The green Ninja

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Back at the monastery, where the leaves rustled over the empty training grounds and clouds that phased through the walls of the building was where the green ninja was sitting on a step just scrolling through his phone. Unlike the rest of the ninjas he wasn't put though training to enhance his powers since he never lost them like the other 4 while Nya had only just got hers back like a week prior after the whole seabound situation so it was understandable why they were put on quite harsh training but instead of training for him Wu put him through a couple of missions to gain certain artifacts which weren't exactly the easiest things to do.

He didn't know what they were for or what they did as he got the artifacts from places that already were strange enough and were difficult to get though He had asked his mother if she knew anything about these items but she didn't,

which was strange for Wu to get things that not even his mother knew about and she usually knew all about that kind of stuff I mean she was a part of a explorers club for crying out loud. it made him suspicious on what he was getting for Wu.

Usually he would turn a blind eye when it came to missions on collecting artifacts for Master Wu since he only wanted to protect the them if there was a known danger to them but he couldn't help but worry, Does Wu know something he hasn't told the rest of the ninjas? Is that why he sent them on that long tiring training? Why didn't he send him on one then?

So many question yet no answers what was Wu hiding from them?

He stood up and shoved his phone into his pocket he started to walk to Wu's tea room (also bedroom) once he stood outside his room he knocked on his door.


He could hear people talking on the other side of the room for just a moment before someone spoke.

"Come in"-Wu

Lloyd carefully slid the door open and stepped through standing face to face with his mother Misako and Wu.

"Lloyd what brings you here, are you ready for another mission well I'm sorry to disappoint you but we have no reports to look into"-Wu

" that's not why I'm here but it does have something to do about the missions I've been on recently"-Lloyd

"Oh please do tell do what is troubling you Lloyd"-Wu

"W...well what have I actually been getting on these missions and before you say rare artifacts I know that but what are they? what do they actually do?"-Lloyd

Wu didn't answer his question and that sparked an interest in Misako.

"You know I've been really curious aswell about this but I'm afraid I have no knowledge of this kind of rare ancient artifacts which I will not lie is quite bothering"-Misako

And finally Master Wu spoke up,

"Lloyd, Misako, I cannot tell you what you want to know nor can I help you find the answers this is just not the right time"-Wu

"When is then!?"-Lloyd

Lloyd covered his mouth, he didn't mean to shout at his uncle but he was so frustrated at him for always keeping secrets from him it was starting to get annoying. He was going to apologise to Wu but something in him was boiling with rage and it wanted answers.

"Only time wil-"-Wu

"Will tell?! Not with this crap again Uncle I know you know something but keeping it to your self does more harm than good trust me!"-Lloyd

"ENOUGH!, Lloyd We will not speak of this you know of my teachings you must understand I know what I'm doing"-Wu

"So what something is happening right now and you expect me to sit back and let it take course"-Lloyd

"Lloyd calm down Wu has his reasons"-Misako

"Why when he clearly won't tell anyone what's going on, why did you send everyone but me and pixal on training what have you been asking me to get for you, its frustrating when the person I trust doesn't trust me enough to tell me what's going on"-Lloyd

"Lloyd I trust you, you know I do but you mustn't push what should take it's own natural course I cannot tell you or anyone else of these matters, it will reveal itself on its own"-Wu

No one spoke or even dared to utter a word. Lloyd turned to leave he had enough of this he wasn't getting anywhere he needed to seek the answers elsewhere cause he clearly wasn't gonna get them from Wu. He slammed the door behind him and stormed off to to his bedroom. He collapsed onto his bed curling into himself he just wanted everyone back, he wanted things to go back to normal when they trained and fought tiny fights and had sleepovers but it was all changing all to soon, all too fast...

He just wanted things to be normal was that to much to ask for one normal day, hour or even a minute.

It was so frustrating, he had no one he could he turn to everyone he trusted had gone off on their training while he was stuck here sitting around waiting for some bad guy to threaten the world again to finally give him some purpose in life.

He just needed someone to talk to and vent a little. He thought for a minute it then it hit him, Pixal she was still here and she's gone on missions aswell so maybe she's curious about what's happening too.

He would have to wait for her to return as Master Wu had asked her to retrieve some things for him but the second she's back he would go look for her.

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