Chapter 10

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"Momo?" Cal popped his head into the room, eyes directed at the study table where his sister usually was at that time. His features wrinkled as he found the chair empty. He turned his head and his confusion grew as he spotted her mop of braids peeking out from under the covers. "Momo?"

She didn't even stir. The last time he'd seen his sister still in bed at breakfast time...well, he couldn't even remember such a time. Mora had been born the most diligent of all.

"Sister?" He shook her gently once he reached her. She finally stirred, only to turn around and face away from him. What had made her so exhausted? She'd had her dinner in her room with Luna and she said they went to bed almost immediately after.

A small pit of worry formed in his chest. Something had to be wrong. He'd been noticing for weeks that something was amiss at the palace and with his parents. He wondered if his older sister, who was always too caught up in her thoughts to see the world around her, had caught on and if things were just as bad as Cal believed.

"Momo." He gently shook her again, wondering if he should go get their nanny, or maybe Luna. He'd get their mother but she was always busy, barely stepping away from the fourth floor. He shook her one last time.

"Huh!?" Mora awoke like a whip, eyes widened and alert. She suddenly winced, a hand jerking to her chest. Something was wrong.

"Are you okay?"

"Huh?" She repeated with more confusion, squinting her eyes as if trying to figure out who he was.

Cal's reply didn't come immediately. He decided it wasn't a good time to start interrogating her, but he'd have to do it soon. He shook his head. "You missed breakfast. I came to wake you. Should I bring it up?"

Mora thought about it for a second. Her entire body still ached but how would she explain not being able to make it to the breakfast table? It was bad enough she had slept through the meal. She turned her eyes to the window, the curtains had been pulled open, sun rays poured in. When was the last time she'd missed the sunrise? Her face contorted and her chest burned with anger and pain as she thought of Kai River. He'd almost killed her.

"It's alright." She returned her attention to her brother, conjuring up a smile. "I'll take a quick bath and be right down."

Cal nodded, eyeing his sister suspiciously as he turned around. Once he'd shut the door behind him, he realised he hadn't even mentioned that her friends were somewhere in the palace, waiting for her.


Momo had told her mother she didn't need any help with her morning baths at least 29 full moons ago. Although the palace servants woke up much earlier than her, she'd felt it a hassle to them to still have to run around trying to assist her. As she slowly and carefully inspected her chest and throat in front of the full length, mirror, she was thankful for that decision.

No physical signs of the gut wrenching pain or scream inducing burning she'd felt. Only scratch marks, from when she'd clawed at her chest and throat, were visible. No bruises on her ribs either, or anywhere else, although she was still in pain.

She was glad she didn't have to explain herself to anyone. No doubt, her mother would have found out if there was a single scratch on the Princess' body. She had enough on her mind trying to figure out how she would break the news to her parents. A smile of great relief spread across her lips. She didn't have to marry the devil to save her kingdom.

In the books she read, he was neither man nor beast. Something in between that was despised with enough intensity it was easy to mistake for respect.

She shook her head, willing thoughts of Kai River away. She quickly grabbed her grass green dress and slipped it over her head. The silky material fell to her calves. Not bothering with anything else- thankfully it was a normal day- she rushed out the window. She had to quickly eat and send for Luna.

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