The Master of Lightning

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Water fell from the ceiling dripping down onto the cold floor of the cave.

"Damnit" yelled the master of lightning as he rushed to the bucket that had fallen over spilling all its contents on the floor. Shit! he really needed that water due to the sad fact he didn't have any running water that was safe to drink from, because of a broken filter that was way beyond repair he even brought his tool box with him aswell. No matter what he tried the bloody filter kept breaking. On the not so plus side aswell he had no heating either, luckily he had matches and a couple of lighters incase one ran out unlike kai who was told he was not allowed them cause it's his element and that beats the point of the training but right now he didn't have time to deal with all his other problems cause right now he was freaking out. He had no water and had no clue how the damn bucket fell for the hundredth time. This dumb training was making his thoughts spiral all he could think of was how he missed Nya and zane and cole maybe kai even a little bit but He was stuck hundreds of feet below the crust of the Earth and he had no one. No one. He was scared, alone who was he kidding  he needed to grow up everyone else is going through the same thing so no matter how bad it was he needed to move on but he just couldn't Tears fell down the elemental master of lightning eyes gently falling past his freckles and off his chin. it's been months and he just wanted to go back home to the Monastery to his parents, to Nya.

He was always getting cuts and scrapes from falling stones from the ceiling, or from tripping from loose rocks or cracks in the floor he was always hunting for water like he was on bloody survivor. This whole place felt like torture what was Master Wu thinking he must've had one to many teas before he sent us on this training.

This was supposed to be a training session to help bring out everyone's elemental powers in the opposite terrain that doesn't relate to there powers but it didn't atleast not for him. For him it was torture. He felt mentally and physically exhausted always going to get water then to try to fix their stupid filter then to practicing his powers anyway he had things to do he put a replacement bucket under neath the dripping water and started to walk back to his cabin. He opened the door to the warm room which collided with chills of the wind in the cave. He shut the door behind him and fell onto the sofa next to the fireplace slowly passing out due to the lack of water. He hoped this will end soon. Just to think a few months ago it was so much more different.

A couple of months ago:

After climbing and climbing almost reaching the centre of the earth he had finally reached his destination a cabin in the depths of the earth's lower crust. He had a torch in his hand to illuminate his way so he didn't get lost on his way though he couldn't see very far forward in the tunnels of the cave so he guessed he would need to make a couple of torches to brighten up the dark area's of the cave.

Once he made his way to the cabin he took a small rusted key out of his pockets and unlocked the door to the cabin. As soon as he stepped inside he stopped in place It was an absolute disaster, cobwebs everywhere books laying all over the floor, dust on every surface even a god damn chair was flipped over. Who the hell was here before him. The fuck.

Well he knew his first task he had to do and it was to clean this place from top to bottom till it looked a  brand new home. The earlier he started the earlier he finished he put his bags and belongings next to the doorway and walked over to the fire place which had a decent amount of wood still there. He started the fire up then blew out the torch then he rolled up his sleeves ready to bring this cabin back to its former glory and quickly he was exhausted from the trip there. So exhausted infact he thinks he forgot to bring something...

Master Wu's instructions on his training shit! Wu was probably gonna kill him if he found out about this he hoped the sports would take mercy on him.

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