The master of Fire

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Snow falls onto the rooftop of a small cabin, it sits ontop of a mountain as the freezing winds blow against the wind chimes. Inside asleep in a cozy bed filled with pillows was the elemental master of fire. It was around 6 in the morning when his alarm set off. You could hear it ring out loud around the room echoing. The master of fire groaned as he hit the alarm button shutting it off. As he got up he stretched his arms out as far as he could, he stood up and walked out of his bedroom shutting the door behind him. He went into his kitchen and started to brew himself some coffee. He shivered from the window that's was left open. He cursed himself for leaving it open as the fireplace was now out. It took the him months to conquer up that fire as the cold weather fought against his powers-He doesn't even have heating in this small cabin as Master Wu told him it would be seen as useless to help his powers grow stronger if he had heating as he needed to be able to use his powers no matter what the Weather.

He started to sip on his coffee knowing he was gonna have to clean the the snow that was blown in from the window. As he finished his coffee he put his cup down and walked towards a broom and started to sweep the snow out of the living room/kitchen. They put the broom back in the corner of the room and they closed the window. They had alot of things to do today and first on the list is to melt the ice in the water pipes. He hated doing this cause after making sure all the water was melted so he had running water he always ended up not even having the energy for his powers left to start up the fireplace as it was too cold to do anything other than sleep in his bed covered in pillows and blankets. The cold always fought viciously and tirelessly against the master of fire and all there battles were a win for the cold and he would just end up sleeping the whole day to stay warm. He remembered his first day when he was arriving to the cabin, little did he know the hard ships that faced him going forward.

Flashback to a couple months ago

The master of fire finally arrived at the small cabin ontop of the mountain after a 3 day trip. The mountain was a frosty ice caps covered in snow that almost reached your waist. Gentle snowflakes fell onto his hair but melted instantly at the body heat. The further up the mountain the weather got harsher and harsher. He thought he might've froze to death before he made it to the top but here he was victorious, He couldn't wait to unpack.

As he walked towards the door of the cabin there was a note it was from Master Wu. In cursive writing the note said:

"Welcome to the Snow Top Cabin kai,
I hoped the journey was not troublesome but as for now your training starts. You will use these next few months to increase your elemental powers through meditation and practice. To ensure the best results your home dosen't have heating as the heat could prove beneficial to your powers. you will learn to supply that yourself as of many other things. I will reach you on your intercom when it's time to return,

Best of luck

That's when he finally knew he was in one hell of a ride as when he stepped into the house to be atleast greeted by warmth, it was nothing but coldness which he should've known. Aswell the water wouldn't work and he only found out little to late because he found the pipe burst from the expansion of the frozen water inside. To start off his training he had to fix the water pipe and melt the water inside to have something to drink but there was a major downfall cause when he went to use his powers to light the fire he passed out cause he used too much energy. He couldn't believe it.

This was bullshit. He couldn't even light something as simple as a fire. Well he could he would just have to choose between running water or freezing. Some days he really rather die of dehydration at some point than hypothermia but who was he kidding this was his training that he needed to survive for everyone; they were all going through the same training right now, and if they can get through it so can he.

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