A glitch?

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It was a normal day in Alan's computer, Second was drawing on some paper, blue was cooking while having a snack of Netherwarts, Yellow was in his room "working", (more like studying) Green was listening to music, and Red was feeding Rueben. Alan had been working on some sort of animation without TSC, as he didn't need him that day, when he noticed something on the top right of his screen, it was some sort of glitching particles, what were they?

Alan flew his cursor over to Red, who was outside.

R: " Huh? Oh Alan, what's up? "

Alan would gesture towards the glitching and Red would notice it as well.

R: " Oh uh- let me get Second! "

Red would run inside and scream " SECOND! " and everyone would turn towards him.

S: " For the love of Alan, why are you screaming? "

R: " No time to explain you just need to come with me! "

Red grabbed Second's hand and dashed out of the house, then Yellow would finally made it down the stairs.

B: " Should we see what's going on? "

G: " What other choice do we have. " Green stated as he took off his headphones and went outside with Blue and Yellow. By the time they got out, Red Second and Alan would already be up to the glitchingness.

R: " So what do we do? "

S: " How am I supposed to know!? We've never seen anything like this before! "

R: " I mean Yellow could be abusing the command block a bit much and it's causing some glitches? "

S: " Oh please, how would a command block cause any glit- " Second would be cut off as three stickmen would come flying out of the glitching particles, as they landed on the ground the glitching faded away.

R&B: " What the!? "

Second and Red would jump down to the bottom of the screen as Green Blue and Yellow would go to them as well, they'd all just stare at the stickmen until one of them bounced up, making all of them flinch a bit. The maroon stick figure got up standing on the other two.

M: " Where the hell are we? "

Yippee cliffhanger lol, I'm too lazy to make this longer so I'm just gonna make a part two in like a week or smtn like that. Uh, so I guess be ready for that.

398 Words

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