Episode 9- Kisses&Confessions

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word count: 700 (sorry for the shortness of the chapter, my exams are coming up but I also didn't wanted to make you wait)

                                                    -Ava's POV-

The day had been utterly exhausting, both physically and mentally draining. It all started with a visit to the local police station, where I had to relive the shitty experience of the intruder breaking into my house. I had to recount every detail of the incident to the authorities, which was an emotionally draining task.

After what seemed like an eternity, we finally left the police station and headed to the hardware store to purchase a new set of locks and a security camera. The sun was slowly setting, and the sky was turning into a beautiful orange color as we returned to my house. We spent the next few hours installing the new locks and mounting the security camera outside the house, which gave me a sense of relief and security.

''Thank you Rhea, really. I feel like I've been thanking you since I met you but I really am grateful for everything you've done.'' I told her.

"Don't mention it, I love being there for you Ava. I like you, a lot," she whispered the last part softly, her eyes filled with tenderness and affection. As she leaned closer, I felt a warm sensation fill my entire being. I couldn't help but notice her gaze wandering towards my lips, and my heart started to beat faster with anticipation.

At that moment, all the exhaustion and chaos of the day seemed to fade away, and my focus was solely on her. Slowly, I leaned in towards her, feeling the electricity between us grow stronger with every passing second. And then, finally, our lips met in a passionate embrace.

It was as if time itself had frozen, and we were lost in our own little world of love and desire. The taste of her lips was nothing like I've ever felt before, and I savored every moment of the kiss, not wanting it to end.

As we pulled away, I looked into her gorgeous blue eyes, feeling a deep sense of connection and love. That was the moment, I knew that she was the one, the one who had stolen my heart and soul forever. I was in love with this woman with all my heart.

''Will you stay with me tonight, or... well every night?'' I blurted out before I could think of the meaning behind it. You know what, fuck it, I was very much well aware of the meaning behind it but I wanted this. I wanted her and, more importantly, needed her to be with me tonight and every night from now on.

-Rhea's POV-

She didn't even have to ask, my answer would always be yes. '' Obviously pretty girl, you won't be getting rid of me that easily,'' I smirked and saw her blush which made me even more amused. It was late and I knew she was tired from all the things she had gone through today. Sensing her fatigue, I suggested that we should go to bed. A sly grin spread across her face as she responded, "Going to bed, huh?". ''I meant going to bed to sleep, Ava!'' I laughed.

I knew she was thinking of something else and I wanted to, I really did but I didn't wanna tire her out when I knew she was already exhausted. (that's an excuse for my horrible smut writing skills lmfao)As she nodded in agreement, I scooped her up in my arms, cradling her in a bridal style. She let out a playful laugh and protested, "Rhea! Put me down!" But I couldn't resist a giggle as I carried her towards her bedroom. I gently laid her down on the bed and laid next to her.

As she nestled up next to me, she snuggled in close and laid her head on my chest, her warmth and softness melting my heart. I couldn't help but smile at how adorable she looked in that moment. With gentle caresses, I ran my fingers through her hair, and soon, she drifted off to sleep. Feeling my own weariness, I pulled the covers over us, refusing to let her go as we both succumbed to sleep.

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