Episode 1- Application

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   word count: 1433                                                   

   -Ava POV-

I had always been a fan of WWE. It wasn't just the wrestling part that intrigued me, it was the storyline. I always thought of it as not only a sport but also as something like a movie series.As a kid it was always one of my dreams to be one of the members of the creative team andwrite one of the storylines for WWE. I'm now 22 years old and it's my last year in college (thank god) I am majoring in creative writing since this was my goal throughout college.

 For the last few years there was a wrestler that had catched my eye, the famous Rhea Ripley. I always knew how successful Rhea had become in such a short time and it was no surprise that she really was a gorgeous woman. She was one of the main reasons why I started watching WWE. However, I never really thought about her in a romantic way. She was more like an idol of mine. 

My classes were finally done and I was just walking towards my house when I saw an advert on WWE's twitter that they were looking for creative writer team members over the age of 20. I knew I probably didn't have so many chances since I just turned 21 which made me an inexperienced writer and they probably had much more people who were better and more experienced than me but what's the harm in trying my chance? I made myself a mental note to do an application when I made it home. I gotta say the worst thing about going to school and coming back is how much time it takes for me to come back home. Fucking traffic I thought while finally reaching my house. As soon as I got inside I threw my bag across the room and got changed from my clothes to more comfortable ones. 

Don't get me wrong I don't hate school although it may seem like it, it's just that my school is a very prestigious one which has the main goal of making students very successful in their further lives which results them in giving us a lot of homeworks, essays, projects and anything that you can possibly think of and more. It's a bit of a struggle but I manage it, well most of the time at least. Anyway I'm not that good at cooking so I decided to order some pizza. I sat on the couch and looked through the advert that WWE had posted on twitter. I quickly looked through the application rules and made my application which consisted mostly of my personal information such as my age, where I live and study etc. 

Just when I was about to submit my application I heard my door ring and walked towards it. That was when I realized how hungry I was so I quickly paid the man and got the pizza locking the door behind me. Locking it has been a habit of mine since I started living alone. I made my way back to the couch and began eating the pizza while also looking at the last step of the application process which was writing an example scenario. Chewing the last slice of pizza, I started thinking about what I was going to write. 

I didn't realize an hour had passed while I was thinking about what I was planning to write but fortunately I had been able to come up with an idea. As I started writing the scenario an hour passed, then another, then another...As the clock hit 4 am I was finally satisfied with my work and also took notice of how I didn't pass the word limit as well which made it seem like everything was well. I quickly checked it all once more as I felt myself growing sleepy. I quickly hit the send button and closed my laptop. It was half past 4 and I already had to get up at 6 so I debated if I really should go tosleep anyways. Finally came to the conclusion that it would be the best if I didn't, so I took a quick shower and dressed up for school. I grabbed my keys and bag while walking towards my car. I started riding towards my usual cafe where I always had a coffee and a sandwich as breakfast before school. I'm sure you can tell by now that I don't eat healthily at all, like I actually can't remember the last time I cooked a healthy meal at home but that's fine not everybody has to cook right?? 

I reached the cafe and saw Rachel who was the barista of the cafe. 

''Good morning Rachel, can I get the usual coffee and the sandwich please?'' I asked. 

''Oh, hi Ava! You're early today, of course I'll bring them to you in a few minutes'' she replied.

 ''Yeah, I couldn't sleep, I had some work to do; you know how my school is.'' 

 ''That I do.'' she laughed as she handed the cup of coffee and the sandwich to me.

 ''Thanks Rachel, love you bye!'' I said while waving to her and walking towards the car. I glanced at the time and saw how it was still a bit early so I rang up River,one of my best friends, to see if she wanted me to pick her up on the way to school which she immediately answered and accepted happily. I rode the car to her house and waited forher to come. After some time I saw her getting downstairs and sitting in the car. 

''Hi, you're early today and you're usually the late one'' she laughed.

 ''Gosh give me a break, I try to wake up early.'' I said jokingly. 

''Fine fine just drive us to school safely please.'' sheresponds. 

''As you wish ma'am'' I wink at her and keep driving. We reached the school and mentally prepared ourselves for the long and tiring day which basically was every day. We had finished all the lectures for the morning so I made my way to our lunch table which was where me and my friends would always sit and discuss exams, wwe, boys and girls and just everything in general. I picked up my lunch and sat down just as River, Danielle, Norah andEthan came too. 

We kept talking about exams and all that stuff until I bringed up the wwe creative team stuff. I took a screenshot of the scenario I wrote last night and showed it to them. ''God damn Ava, you really outdid yourself with this one!'' exclaimed Ethan.

 ''Honestly girl, if they don't choose you it's definitely their loss cause this seems so good'' added Norah.I'm guessing River and Danielle were agreeing by the looks of it.

 ''Thanks guys, it's just that the age limit is 20 and I just turned 21 so I'm not sure if I'm experienced enough for them.'' I told them. 

''Ava, trust me, you really have nothing to worry about. This will prove that even if you aren't as old as many people who are applying, you still could be very well better than them'' Danielle reassured me. 

''Yeah I really hope so. I love you guys, thanks for being so supportive!'' I really never felt so comfortable talking about this to many people since most of them would never really understand what made wwe so good in my eyes, they thought it was just fake and all that but these 4 were the absolute best and I appreciated them a lot.

 The rest of the day was filled with multiple lectures and then school was over. I rode my car to my house and just did my usual routine which consisted of doing my skincare routine and getting in my pajamas while doing my homework or projects if I had to. The results of the applications were getting announced today so it's safe to say that I was super excited. Although I didn't have much confidence yesterday, my friends really boosted it. 

I did pretty much everything I could to spend time. From doing the laundry to even cooking myself a healthy meal (which even surprised myself too). Finally the clock hit 8 pm so I quickly refreshed my email and saw the email I had gotten from wwe. This was it, this was my dream since forever. I clicked it and read it anxiously. Oh my god, OH MY GOD! I GOT IN

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