Jay (Redo)

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He finally woke up on the sofa once again. He must of passed out from dehydration which wasn't uncommon since the filter broke awhile back.

He lifted himself up off the sofa and made his way to the kitchen. For fuck sake he hungry for something literally anything at this point as he went over to a set of cabinets. He opened a draw and pulled out some matches from it then went over to the oven and bent down and opened the ovens door and turned on the gas then lit the match he then reached into the oven which ignited a small little fire at the back of it. he may not have had clean water but thank fuck he had gas atleast. He stood up and left the small cabin and he walked towards a box that was outside of his cabin in some icy part of the cave that he had found after a couple days back when he first got there. It helped keep his food fresh since he didn't have electricity to even have a fridge to keep cool but the temperature in the cave was down right freezing from all the ice but it was all good as long as he lit the fireplace every once in a while. He pushed some ice that had rested ontop of the box off onto the ground below so he was able to pry it open. He finally opened the box and grabbed out some food that was put into a bit of tinfoil and closed the makeshift freezer as he made his way back to the cabin as he was carrying his dinner back to the cabin he then decided it would be a good time to check on his water bucket, Maybe it finally had some water in it and for the love of the first spinjitsu master he hoped the bucket hadn't fallen over once again he still had no clue on how it fell on flat ground so many damn times. Once he had arrived to the area it was located in which wasn't to far from his house (he didn't want his house to burn down from the oven) the bucket was atleast half full by now which was better than most times since he would usually get nothing so this was pretty good in his eyes. He grabbed the bucket and walked back to his temporary home. As he stepped inside a flush of heat washed over as him as he could feel the warmth of the oven through out the house, good that meant the oven had heated up by now and that small little fire had grown to the perfect size to cook his meal. He stepped towards the counter and started to prep the food, tonight he was eating curry though he didn't really have much of a like for the dish he just had an urge to eat some. He put the prepped food into the oven and let it cook.

He now had to sort out some drinking water as he wasn't about to past out from not drinking water again. He went back inside and grabbed hold of the bucket and brang it outside to a small little campfire that rested just outside of the cabin. He had made his own filter that would fit perfectly on the bucket which would filter the bucket of water the filter just si happened to be from one of his many attempts at fixing the actual filter on this stupid house which never worked but anyway he found a different but harder way to get clean water he then started to filter the water to get rid of anything that may of been inside it by pouring the filtered water into a pot and placed it ontop of the fireplace. He then went and grabbed some firewood that he brang earlier before training had started and went over to the fireplace and placed it under the pot. He used the matches from earlier to light a fire after Letting the water heat up making the water sterilise from the heat which will take some time.

After a few seconds he made the decision that if he was quick enough he could put the bucket back underneath dripping water that came from the ceiling before his food burned that small house down and his water evaporated.

Soon as he returned he went inside the cabin just in time before his food had almost been turned to dust he finally got to eat his food but the second he placed the curry onto a plate his com went off that was a first in a long time.

"Finally it must be over" his first thought was. It was Master Wu! his training must be finally over.

"Jay can you hear me"-Wu

"Loud and clear sir got any good news like i don't know ....maybe.
the end of training!"-Jay

He wasn't hiding the fact that he despised this training with every fibre in his body he much rather fight Lord Garmadon again instead of doing this all over again.

"Indeed it has and to let you know that I have asked Zane to come collect you, he should be there soon goodbye jay."-Wu

"Zane... well it would be good to see Zane again i miss that terrible jokester what about the other nin-"-Jay

But before he could speak the transmission cut out leaving him alone to his thoughts once again but this time he wasn't haunted by his shitty negative thoughts as they were replaced by such positive motives like jumping up and out of his chair to go and get packed and ready to go home... to his real home.

He was so happy that he didn't realise the buring sensation that creeped up his arm. He was  finally gonna be able to see everyone again and get to hug Nya.

Maybe he would get to hug everyone if his arms didn't itch this much. He could feel his hands scratch at his skin which felt like glue stuck to his body that made him terribly uncomfortable. He has been down in this shitty cave for months sure he got sick but that was a minor cold every now and again but this...

This was very much different from a common cold he couldn't stop scratching at his arms infact he sped up the scratching. He could swore he was drawing blood from his skin at this rate he felt his skin peel back and get stuck in his nails. He couldn't stop. The soft skin that was scratched away revealed something hard underneath as he scratched his arms bare.

Once the itching and buring calmed down a bit he moved his hands from up his sleeves and out of them. Though as soon as he looked at his hands he felt as if he couldn't breath it was a disgusting sight to see.

His hands were covered in thick red blood that had chunks of his flesh tucked underneath his nails his nail were chipped at the edges. He wanted to vomit at this revolting sight but couldn't bring his body move as he could feel the blood trickle down his arms and drip to the floor making his arm burn more.

"What the actual fuck?!"-jay

He didn't understand, why now out of all times was this happening? What was even happening? No matter what it was he knew one thing for sure if this kept up he was going to be sick.

He lifted up his sleeves to check if there was any evidence that he didn't claw away at so he could maybe even grasp a little of the situation he had fallen into somehow
but he kinda wished he hadn't.

Along his upper arms were bright blue scales. He could see some still underneath his skin making it look almost translucent, that's probably why his arm became so itchy in the first place from the trapped scales under his skin wanting to be free but jay didn't have the mental state to handle such a situation so as soon as he saw this he just fainted...

he ended up falling onto the hard wooden floor of the cave smacking his nose in the process giving him a nose bleed.

He only woke a few hours later on the sofa of the cabin, how did he get here? He could feel a plaster on his nose and his hands that were covered in blood and flesh had been cleaned and his nails were trimmed. He looked infront of him as someone spoke.

"Jay your finally awake, are you ok ? I had come to get you but you were lying on the ground unconscious you were bleeding aswell it was everywhere"-Zane

Zane was here, he could go home and rest and see everyone but jay had let the situation underneath his sleeves slip his mind just for that moment but that wasn't important right now he was just happy to see someone.

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