Chapter 15: Pregnant

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Elena's POV

Eleanor hasn't gotten out of bed the last couple of days, unless it's to throw up. We're all worried about her. Well, some of us are. Sodapop has been spending most of his time with Sandy. I can't believe he did that to her. I've never wanted to punch someone or inflict pain in anyway, but right now Sandy and Soda are looking good for it. 

I walked to Eleanor's door and knocked, I heard a soft voice say 'come in'. I opened her door and walked inside. "Hey El, how're you feeling?" I asked, sitting next to her on the bed. "Can you go to the store with me?" she asked, I nodded and she got out of bed. She changed into jeans and a long sleeve shirt, brushing her hair out.

"C'mon, let's go." she said, walking towards the door. I stood up and followed her out of the house. When we got to the store, Eleanor went straight to the isle with all of the medicine and girl stuff on it. She walked over to the pregnancy tests and looked at all of them before grabbing one. 

"Eleanor, what're you doing?" I asked, she sighed and fiddled with the pregnancy test. "My period is late Elena. I've been sick for three weeks. What else could it possibly be?" she asked, looking at the floor. I took her hand in mine and smiled. "I'm right here with you." I said, she smiled and nodded. 

Eleanor paid for the test and we headed back to her house. Steve was still at work so she had time to do what she needed. I waited for her in her room. After a few minutes, she walked in with the pregnancy test hidden under her shirt. "Steve just pulled up, help me hide this thing." she said, worry and fear in her eyes. 

"Eleanor? Elena?" Steve called from the living room. "You stay here, I'll see what he wants." I said and she nodded. I walked into the living room and saw Steve sitting down. "Hey, where's Elli?" he asked, standing up and walking over to me. "She's just getting changed. She'll be right out." I said, Steve shook his head. "No need, I was just stopping by let you know I'm gonna be working a little late tonight. I just had to come home and grab something." he said, I nodded and he kissed my cheek. "I'll see you later on tonight okay?" he said. "Okay, I love you." I said, pecking his lips. "I love you too baby." he said, leaving the house.

I hurried back to Eleanor's room, she was staring blankly at the pregnancy test in her hand. I walked over and sat next to her. "Well?" I asked, placing a hand on her arm. "I'm pregnant." she said, no emotion in her voice. I pulled her into a side hug. "What're you gonna do?" I asked, she looked up and bit her bottom lip.

"I have to talk to Soda..." she said, standing up and walking out of the house. I sighed to myself and decided to go find Audrey. We're on winter break right now and I need some major best friend time.

Eleanor's POV

I walked inside the DX, the little bell ringing above the door. Soda looked up and gave a small smile. I walked over to him and sighed, not knowing what to say. "Soda, I-" he cut me off. "I know what you're gonna say El." he stated, walking around to stand in front of me. "Y-you do?" I asked, confused to how he knew. 

"You're gonna say that I was being a jerk and I still am. That you don't know if we should still talk or hangout. I agree." he said, I looked down. "Oh." was all I said. "I'm with Sandy now, it would just be awkward if we kept hanging out without the rest of the gang." he said, taking  my hands into his. I yanked them away and looked up at him. 

"You're right Soda, we shouldn't talk, or be around each other. In fact, let me just make it easier and never come back to your house again. I don't know why I even bothered stopping by. This was a waist of both of our time." I said, turning and walking to the door. "Eleanor, wait." Soda said, I turned around and shook my head. 

"Forget it Sodapop Curtis. You don't have to worry about ruining your relationship with Sandy. I'm not gonna be in this mess anymore." I said, walking out of the gas station. I walked home and saw that Elena was gone.

I walked into my room and grabbed a bag and started putting all of my clothes inside. Once that bag was full, I grabbed another and put all of my bathroom essentials in it. I walked over to my desk and grabbed my notebook and a pen. I hated to leave Steve and the girls... but I just can't sit around here like an idiot, waiting for Sandy to fuck shit up. And even if she did, I don't know if I could ever trust Soda again.

Dear Steve,

I'm sorry. I'm sorry for the way I've been acting and I'm so sorry for leaving without saying goodbye. I love you Stevie, but I need some time away from.. well everyone and everything. I can't be in the same town as Soda, knowing that Sandy is the one who holds his heart, not again. I should've realized before that I was just a distraction for him. I can't watch him be happy with someone else, knowing what I know is in store for my future.

Elena, thank you for being an amazing friend the past few weeks. Thank you for going with me to the store today and staying by my side. I love you Elena, take care of Steve for me okay? Tell the girls I'm sorry for not saying goodbye. I'm gonna miss you guys. Maybe we'll meet again someday. 


I left the note on my bed next to the pregnancy test, looking around one last time to make sure I'm not leaving anything. I remembered the money under my false drawer and grabbed all of it that I had, which was quite a lot. I grabbed my bags and walked out of my room out of the house. It was dark out now so sneaking onto a train wouldn't be that hard. 

I made it to the tracks and waited for the guys to check the car. Once they had disappeared, I quickly through my bags on the box car and jumped on. I didn't know where I was going, but at least it would be away from all of this.


I felt the train starting to slow down, I looked around and saw that it was nearly dawn. I quickly threw my bags off the train and jumped off as well. Picking my bags up, I started walking into the town that I had come to. I saw a sign that read Welcome To Bartlesville. I walked until I found a diner that was open. I walked in and sat at a table, running my fingers through my hair. 

"Hi, honey, can I get you anything? Food, drink?" a nice, middle-aged, woman asked. I looked up and smiled. "Directions to a hotel and someplace hiring?" I half joked. "I'm sorry, long trip. Can I get some water and the breakfast plate please?" I asked, the woman sat down in the chair next to me. 

"You runnin' or hidin'? " she asked, almost like she knew the answer already. "I'm not really sure." I said honestly. "Well, I've been lookin for some help around here for a while. I'll hire ya. And you can stay with me. No need in wastin' money on a hotel." she smiled sweetly. "Oh, no ma'am. I wouldn't wanna put you out." I said, shaking my head slightly. She smiled at me and placed a hand on top of mine. 

"Have you ever had a baby before?" she asked, looking at my stomach. "No, but how did you-" "Honey, you've got that pregnancy glow. I have a daughter about your age. I'd be glad to let you stay with us for as long as you needed." she said, her warm smile never leaving her face. 

"Thank you, I really appreciate it." I smiled back. "I'll go give this order to my daughter. It'll be right out." she said, getting up from the table. I couldn't help but wonder what the gang was doing right now. Wondering if Steve or Elena had found my note. 

A plate of food was set in front of me and smiled at the young waitress in front of me. "Hey, I'm Danielle, you can call me Danny if you like. My mom was tellin me you're gonna be staying with us for a little while?" she said, sitting down. I nodded my head, running my fingers through my hair again.

"Hey, are you okay?" she asked, I could tell she was sincere like her mother. "I don't really know.. I was hoping when I left home and got away from everyone and everything, I would feel better. Right now, I just feel so lost." I said, taking a small bite of the scrambled eggs.

"Well, hey, it'll take sometime. But I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for. I get off at noon if you wanna hang around until then. I'll show you where mama and I stay and then I can show you around the town." she said with a sweet smile. I nodded and thanked her.

What're you doing right now Soda.. 

I couldn't get him out of my head. The more I thought about him, the more my heart broke.

No author note

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