

Alan would hover his mouse over to them, and type " How are you here if you're a human? ".

They'd just shrug.

R: " Okay before we figure out whatever's going on, what is your name? "

C: " Oh, uh, Cre. "

R: " Okay good, now we know what to call all of you! "

M: " Okay? "

S: " With that done with, can at least you explain how all of you got here? " Second would ask whilst staring at Cre.

C: " I'll do the best I can. "

C: " I was just drawing Maroon and Beast on my phone when it started glitching, I thought it was a virus at first and closed out of the app, but it just kept glitching. Eventually, my phone started to glow white, basically blinding me, all I remember after that is a flash of light, and then waking up here. "

S: " That doesn't explain a lot, but at least it's better than nothing. "

M: " Hey! I explained a plenty lot! "



Y: " SHUT UP! Can you guys NOT argue for 5 MINUTES!? "

B: " Calm down Yellow, it's okay... "

Alan would type, " How about you guys take a break and find somewhere for them to stay as long as they're here. "

G: " You know what, why not? We have a few spare rooms anyway, and I think we can all agree that we could use a break. "

The CG would agree and Maroon Beast and Cre would claim their rooms.

The End.

I know, I know. I got pretty lazy at the end but it's very late and I'm tired, so I just wanted to get this introduction done with. Hope you'll enjoy this full story whenever it's done, and bye.

719 words

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