Episode 3-Trigger

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Word count: 2060 (I specifically tried to make this chapter longer than the usual ones since the next one will be a bit shorter than usual lol and also a lot happens in this chapter so get readyyy)

-Ava's POV-

I woke up with a terrible hangover to say the least. The first thing I did was glance over at the time and it was 1 pm which meant I overslept but work didn't start until 5pm so I guess I still had time to get myself together and get ready for work. 

I got up and took a shower and got in my outfit for work today. I did my makeup and hair as fast as possible and looked through the fridge to see what I had. I could make a pancake with the ingredients so I made that and ate it while also trying to remember what the hell happened last night. 

I remember going towards the car and hearing Rhea asking if I was gonna drive the car and honestly what was I thinking, I'm so glad she warned me cause no way I was riding that car without killing myself or others. (This goes on without saying don't drive while drinking, people!) I don't even remember what I yelled back at her but I'm pretty sure she basically made me sit in her own car and I must have blacked out after that. Ugh she must have carried me all the way here which was embarrassing as fuck, I hope I didn't have some underwear laying around here. I looked over and it was a relief that I couldn't see any so she probably didn't see it either. 

I finished up the pancakes, washed the plates and grabbed my keys and purse as I went over to my car. Shit, the car must have been left in the bar. I didn't have the time to go over to the bar right now so I called an uber and gave them directions to work. It was Saturday so I'm glad we didn't have school today and the traffic was not as much as it would have been on school days. So we reached the workplace and I paid the man while getting out of the car and walking towards the building. 

I quickly got over to the office trying to avoid Rhea since it would've been so embarrassing if I saw her. Just to my luck when I was turning the corner I almost crashed into her and she smirked at me, this bitch SMIRKED at me! 

''Look I'm sorry about yesterday, I don't know what I was thinking. Driving a car while being drunk is full of shit. I hope I didn't cause too much trouble to you'' I told her immediately. 

''It's fine, you were asleep as soon as you got to the car anyways. Make sure not to drink that much on the first day anymore, yeah?'' she replied mockingly and left. 

I groaned as soon as she left and rushed over to the office. I was really happy I wasn't late cause that would've just made everything worse than it already was. We worked for hours coming up with multiple scenarios about the recent feud which was Liv and Rhea's. We settled on one of them after some time and it was time to leave and go to our houses as work was over. 

I grabbed my stuff and headed towards the bar which my car was supposed to be at. Thank god it was there so I quickly got in the car and drove all the way to my house. I locked the door behind me and got in more comfortable clothes as I started thinking about what I would cook. I realized I was lacking ingredients so I went to the local supermarket and grabbed some and made myself some food. I looked to see if I had any assignments missing and I had a few so I tried to finish all of them until I felt sleepy. It was about 1 am when I finished all of them so now I was free all Sunday which was a blast so I went to sleep happily since I had nothing to do tomorrow. 

I woke up feeling a lot better than yesterday and decided to treat myself with some shopping since this week was tiring to say the least. I went to the shopping center that was not so far away from my house so I got there pretty quickly and decided to call Danielle and see if she had time to shop with me, which she was very eager to do. I couldn't keep track of how much time we spend going through many clothing shops then to some fast food shops.

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