Episode 2- She Cares

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word count: 1350

-Ava's POV-

It's been a month since I got that acceptance letter from wwe and today is officially my first day of working there. The first thing I was concerned about was how I would be able to keep up with all my school's work and also work while traveling a lot for wwe. So I wrote them an email about this issue but it was later resolved since they confirmed that most of the time I would be able to work from home but obviously since this was my first day I had to be at the company.

 I just got back from school so I need to get ready as soon as possible. I took a shower and put on my outfit that I had bought earlier for today. Afterwards I did my makeup and hair as nicely as possible though it was a bit hard taking care of my curly/wavy hair.Anyway even though it took me a while I was satisfied with how I looked in the end. 

(These are the outfit and the hair) (https://tr.pinterest.com/pin/1548181167065331/)(https://tr.pinterest.com/pin/10414642881313340/) 

 I grabbed my keys and rushed to my car as I drove the location that they asked me to come to. Once I reached there I could see it was a really crowded place with wrestlers, camera men, interviewers and all that. I assumed it was always like this but since I've never been to a live event before, I used to always watch it live instead, I can't say I wasn't surprised. I went to the room which they asked meto come to and saw many people from the creative team staring at me which I can't lie made me a bit nervous. I tried to act cool and just greet them all which they returned the favor to. 

After not so long Triple H came in and just did some basic introductions to me while also introducing me to everyone as well. I looked around myself and realized that I obviously was the youngest of them all but I wasn't gonna let it bother me since I had to work on my storyline that I had to write now. 

I met Sarah there and it didn't take long for us to get alongw ell, she was such a sweet girl who helped me get comfortable and get used to the atmosphere which I was super grateful for. We worked on the storyline together and after our work was done the team told me that they had an event at a bar today which they'll just loosen up after today since it was a long day. Some of the wrestlers from the women's division would also attend with our team too. I couldn't say no since it really sounded like atempting offer and not just that I would also get a good chance to know some of the wrestlers which I was fangirling over since I was a kid including Rhea Ripley, Bianca Belairand Liv Morgan. 

The team wasn't really crowded since we were 10 people in total so we could fit in 3 cars. We reached a bar which did not seem familiar to me at all so I assumed it was kind of a luxury bar which only rich people attended. It didn't take me long enough to realize my assumptions were right since I could see how nicely everything was decorated and how there was a lot of expensive liquor going around. It seemed that everything was planned out since we even had a table reserved for us.

 Everybody seemed to get comfortable as the drinks started flowing around us. That was when I noticed that the wrestlers were coming inside towards us. I immediately got up to greet them since I couldn't possibly hide my excitement towards meeting them. Everybody except Rhea seemed to find my excitement amusing, however she looked like she was kind of annoyed which made me feel a bit down if I'm gonna be honest. Liv seemed to notice I was feeling a bit down after that so she reassured me that Rhea was like that to pretty much everyone who she didn' tknow fully enough. She told me that I shouldn't take it so personally which made me feel abit b etter but still I didn't quite understand the reason behind it. It didn't seem to mind me at all after a few drinks though. 

Everyone except Rhea was drinking which I again didn't quite comprehend but also didn't question it since I didn't want her to be mad with me even more than she already seemed to be. Now that I think of it she seemed mad at everyone to be honest, it was almost kind of funny. I was feeling quite dizzy after a while of drinking so much which was such a bad idea. I was not gonna embarrass myself on the first day of work was I? I truly hoped not but I can't say I'm the nicest person to be around when I get drunk therefore I thought it would be best if I just excused myself and went to the car since this was not going to end well if I didn't. 

People didn't seemed to mind that much since they were quite tipsy as well but they definitely didn't seem as drunk as me so I kept blaming myself about how I could've allowed myself to drink this much on the first fucking day! I quickly got up and walked towards my car which then I realized was not the best idea as well since I immediatly felt dizzy afterwards but at least I was able to get out of their sight.. or at least I thought. 

-Rhea's POV-

I could notice Ava or whatever her name was barely able to walk while she was going towards her car. I couldn't let her drive her car back home cause I knew she definitely was going to get into some sort of car crash with her intoxicated state right now. 

Just as she was about to reach her car I called out to her ''You aren't driving your car, are you?''

 She turned back and I could see that she was indeed really drunk, struggling to even stand on her own but she replied back giggling '' What? So now you care? Plus I have to take the car back somehow, I don't think cars can fly, or wait can they?'' 

I tried not to laugh at her stupid questions and held her by her arm leading her to my own car instead although she tried to resist it we both knew she was in no way or form right now to out power me. I made sure she sat safely on the passenger seat while I got on the other seat and started riding towards her house. 

About 5 minutes in the road I felt Ava's head slightly bobbing up and down as I noticed her falling asleep. I repositioned her head a bit so she didn't get a neck ache with her hangover too. 

After some while I reached towards her apartment and looked over to her to see if she was awake. Seeing that she was still very much asleep I decided not to wake her cause it seemed like she really needed it so I looked for her keys in her purse when I noticed a inhaler. That's interesting, maybe she has asthma? I continued searching for her keys and soon I found them.

 I picked Ava up carefully trying not to wake her, although it seemed like she wouldn't wake up soon anyway. I carried her upstairs and opened the door with one hand and led her to where I assume was her bedroom and gently tucked her inside. It caught my attention how everywhere was super clean, organized and there seemed to be not a single trace of dust whatsoever which made my suspicions of her having asthma a bit higher. I noted myself to ask about it later as I closed her door and left her house.

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