Chapter 17 Waiting to Tell Him

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Marinette has decided to wait until she is sure the baby is healthy before telling Adrien about it. She is worried about how he will react if this baby passes away suddenly like the previous one did, so she wants to be certain before sharing the news. As she thinks about this, she can't help but smile.

Later that day, Adrien comes home from work and sees that his wife is in a good mood. "Honey, I got another raise!" he announces happily. "That's great, I'm glad to hear it," Marinette replies, and hugs him. She's relieved that her outfit today doesn't show the baby bump, since she hasn't told Adrien about the pregnancy yet.

 Four months later, Marinette realizes it is getting harder to disguise the baby growing inside her. She has been secretly going in for checkups without telling him. This time the baby is a boy and she wants to name him Hugo. She sighs as she sees Adrien arrive. Adrien looks upset. What could have happened?  "Adrien, what happened?" She asked. "It was a bad day at work, one of my coworkers was fired because he was stealing company funds, and now my raise is gone," Adrien said. He started to cry. Marinette hugged him. She decided it could wait until tomorrow to tell him.

    This time around, she has no signs of morning sickness, unlike the last time. She hopes things will be different this time and is glad they have not gotten rid of the baby things given to them last year. She smiles at the painting of the baby footprints on the nursery's wall,  then prepares supper. 

      TIme skip!

       Five months later, Marinette was a nervous wreck.  She still had not gotten around to telling him the good news and the baby could be born any day now. She saw him enter the room. She smiled. "Hi, dear," Marinette said. "Hi, I got a new job," Adrien told her. She took a deep breath. It was now or never.

     "You must have noticed how I gained quite a bit of weight these past few months," Marinette began. "Yes, what of it, dear?" He said. "Well, I am not sure how to tell you this, but I am pregnant again," She said. Adrien frowned. He felt it must be a cruel joke and laughed. He did not believe her. Marinette slapped him.  

         She went to the bedroom and let the door slam behind her. Adrien followed her, "Mari, I am sorry, what about dinner," He said. "You can fix it yourself," Marinette said. She sobbed. Adrien fixed grilled cheese and tomato soup. He brought hers to the bedroom. He gasped when he saw her going into labor and dropped the food. It made a mess, but he did not care. He held her hand and called Alya. 


  Alya answered on the first ring, "Hello!"  "Hello, Alya, Marinette is having a baby right now, what do I do?" Adrien asked. "Grab some towels, wet a washcloth, and calm down," Alya told him.

    Adrien gathered the things Alya had told him too. Then, he spoke into the phone, Okay, I have them now what?" He sat on the bed holding Marinette's hand with his free hand. "Boy, hang up the phone and tend to your wife, tell her to take deep breaths as she pushes and make sure to catch the baby!" Alya yells into his ear.  Adrien hangs up.  On the other end, Alya rolls her eyes.

       Adrien follows the instructions Alya gave him on the phone. Soon he sees a head and tells Marinette, "Okay, you are doing good honey, now keep pushing." Marinette pushes the shoulders, arms, and cute baby bottom to come out then Marinette gives one more last shove, and the baby boy's legs and feet are seen.  The proud father caught their son in one of the towels. He hands him to Marinette, careful when he removes the umbilical cord with the scissors.  

    He takes Marinette and the baby to the hospital for observation and explains how thanks to a friend's help he was successful in helping his wife deliver their son at home. The doctor, the same one they saw last time smiles.  "Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs, Agreste! Now, let us look at your son, shall we?"   

   Doctor Brown weighed him and came back smiling. "Your son is healthy. He weighs 8 1b. 16 oz. and is 22 in. long."  " When was he born?" He asked. Adrien smiled, "At 2 pm today." Marinette agreed, "Yes, it was then." "Good, now you are free to take him home." 

  Adrien took Marinette and their son back to the house. He helped Marinette to the sofa and handed her Hugo Jack Agreste. Then, he cleaned up the mess in the bedroom. He brought Marinette some crackers. He ate a few himself.  As Marinette fed Hugo, Adrien smiled. To think he was such a dumbo earlier that day not believing her when she told him.

     Marinette, Adrien, and Hugo all adjusted well to being a family of three.

The story continues in Chapter 18

Until then,


little owlets!

Summer out!



A  Miraculous Postcard by Summer Cheng (@SummerCheng37) *Rewrite complete!Where stories live. Discover now