Ch. 22: Baby Time

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A Few Months Later

Eleanor's POV

"Fuck, it could not possibly get any hotter than it already is." I said, trying to fan myself with a magazine. Soda came in from the kitchen and put a cool rag to my forehead. I'm two weeks away from my due date and it feels like this baby isn't ever going to get here. 

"Have y'all picked out any names yet?" Beth Anne asked, sitting on the couch. "If it's a girl, we're going to name her Isabelle Sofia and if it's a boy, we're going to name him Joshua Gabriel." Soda said, taking the magazine from my hand so he could fan me. 

I leaned my head against the back of the couch for a minute and then looked up with a big smile. "A milk shake sounds so good right now. Who wants to go to the diner with me?" I asked, Lottie and Madison stood up. "We'll go, a milkshake does sound really good right now." Lottie said, walking over and helping me up from the couch. 

"Do you want the keys to the car?" Soda asked, taking them out of his pocket. "Yes, there is no way in hell I'm walking in this heat." I said, taking the keys and kissing his cheek. I walked out of the house with Lottie and Madi, handing Madi the keys. We got in the car and headed towards the diner. 

We were stopped at a red light when Don't Stop Believing by Journey came on. I smiled and turned it up as Madi started driving again. We were all singing and smiling, nearly through the intersection, then everything went black.

Ponyboy's POV

Lela and I were walking out of the library when we heard a big crash. We looked over and saw three cars piled up. "Ponyboy, isn't that Soda's car?" Lela said, looking at me with concerned eyes. We ran over and made our way through the crowed. It was definitely Soda's car, but it wasn't Soda driving it.

Some ambulances pulled up and started loading people in the backs. I took Lela's hand and ran over to where they were putting Eleanor in. "She has to ride with her, that's my brother's girlfriend." I said, the paramedic nodded and let Lela in. "I'm gonna go get Soda." I said as they shut the door. 

I ran as fast as I could to my house and ran in, leaning over to catch my breath. "Ponyboy, what the heck do you think you're doing?" Darry asked, coming out from the kitchen. "Soda, where's Soda?" I asked, Soda appeared from the hallway and looked at me confused. 

"Eleanor, and the others were in a car accident. C'mon lets go!" I said, grabbing his hand and running out of the door. Darry and Beth Anne followed, all of us climbing into Darry's truck. 


Madison's POV

I can't move my body. Everything is heavy. I can't open my eyes either. I can hear the doctor talking and the clicking of the nurse's shoes hit the floor though. "We need to let her brother know. She's going to be in a coma for a while. She may not even come out of it." 

What! Yes the hell I will come out of it! I'm a damn Winston.  I kept trying to talk but nothing was coming out of my mouth. I heard foot steps leave and then it was quiet for a minute before more got closer. 

"Damn it Madison, how could I let this happen? I'm you're big brother, I'm supposed to protect you from everything." I felt so bad listening to Dally rant. I wanted to hug him and tell him that I was okay.

"They're gonna find the guy that caused the accident, I promise. He just better hope the fuzz finds him before I do." I felt Dally brush my hair away from my face and then he left the room.

Beth Anne's POV

I was in the room with the other doctor helping with Eleanor. She's being prepped for an emergency c-section. "Beth-Anne, where's Soda? I want Soda." She mumbled out, looking around the room. "It's okay El, everything's going to be fine. You're gonna go to sleep now okay? He'll be there when you wake up." I said, taking her hand in mine. 

The surgery went fast, Eleanor had a beautiful girl. I handed the baby to the nurse so she could clean her up. "Doctor Tomlinson, the baby isn't breathing right on her own." the nurse said, looking up from what she was doing. "Get her down to NICU. NOW." I said, she nodded and rolled her off quickly. "I'm going with the nurse, do you have everything from here doctor Blevins?" I said. She nodded and I hurried after the nurse. 

Soda's POV

"God, Darry what's taking so long? Why hasn't anyone told us anything yet?" I said, placing my head in my hands. I felt little arms wrap around me and looked up to see Kasey hugging my leg. I smiled and picked her up, holding her close.


It's been over an hour and still nothing. We haven't seen Beth Anne since she scrubbed in to help with Eleanor. Kasey is asleep in Dally's lap and Ponyboy took Johnny down to the cafeteria so he would stop pacing. Steve went to get a soda from the machine in the lobby.

I heard footsteps approaching us and looked up, seeing Beth Anne walk our way. "How is she? How's Eleanor?" I asked, standing up. Beth Anne sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "Eleanor's doing just fine. She's asleep right now." she said crossing her arms. "She had a beautiful little girl." she added, I could tell she was trying to think of a way to tell me something. 

"But? Beth Anne, what's wrong?" I asked, she bit her lip and sighed a little. "You're daughter couldn't breathe on her own Soda. We had to put her in NICU so we could try and help her. She's not doing too good. However, me and some other doctors thing it would be good if she felt you touching her. Do you wanna try?" she asked, I looked at Darry and he nodded.

Beth Anne took Darry and me to where Isabelle was and I put my arms in the incubator, holding her little hand. "She's so small." I said softly. "We're going to do everything we can to help her Soda. I promise." Beth Anne said. 

"Eleanor doesn't know yet, does she?" I asked, she shook her head no. "I thought she might take it better if you and Steve went in together to tell her." I nodded, following Beth Anne and Darry back to the others.

~~~The Next Day~~~

Eleanor's POV 

"So... they don't know if she's going to make it or not?" I asked softly, feeling tears come to my eyes. "The doctor's have tried everything they know.. but, if you're up for it, they think it might help if we talk to her." Soda said, taking my hand in his. I smiled and nodded. Soda placed a soft kiss to my forehead before walking out of the room to get a nurse. 

The nurse came back with Soda shortly later and helped me into a wheel chair. She took us to where Isabelle is and left us alone with her. I looked at my little girl and felt tears slide down my cheeks. "Soda, she's going to be okay... right?" I asked softly, Soda wrapped his arms around my shoulders and kissed the top of my head. 

"I hope so baby... I hope so."

A/N: I'm fixing to end this book....   I'm kinda bored with it and there's not much interaction or feedback happening, which has discouraged me. So, the next chapter is the second to last.


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