Episode 4- Resisting

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word count: 1119 (I know I said this would be shorter but you're lucky I used Grammarly while making this to make it a bit longer so there you have it lol)

As I opened my eyes, a rush of memories from yesterday flooded in, and my heart sank. I couldn't believe how love-struck I felt over this woman. She was rude, dismissive, and yet, undeniably gorgeous. I knew I shouldn't have caught feelings for her, but her beauty and her demeanor made it almost impossible not to.

But then again, she probably hates me. I mean, she yelled at me yesterday, didn't she? And yet, why did it feel so damn good when she took care of me and even let me sleep on her? It was as if, in those few moments, all the harshness melted away, and I was left with nothing but a sense of warmth and comfort.

The more I thought about it, the more confused I became. I knew I shouldn't be thinking about her anymore, but somehow, my thoughts kept wandering back to her, to her captivating beauty, her piercing gaze, and her intoxicating scent. It was almost as if I was under her spell, unable to resist her charm.

But I had to snap out of it. I had to get ready for school and focus on my studies. I knew I couldn't let my emotions get the best of me, or else I would end up making a fool of myself. So, with a heavy heart, I pushed aside my feelings and got ready to face the day ahead.

With that, I went to school and it went by in a blur and it was time for me to go to work. Whenever I had work after school I would grab another outfit and put it in my bag for me to wear when school ends so that I wouldn't waste time by going to my house. So that was what I did today too. I went to the locker room and changed into the outfit I'd be going to work in.

Afterward, I got to my car and drove around to work. Hoping not to crash into her this time too I quickly made my way towards the office and thank god I didn't see her anywhere.

As I entered the team room, I greeted everyone and took my seat. We were all gathered there to brainstorm ideas for the storyline once again. It was a relief to know that Rhea had agreed to give up her title, as it would not only help her take some rest but would also make the storyline more interesting. After much discussion, we finally came up with the perfect conclusion to the Liv and Rhea feud without making either of them unhappy. As the day drew to a close, my colleagues started to leave one by one, until I was the only one left in the office. I began to gather my things when I noticed Rhea walk in.

As I sat there, Rhea approached me with an apologetic look. "Hey Ava, I just wanted to apologize once again for yesterday," she said, her voice soft and sincere. I was taken aback by her kindness, especially since I heard from a lot of people that she was usually rude to people.

Feeling a bit emotional, I replied, "Rhea, it really means a lot to me that you're apologizing, yet again. Thank you really, but it's fine." She gave me a small smile and then looked at me with concern, "You're feeling better today right? You aren't feeling bad?"

I smiled back at her, feeling grateful for her concern. "I'm doing better, thank you. Asthma attacks are never easy, but I'm managing," I told her.

Rhea's expression turned sympathetic, and she said, "You're so strong for overcoming those. They look painful." Her words touched my heart, and I felt a sense of connection with her that I hadn't felt before.

As we continued to talk, I learned that Rhea had done some research on asthma since our last encounter. Her effort to understand my condition was both thoughtful and genuine, and it warmed my heart.

Feeling a sense of gratitude, I said, "Rhea, oh my god; I can't believe you did a whole research. Thanks a lot really, it means a lot to me." She gave me a warm smile and said, "It's the least I could do. I'm sorry for being rude before. You deserve better than that. I gotta go prepare for my match but I'll see you around yeah?"

''Yeah definitely, see you!''I replied.

As she left I could feel myself blushing and just going crazy over how cute she was to research for me and how gorgeous her smile was and how perfect her biceps looked even when she wasn't flexing...Yeah, it's safe to say I was head over heels for this woman and it's been like only 3 days since I've been working here, perfect.. just perfect. I tried to keep my composure and steady my breathing, not wanting to trigger another asthma attack. Eventually, I made my way to my car and drove home, still lost in thoughts of her perfection.

-Rhea's POV-

As soon as I turned the key in the lock and opened the door to my house, one of my dogs Barry leaped at me with excitement. I couldn't help but laugh as I stepped inside and scooped him up into my arms. Sitting down on the couch, I placed him on my lap and began to stroke his fur. But even as I enjoyed the comforting presence dog, my thoughts drifted to Ava.

Her smile, with that adorable little dimple, had stayed with me ever since I met her three days ago. Despite the brevity of our encounter, I felt a strong urge to protect her and keep her safe. Her asthma worried me, especially since she lived alone. I couldn't imagine how she must feel, struggling to breathe during an attack with nobody around to help.

It was irrational, I knew. Ava was a capable adult and knew how to take care of herself. But still, I couldn't shake the nagging feeling that I needed to look out for her, to make sure she was okay. Maybe it was because she was always so kind to me, or maybe it was simply because I found her incredibly beautiful.

I tried to push these thoughts aside, to tell myself that I was being foolish. But the more I tried to ignore them, the stronger they grew. I realized with a sinking feeling that I was becoming attached to her, all too quickly. I knew I needed to rein in my emotions before they got out of hand, but it was easier said than done. Because how was I supposed to resist someone so stunning yet so kind?

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