Samuri X

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While Lloyd was busy with certain missions, Pixal was tasked with smaller missions and different things like fixing up the vehicles and sorting out the monastery's electrical wiring and all that since jay and Nya are away on training and couldn't help. she had to do it by herslf with very little help from Lloyd whenever he was free, she didn't mind it though it kept her distracted and she would have help soon she just had to wait till she finished rebuilding her tiny Robot Pix's to help speed up the process. It helped get her mind off things.

Right now she was bringing some forgotten scrolls from her recent mission to Master Wu. On her way there she could hear arguing from inside his room she could make the voices it was Lloyd and Wu she tried to listen on what they were yelling about to try to untangle what's going on but suddenly Lloyd stormed off which made her nervous to see Wu. Lloyd has argued with Wu quite alot these past weeks and anytime anyone speaks to either him or Wu they get a load of angry mumbling, utter nonsense really.

What if he's still ticked off? Will he be annoyed with me for not finishing this mission quicker? No no that's not like Master Wu...right?

She began stepping towards his room carefully she finally reached the door of his room and she slowly knocked on it.


Wu opened the door and greeted Pixal with an awkward smile and ushers her into the room.

"Sorry about that I don't understand what's gotten into him lately I thinks it's best if we leave him be"-Wu

"It's fine Wu really it's not a problem"-Pixal

"..ok then do you need anything"-Wu

"No I just have the scrolls you asked me to get for you"-Pixal

"Oh pixal thank you i appreciate it alot really anyway, pass them here"-Wu

Pixal hands him the scrolls gently  dropping them in Wu's hands.

"May I know why you asked me to get those for you? Its just that me and Lloyd have been put on alot of difficult missions lately I hope I'm not intruding"-pixal

"No no it's ok, though I wish I could tell you but I cannot as it is not my place nor the time to do so I hope you understand"-Wu

"No it's not a problem I understand you must have your reasons"-Pixal

"Also this is the last missions you and Lloyd will be on for a while so you can rest up as much as you want"- Wu

Pixal seemed disappointed after hearing Wu words she couldn't believe it she didn't want to be alone with those thoughts again she didn't want that, she slumped her shoulders and turned away from Wu and began to leave.

"Pixal hold on a minute.."-Wu

She stopped and turned to face him maybe he changed his mind.

"You need to rest take a break from all the robot buliding and wiring and missions and so on.

I know its affected you quite alot since the Ninja's training and I'm sure they miss you too but its hurts for everyone here to see you hurting like this "-Wu

"Wu I can assure you that I'm fi-"-Pixal

"Nope don't wanna hear it young lady I see you working all day without any breaks, I know your a robot but that doesn't mean your invincible!"-Misako

Pixal almost jumped at Misako's voice she had no clue she was in there. She had some good points though she did dive head first into work forgetting about her own health leading to a terrible sleep schedule and being exhausted most of the time but at first it was alright she did her daily routines and trained quite alot but after everyone being away for about 3 months things started turning sour.

3 months ago..

She didn't understand why she felt so sick today. She just kept thinking I'm a robot I can't get sick.

Today was just like any other day it was bright and warm outside and she could hear Lloyd training just like yesterday but it all felt so blue so meaningless so stupid. She hated this she hated the heat outside that creeped it's way into her room and it felt heavy on her chest like a giant block taking the air in her robotic gears and making them break. Her head was banging like a set of drums. Her eyes filled with water threatening to drop at any given time. She missed everyone, she missed Nya, jay, kai but most importantly she missed him.

The monastery felt so empty lately and she hated it, The halls would creak at night she could hear everything from a pin drop. She been on so many back to back missions leaving her tried and burnt out she just couldn't keep doing it anymore she hated these missions and those dumb thoughts she didn't want to hear them anymore she needed a distraction, a saviour, anything, something...

"Hey Pixal if your up for it Uncle said he would like some help rebuilding the samuri X base.. he's kinda like a fish out of water I don't think he knows what hes doing"-Lloyd

She found it her distraction, her break, her freedom from all these shitty thoughts that chained her to her room that left her to sob and cry on hours on end with no freedom, no break that she lost her voice a couple of times from the crying, from pretending everything was fine and that her thoughts weren't running in autopilot at full speed leaving her without a minute that she wasn't screaming on the inside and she was so happy she almost yelled at Lloyd, she had finally found it her break, her beacon in the sky and she wasn't going to lose it she was going to grab it and chain herself to it if she had to...

She had her work to fall into and it worked.

"I will be right there Lloyd"-Pixal

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