Episode- End of College

233 16 0

    wordcount: 1765

                                                                           -Ava's POV-

Throughout the weeks, Rhea and I shared a relationship that only improved with time. It felt like a love story out of a fairy tale, almost too perfect. Every time I came home from school or work, I was met with a cozy, tidy home — free of dust, just the way I needed it because of my asthma. Rhea paid such close attention to every detail, making sure that everything was perfect for me.

In the meantime I made sure to keep a close eye on Rhea, making sure she wasn't overexerting herself at the gym with her still slightly injured arm. After school or during my work breaks, I made it a point to visit her to see how she was doing. Despite her protests that she didn't need to be babied, I could see the light in her eyes every time she saw me coming in to check on her and bring her snacks. It was clear that she appreciated the care and attention, even though she tried to play it down.

Today was the long-awaited last day of college, and I found myself brimming with joy at the prospect of three months of blissful freedom during the summer break. Anticipation and nervous energy swirled within me as we awaited the announcement of our year's average scores. I couldn't help but feel a mix of nerves and confidence, knowing that I had practically studied my ass off to achieve good grades all year.

Unable to contain my excitement, I rose a bit earlier than usual and caught sight of Rhea shifting beside me as I did so. "Hi, baby. Good morning," I whispered softly while gently caressing her tousled hair.

"Morning, darling," she mumbled, her sleepy smile lighting up the room. Those first precious moments of her waking up were always my favorite—she was undeniably the cutest thing I'd ever laid eyes on, especially during those initial five minutes of groggy consciousness.

''You're up early today babe, I'm assuming it's because it's your last day in school today right?'' she chuckled. ''Yep, the average results are getting announced today and I gotta say I am pretty excited but quite nervous'' I smiled back at her.

 She moved in closer, and as our bodies intertwined, she gently wrapped her arms around my waist. With a soft, reassuring smile, she whispered, "You don't have to be nervous. I know you worked hard this year, and I'm sure you will get a great score, love." Her words filled me with warmth, and a smile naturally spread across my face as I mentally prepared myself for the day. "Awh Rhea, thanks. That actually does make me feel better coming from you," I replied with a giggle, as I pressed a soft kiss on her cheek. Just after, she took hold of my waist, lifting me up as she drew me closer, her lips meeting mine in a passionate embrace.

It took all my self-control to get up instead of staying with her at the bed the whole day since I had to go to school and I certainly didn't wanna be late to the last day of school. I found the most adorable yellow sun dress in my closet, and I quickly slipped it on, leaving my hair down to save time. After deciding on a light and natural makeup look, I glanced over at Rhea, who I noticed was already half-asleep.

She had a couple of precious hours before heading to the gym, so I didn't want to disturb her peaceful slumber. As I approached her, I saw her lips parting slightly in her sleep and I couldn't resist. I tiptoed to her side as I leaned in and planted a tender kiss on her parted lips. A faint smile graced her lips as she stirred, reaching out to pull me into a warm embrace. I couldn't help but return her affectionate gesture with a beaming smile as I wrapped my arms around her.

"Sleep a little while longer, sweetheart. You still have time before the gym," I whispered softly. Gently pressing one last kiss on her temple, I reluctantly left her side, making my way to the car. The ride from home to school was both exciting and nerve-wracking as I couldn't wait to hear what score I got.

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