Chapter 9: Going Home

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Elena's POV

I wake up to someone's arms around me. I open my eyes slowly and see Steve next to me, still sleeping. For some reason, I feel really safe in his arms. Maybe we dated at one time? I try to move without waking him, but fail. He stirs for a minute before opening his eyes. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." I say softly, he smiles down at me. "That's okay. Are you okay?" he asks, stretching a little. "Yeah, I just have to go to the bathroom." I smile, carefully sliding out of the bed. I slowly and carefully limp my way to the bathroom. I do what I need to and wash my hands, splashing cold water on my face. 

I walk back out to the room and see the doctor is now in the room. "Ah, Elena, how are you feeling this morning?" he asks. "I'm feeling great. Can I go home today?" I ask, he looks over his clipboard for a minute for looking back at me. "It seems everything is alright, except for your memory of course, so yes." he says, looking at me with a smile. "I'll tell the nurse to get your discharge papers and then you can go home." he says, I nod and he leaves the room.

"I don't have anything to wear." I say, biting my lip and looking at the hospital gown. "I can run and get you some clothes real quick while you wait for the papers." Steve offers. "Thank you." I smile. I give Steve a hug and feel my heart beat quicken. I smile up at him and he pulls from the hug. "I'll be back soon." he says, grabbing his bag from beside the bed. I nod and he leaves the room.

Steve's POV

I walked out of the hospital and over to my car. I got in and headed to the Curtis house first. I pulled up and parked next to the sidewalk, turning my car off and walking into the house, almost everyone was there. Soda and Eleanor were missing, but I didn't even wanna think about what they were doing.

"Hey guys, the hospital is discharging Elena today. I'm on my way to get her a change of clothes and then I'm going to bring her over here, so try not to startle her when she comes in okay?" I say, mostly looking at Audrey. Everyone else turns to look at Audrey.

"Damn, stop looking at me, I'm not gonna tackle her." she said, crossing her arms. "Yeah... Ponyboy, keep an eye out, when you see my car pull up, let Two-bit know she he can hold Audrey down." I say, everyone tries to hold back their laughter. After a few more minutes of talking to the gang, I walk back out to my car as Eleanor and Soda walk up the sidewalk. I informed the about Elena and then got in my car, heading to Elena's house. I plan on asking her if she wants to stay at my house instead of hers, considering what happened there.

I pull up to her house and walk inside. I go to Elena's room and grab her a change of clothes, putting them in a small duffel bag for her. I get back in my car and head to the hospital again. I walk to Elena's room and knock, walking in when she says come in.

"Hey, here's your change of clothes. I wasn't sure what you'd want to wear, so I grabbed a couple of things." I said, setting the bag on the bed. She opened it and took a couple of things out. "Thank you Steve. I'm gonna get changed real quick and then I'll be ready. I already signed myself out." she smiled, I nodded and left the room, leaving her to change.

A few minutes later, Elena walked out, bag in hand, and I couldn't help but stare at how beautiful she looked. She blushed, moving a strand of hair behind her ear. "What's wrong?" she asked. "Nothing, you just look really pretty." I said, she smiled and looked away for a minute. "We should go. I'm ready to get out of here." she smiled. I nodded, taking her bag for her.

 I nodded, taking her bag for her

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