Chapter 13 Adrien's Inopportune Proposal

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  Time skip brought to you by Marinette's hair ribbons!

     Marinette's POV:

     I  stood on the sidewalk outside the art museum. I was not sure why Adrien wanted to meet me here.

     I smiled as I waited for his arrival. I recalled how his text sounded urgent.

     What could he have meant?

    I  had texted Alya to ask her.

  Alya's response had been...Girl, I am sure he will explain everything when he gets there.

   Now try to relax. I am sure it is nothing bad.

     Relax? That is easy for her to say, she is not the one waiting around for Nino. 


  I felt nervous.

 I smiled when Adrien came around the corner and held my hand.

  "Come on Marinette," He said.

   I followed him inside the museum.

  The two of us looked around at all the paintings, sketches, sculptures, and other art structures. It was rather fascinating.

    After we viewed the last exhibit, I gasped when Adrien got on one knee. What was he doing?


   "Marinette, will you marry me?" Adrien asked.

    "Y-yes," I muttered. I knew it was the most romantic place for a proposal, but I did not care.

   Nothing about our relationship was ideal either. I mean we got together because of a postcard for Pete's sake.

     I smiled as I stood up after he had slipped a pretty ring onto my left ring finger. I kissed him. 

    Adrien kissed me and others in the art museum cheered for us. I looked up to see the exhibit again and cringed. He had popped the question right under the picture of the Greek goddess Venus. I  felt my cheeks blush from embarrassment.


      I  was glad that Adrien noticed my flushed face and took me to get something to eat.

        I  was surprised when he took me to get some burgers. I had not had one in years.

        I  sat across from him at an outdoor table as we waited, for the waiter to arrive.

        The waiter handed us both a menu.  "My name is Trevor, and I will be your waiter today," He said.

          I heard Adrien hiss at him. I laughed. 

           Trevor left, and I asked, "Adrien, what was that all about?"

            "I did not like the look he was giving you," Adrien said.

            "Oh, and what look was that exactly?" I asked.

            "He looked like he wanted to eat you up, or take you into a back room and do dirty things with you," Adrien said. He winked after he said it.

           I looked at him in horror. I was mortified. "Adrien, I am not interested in him. It is your ring I am wearing, and I don't like the idea of some waiter wanting to do anything with me let alone dirty things." I responded.

           Adrien smiled. "I know, which is why I know, I picked the right girl to ask for her hand in marriage."


         The waiter returned, and I  ordered my food. Adrien ordered his next.

        When he gave us the drinks he accidentally spilled some on my lap. Adrien stood up before the man could offer to help me clean up.  I  winked at Adrien.

        Adrien handed me a box of wet wipes. He gave me a bag too. "Here take those with you," Adrien said.

     I did not bother asking what it was he referred to. I grabbed my purse, and took it, the wipes, and the bag with me. I entered the women's restroom and entered an empty stall.  I locked it and used the wet wipes to clean off my drenched legs. I had on a dress. I removed the dress. I looked into the bag. I saw a new dress. I squealed from excitement.

    I removed the tags. I pulled the new dress over my undergarments. I put the soaked dress into the bag. I waited til Adrien texted me to exit the bathroom.

      Adrien's text...darling, the food is here. Oh, and the manager got us a new waiter. So, Trevor won't be a problem anymore.

     I smiled when I read his text. I headed back to the table. I was glad to see someone had brought me a new chair. I sat in it. 

      I ate my food relieved that the flirty waiter was not returning to our table anytime soon.

       Adrien smirked. I wonder what that was all about anyway?

           I blushed.  I watched him eat. 


After the meal, Adrien paid for our food and took me home.

    Before we parted ways for the day, he kissed me. Then he handed me my stuff.

    I thanked him, unlocked the door, and entered. I closed the door, locked it, put the drenched dress into the washing machine, added a few more clothes to it; along with some laundry detergent, and started the load.

    I could not wait to become Mrs. Agreste. Yes, it had a nice ring to it.

  The story continues in Chapter 14

   Until then,


little owlets!

Summer out!



A  Miraculous Postcard by Summer Cheng (@SummerCheng37) *Rewrite complete!Where stories live. Discover now