Episode 13- A Shitty Combo

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wordcount:1114 (fluff <3)

                                                                                    -Rhea's POV-

Ava started her period yesterday and you might be wondering why this is so important- that is because her asthma gets worse around her period because of the changes her body has to endure in these times. The nights and mornings have especially been hard for her yesterday and it was only the first day. We had 4 more days for her to get better and throughout these days I had to be even more careful to keep her other inhaler in my purse while the other one was in hers.

I started to notice something was off early in the morning, when Ava was slower than usual, moving around the kitchen like each step was taking all of her energy and concentration. I noticed the way she was breathing, labored and forced like her chest was heavy with a weight that was probably from her asthma flaring up.

"Hey, love," I said quietly, watching her from the counter. "You feeling alright this morning?" Ava jolted at the sound of my voice, her head whipping around to look in my direction. Even that little movement seemed to take a lot of effort, her eyes glazed and unfocused.

"Yeah, I'm...I'm fine," she says, the words forced and breathless. "Just...just a little tired, that's all. You know I couldn't sleep that well yesterday with the whole asthma situation. I kept waking up trying to breathe normally.'' she said sadly. I knew how this whole situation was affecting her and it sucked because I didn't know what to do.

However, my concern only grew at the sound of her voice all breathless and labored. It isn't the first time something like this happened during her period but they never failed to make me feel worried nevertheless. ''Ava, baby don't lie to me. Are you sure you are okay? Want me to get your inhaler for you?''

She shook her head and leaned heavily on the counter. ''No..Not right now.'' she said her voice still a bit strained. ''I'm fine... I just- I need to sit down for a minute to catch my breath.'' I watched as she pushed herself from the counter and stumbled towards one of the kitchen chairs.

It fucking hurt me how weak and pale she looked. I rushed forward and reached out to help her sit down while not leaving my eyes on her face. "Love, you're not fine," I said trying to keep my voice low and soothing. "You look like you're about to collapse. Let me get your inhaler, please. You're barely catching your breath. And we both know it's going to get worse during the day because of your period."

Ava nodded weakly, slumping down in the chair. "Okay," she gasped, her voice still strained. "Okay, I...I guess you're right. I think it might be worse than last time. I just...I just didn't want you to be worried or anything. But yeah, maybe I do need my inhaler." She tried to take a deep breath, but it only made her cough and gasp for air.

I ran as hard as I could to upstairs to take the inhaler from the bathroom cabinet and came back rushing down. I shook the inhaler one time and gently held her chin to lift her head back. ''Take a deep breath for me baby'' I said as I held the inhaler to her lips. Ava nodded shakily and closed her eyes as took a few puffs on the inhaler while coughing in between them.

I felt her hand holding my wrist tightly and I could feel my heart hurting for how in pain she must feel. I gently stroked her hair with my free hand ''You're gonna be okay, love. Just take your time with the inhaler Ava- don't push yourself too hard.'' I told her.

Ava nodded once more, doing her best to follow my instructions. She took another small breath, and I quickly pressed the inhaler once more, the medicine making its way into her lungs and I could see it eased her breathing even if not completely. "God Rhea- I feel like I'm actually suffocating," *she gasped her voice still a bit shaky.* "It...it's really bad this time. I...I've never been this bad before..."

I kneeled down beside her, one hand still gently stroking her hair, the other caressing her cheek. "I know, babe," I said gently. "I know it's bad. But I'm here, okay? And I'm not going anywhere. I'm going to take care of you. Just focus on your breathing, okay? Deep breaths, as slow and easy as you can." She closed her eyes and leaned on me. I took this as a cue to get her off the chair and slowly laid her head on my lap on the couch.

''Ugh...I hate this," *she said, her voice filled with frustration and fear. "I hate feeling this weak, this helpless. I just- I just want this week to pass quickly. I hate having my period and it messes with my hormones and flares up the asthma and makes everything worse." she pouted. I kissed her forehead gently and heard her sigh.

''I know baby, I know. But this week will pass like it always does okay? Plus you got me now and I'm not leaving you alone, ever. Asthma and periods are a shitty combo but we will get over it together.'' I told her while tracing her face gently. ''Thank you Rhea, for being here. For being you. I don't know what I'd do without you.'' she said and looked up at me with those big gorgeous brown eyes of hers.

I chuckled softly ''There's nowhere else I'd rather be, Ava. You don't have to thank me for this at all. I like being there for you. I love you so so much.'' I kiss her temple softly and she responds with a sleepy I love you too before closing her eyes.

After a few minutes when I was sure she was completely asleep, I gently tucked her inside the bed and pressed a kiss on her forehead before getting out of the room for her to rest. I was happy since at least she wasn't gonna go to school anymore but I also didn't want her to work this week at all.

Instead of just sending a hurried email to WWE, I realized it would be best to confirm Ava's acceptance first. It was uncertain how long Ava would be asleep, but I knew for sure that she wouldn't be waking up anytime soon. While I waited for her to wake up, I attended to the dogs, ensuring they had everything they needed, and took care of their food and other chores around the house.

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