The Master of water

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Underneath the scorching sun was the land bounty driving towards canyons in the middle of a long reaching desert never seeming to end. other than the  canyons up ahead was just sand all around reaching distances that no sane person would choose to walk.

It was around midday when the sun was at its hottest almost setting ablaze to anything it touches. The Land bounty was no exception as the sun tended to heat up the bountys engine and causing it to blow at times.

The land bounty was speeding towards the canyons blowing sand away from the tires as it speed up.There was the master of water in the drivers seat. She was extremely focused on getting to the canyons as it was the only place with shadows which will stop the land bounty from over heating. She wishes she could stay there until her training was up but Master Wu demanded after the bounty was fully cooled she had to leave. She didn't know when her training would end but she wish it would. The heat was getting to her and several times she fell sick after getting a heat stroke during a heatwave. She had finally made it to the canyons and parked the bounty. She instantly made a run for the room with the  food/drink storage and grabbed a bottle of water. They downed the bottle of water, sweat dripping down the side of her head.

Even worse she couldn't even use this water for training it was strictly used for only drinking. Master wu said she had to pull the water out from her surroundings. Whatever the hell that means, he knows there is no water in the desert right?. She leaned up against the wall and fell to the ground she had an hour left before she had to hit the road again so she better rest up before a sandstorm hits. They were the real pain in her backside sure the heat was bad but when a sandstorm hits the engine cuts off cause sand to got into it and the whole bounty flips over from the gush of wind that comes with it. She then has to deep clean and fix the bounty in the boiling weather before another one hits. The master of water absolutely hated this but she got used to it after a while. She had to. Though it was very different on her first days out on the road when she first started, now that was painful.

Flashback a couple months before:

She had been driving hours now in this sickening desert. All she could see was sand for miles and nothing else. Slowly the heat was getting to her. She reached over to the control panel and turned on the air conditioner. She had been going at this for hours now. She was only following Wu's instructions from his letter but somehow it felt like the overlord made them instead cause this was pure evil to make some do this. She put the bounty in autopilot and picked up his letter. She relaxed in the chair due to this being her first break in hours. She began to reread his letter...

"Nya you can not stop driving around during the day in the desert to avoid overheating the engine. By hiding the bounty in some shadows it should begin to cool but not for to long though you must leave after it's been cooled down, pixal has already to much on her plate right now and fixing the land bounty ain't one of them but also you can stop driving during the night as that is when the desert is at its coldest, also I will call you by the bounty when it's time for your return.

(P.S. the water on the bounty is only drinking water, pull water from your surroundings)

Best of luck

Yet even after the second time of reading the letter it was no less complicated than the first time she had read it. Also pull water out of her surroundings. she's in a desert for crying out loud hows that going to work. The strict routine she gonna have to make just to keep up with this is going to be "great". This training was gonna be something alright.

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