The Hollow Heads

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Yellow and Maroon were downstairs figuring out some sort of machine, it was early, maybe 6:00, so it's not like anyone else would be up, other than Blue. Though someone else did come down stairs while Yellow and Maroon were down there.

Y: " Okay, so I'm thinking that we could do something like this, but instead of sugarcane it could be some other crop, and maybe Blue could help us out with that? "

M: " It doesn't sound like a terrible idea, but how would it even work. I mean the sugarcane is necessary for this to work, if we use a different crop it would practically break the entire machine in it's whole. "

Y: " Well obviously, that's why I said "something like this", not the exact thing. "

Suddenly Cre walked downstairs.

Cr: " Morning.. Wait, what are you guys doing? "

Y: " Cre? Why are you down here? You, never come down here anymore, right? "

Cr: " Oh I was just having a mental breakdown for a few days, I'm fine. "

Cre walked into the kitchen and looked for something in the fridge while Yellow sat with his laptop, stunned and confused. They were lying, but it was for the Color Gang's own good.

Y: " Does... Does she do that often or? "

M: " How am I supposed to know? "

Y: " Well she made you, shouldn't you know a bit about what she does in her free time or when she's not drawing? "

M: " I mean, I guess they sometimes just stopped drawing and closed their phone entirely, but me and Beast couldn't really tell what they were doing whenever they did that, but maybe? It's not like they're very mentally strong. "

Y: " I guess that explains something. "

A few hours later, everyone was doing their thing. Yellow and Maroon were making blueprints in their own rooms, Red and Green were planning to mess around a bit later, Blue was testing some potions out on his plants, Beast was on their phone on the couch, and Second and Cre were talking.

S: " So, you were just, crying all that time? "

Cr: " No, it's a bit more complicated than that. It's not just crying, more like your mind and body betraying you or something? I don't know, it's hard to explain. "

S: " Huh, well okay then. "

S: " Anyways, Maroon and Yellow are like, best friends now. "

Cr: " Really? Maroons never become friends with a stick that fast. Let alone best friend, that's impressive. "

S: " Eh, not really, when Victim arrived at Chosen's and Dark's they kind of just became besties, and we came friends with him to- " Second was cut off by Cre.

Cr: " Wait, Victim? The one who captured you guys? Tortured Chosen? Harassed Blue, Green, Red, Yellow, and you? That Victim? "

Second looked at Cre with a confused expression on his face.

S: " He never did any of that, he just came to their place as one of Alan's creations. We asked Alan about it, and it was true. When did, what you just said happen? "

Cr: " I guess this place isn't what I thought it was.. Hold on, can you guys go visit them? "

S: " Yeah, we kind of come whenever were bored. "

Cr: " Can you guys introduce us to them? It would be kind of nice to see them, and let them know about everything that's happened, or what they've missed, y'know? "

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