The master of ice

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Submerged under the coat of the ocean was a kingdom called Merlopia Which was ruled by king Benthomaar who took over after the defeat of his brother Kalaar who had gladly allowed the master of ice to stay there until his training was completed.

Currently the master of ice was out on a bit of a training session in the ocean cave's He was busy meditating He sat cross legged on the ocean floor. His Legs digging into the sand leaving a print of him being there. His time in the ocean was peaceful as he had people to talk to like Benthomaar and his servants who where lovely people While it was peaceful it was quite stressful when practicing using his powers. The strong currents of the ocean always shattered his ice and crushed it. Now Zane couldn't freeze the whole ocean without the forbidden scroll of spinjitsu oh but if this carried on he would stop at nothing to bring down the ocean which has been a pain in his backside since day one well till that day came For now he was trying to calm his nerves so that didn't happen.

He knew  this training was quite important and that ninjago would be even more safer once they mastered using there powers once again but this time even in the most harshest of conditions he will be stronger for everyone he was quite worry about something at the due time Although he did know that was near him cole since he was told he would be above the sea to be away from land the others had no one else with them they were all alone and regarding there track record Zane came to the conclusion this was a bad thing not without statistics of course. He tried telling Master Wu but he wouldn't listen he kept telling him that it would be for the best for everyone once this training was done. He missed them all especially Pixal he wished he could call her or see her but the connection out on the sea is terrible anyway He should probably head back inside the kingdom as it was getting late not like you could tell anyway while being in the ocean. He decided to read over Wu's letter again.

"Dear Zane,

You have already awaken your powers again and moving faster than all the ninjas this I pride you on but even if Ninjago is at state you will be no use if you keep pushing yourself faster than you can keep up you may be a robot but if you keep this up this may be the last time your gears turn...


He knew before this training, the amount of times the master of ice stayed up late pushing past his limits to regain his powers. He didn't understand why Master Wu wanted him to slow down his training. He was a robot, ai he would live forever protecting his makeshift family and Ninjago at any cost no matter what.

Especially pixal...

A couples months back:

The waves crashed and splashed at any chance they got hitting boats pushing boxes or containers off the decks. Lighting rocked the sea sending ripples down it's spine it was an absolute reck while under the sea the currents pushed against whales putting them off there route made the seaweed thrash back and fourth while A small grey submarine was being rocked about against the currents as it headed to it's destination but got thrown of route by the currents.

The master of ice hits against the shell of the submarine almost knocking himself out as he was supposed to be strapped in his seat but he thought it was a waste of time and decided to practice his powers which then came back to haunt him right fully so.

A huge storm ended up hitting and throwing his schedule off course this is why he should of stayed sat down on the captain chair he would of be able to keep himself on course if he was at the steering wheel. So he ended up being a couple hours late for his arrival at Merlopia which Benthomaar told that was over and over again as Zane kept apologising for his late arrival.

"Zane I swear its fine that you were late no one could of predicted the strength of the currents"- Benthomaar

"It's not the currents fault I left the captains chair,
I could've steered myself here on time it's my fault and I apologise once again"-Zane

No matter how many times king Benthomaar told him it was ok but he just flat out refused and said it's best to take responsibility for his own actions. Bentho couldn't help but agree at that point but he surely has taken responsibility by now right?
This was going to be a long journey not just for the Master of ice but also King Benthomaar.

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