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(Sorry about last chapter I rewrote it as it made no sense I was tired when I wrote it I hope it makes sense now)

Zane POV:

It was shocking seeing jay in such a state he was on the floor unconscious his face had thick crimson blood dripping down from his nose seeping onto the floor below and his hands looked like he had been through fighting with a wall and lost badly. His nails had parts of his skin underneath them and his nails were chipped at the end his arms had blood dripping down from his sleeves. The sleeves of his blue shirt had massive blood stains scattered about them. It was a horrifying scene. I picked him up and I set him down onto the sofa infront of the fireplace, I wonder what happened to him.

I got up and walked over to the kitchen in search of supplies that could help clean up Jay's wounds and wipe the blood on his face. I found a packet antibacterial wipes and a couple of plasters and a nail clipper and some numbing cream perfect just want I needed.

After getting the stuff i needed I cleaned jay up as much as I could  by wiping the blood off his face and putting a plaster on his nose which had scratch mark on it and clipping his nails.

I should get him a clean shirt I can't just let him sleep in this dirty bloodied one think of the germs. I headed towards a room opening it to reveal a bathroom not what I was looking for I closed the door and opened the one behind me. This must be the bedroom. I grabbed onto the door handle and pushed the door open and stepped into his bedroom and walked towards his dresser. It looked as if he started packing in here. His dresser was open. He should have some shirts in here left. I pulled out a baggy white shirt with a blue lightning on bolt on it. This should do and it's on theme.

I swapped out his bloody shirt for a clean one but as I took his shirt off i saw his arms they were covered in scratches and he had......


Bright blue ones scattered across his arms some were were still under his skin but due to the bright colour they were still visible. What is going on with him?

I decided to let him continue resting and ask questions when he wakes up but that didn't stop me wondering. What happened to him? Was he cursed? But these locations were secret no one else knew about them not even he did he only knew Jay's location thanks to Master Wu telling him not only a couple of days ago and he was sure the line was secure that wu called him on.

No Ones POV:

Once jay had woken up, he sat up and rubbed his eyes looking infront of him to see zane sitting on the floor looking up at him. He was waiting for him to wake up.

"Jay your finally awake, are you ok ? I had come to get you but you were lying on the ground unconscious you were bleeding aswell it..."-Zane

As Zane carried on speaking it took a jay minute to understand what Zane said as he was just happy to see someone after so long.

"Y..yeah I'm good... bleeding?"-Jay

It took him only a second to realise what Zane was referring to his arms but before Jay could say anything Zane continued to speak.

"Yeah bleeding after Wu told me your location I came to get you as soon as I could but when I got here you were unconscious on the floor and your nose was bleeding and... you have scales all up your arms Jay"-Zane

Jay just sat there not moving a muscle.

"Yeah I.. I saw them I don't know how they got there or if they grew there, my arms just suddenly started to burn and itch and I couldn't help but scratch at it"-Jay

He slowly lifted his arms up to one another and started to gently scratch at them. They were burning again just not as bad.

"I don't know why this is happening?"- Jay

"Look let's help you finish packing and head back to the monastery everyone must be waiting for us to return we can ask Master Wu if he knows anything"- Zane

Jay nodded in agreement and got up of the sofa still scratching at his arms. Zane seemed to realise something and pulled out something from his pocket.

"I found some numbing cream earlier we should put some on your arms it should help with the burning and itching you didn't seem to have any pain killers so this will have to do"- Zane

"Thanks Zane"-Jay

He took the numbing cream from Zane and started to put some on his arms. Once he was done he set the bottle down and started to help Zane who had begun to pack some things for him.

After an hour or so they had just finished packing and putting his luggage into the vehicle Zane had used to be able to be under the earth's crust its wasn't Zane's vehicle but Coles.

"Did Cole lend you his car or.."-Jay

"Master Wu had the car auto piloted to me he said it was easier for me to use one of Coles vehicles instead of my own since his are better suited for going under the earths crust"-Zane

"He's not wrong though but Cole won't be happy if he finds out you used his car you know how he gets about his vehicle's"-Jay

"Eh I'm not to worried about it as long as I'm not kai and leave a huge mess in his car he shouldn't have much of a problem about it at best he will just complain"-Zane

"Yeah I guess so but still stay sharp he did in fact throw kai off the sky bounty when he found out and I really don't wanna go looking for another Ninja in the sand again"-Jay

Zane reassured jay that he will be fine and that they should just head back home to the monastery.

They both got into the car and headed back up to the surface of Ninjago it would take some time though before they finally reached Ninjago maybe even a week at least but until then they had time to just relax and catch up to see how eachothers been.

"Soo how has your training been going? Where were you for it?"-Jay

"Remember Benthomaar"-Zane

"Yeah before training me and Nya would visit him quite often she sees him as a little brother I find it adorable"-Jay

"Yeah I was with him he told me that you guys would visit him"-Zane

"Wait you were at the bottom of the Ocean woah- wait how does that limit your elemental powers like you have froze a whole ocean before and put the never realm into a everlasting winter"-Jay

"I don't have the forbidden scroll of spinjitsu anymore I don't have the power to put another realm into a never ending winter anymore nor would I want to and also the currents from the ocean broke any part of it I froze anyway"-Zane

"Like Elsa but she still has the power to do so"-Jay


"Don't worry we'll watch Frozen when we get back to the monastery"-Jay

Zane still didn't know what Jay was on about and just stayed silent for the next few hours still wondering who is this Elsa.

Jay on the other hand kept itching at his arms while looking for the numbing cream he set down somewhere.

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