Afternoon Tea

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After about a day or 2 Zane and Jay made it to the surface much quicker than it took to get down there. They still haven't made it to Ninjago city yet though they were only on hour away now before they would arrive there. They had to pick up some pain killers from the pharmacy before heading back to the Monastery.

Also Jay had to wear sunglasses so his eyes could adjust to real sunlight he didn't want to damage his eyes.

"I can't wait to see everyone it's been so long like 5 months or something"-Jay

"Its been exactly 9 months and 2 weeks so a little farther than 5 jay"-Zane

Jay stood there dumbfounded barely able to speak he knew he was gone for quite some time but 9 whole months bloodly hell back in the cave/Cabin he didn't have any electricity powered stuff like batteries or so on so that meant no clock and he was under the earth crust so you could guess it was quite hard to tell the time but he was so sure it was just 5 months at best... 9 that's so long.

"Damn that's... so long wait ...what's the date then?"-Jay

"14th of June just in time for Nya's birthday too"-Zane


Jay started shaking Zane almost making him crash into a hill.

"WOAH woah calm down jay it's not until the 30th that's 16 days away also not to make things worst we kinda missed coles birthday"-Zane

"Ok ok so we are clearly getting Nya and Cole presents to make up for this terrible training that split us up and made us miss peoples birthdays and get painkillers so let me write this down"-Jay

"Smart put cake down for cole from me"-Zane

"No fair I was getting him that now I have to think of something else"-Jay

Jay went into the glove box of the car and in search for a pen and a piece of paper he could use while guiding his hands away from all the cake boxes in there.

"I knew cole loved cake but damn this is just mental theres about 30 cake boxes in here but they are all flattened out boxes the cakes came in meaning he ate them all though it is hard to tell how many there is but I can atleast see 30"-Jay

Zane couldn't help but laugh though the more he looked around he started to notice more cake themed stuff like there was a air freshener that was chocolate cake scented and when he looked in the back and there was cake pillows loads of them and he could swore that there was a cake box underneath jay in the passenger seat, it was clear he had an obsession.

"Umm jay you should look at what your sitting on"-Zane

Jay looked down and saw he was sitting on a cake box. He tried to hold in his laughter but couldn't soon after Zane joined in laughing.

"You know I missed being able to talk to you Zane"-Jay

"Same it's been too long we have loads of catching up to do, anyway have you found any paper"-Zane

"Yeah actually underneath all the receipts for Ninjago bakery there was some spare paper oh and look here a cake pen we have everything we need"-Jay

Zane let out a chuckle at the mention of a cake pen but moved past quickly.

"Great let's hurry up then we want to get to the shops before they close"-Zane

"And quickly I kinda have ran out of numbing cream and my arms are starting to burn again"-Jay

He said this as he started to claw at his arms once again. It took him a minute but then he looked at Zane.

"What if I'm turning into a dragon?"-Jay

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