Episode 11-Routines

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                                                                -Ava's POV-

It's been multiple weeks since Rhea and I confessed our feelings to each other. Balancing school and working from home has been a blessing, sparing me from having to explain things to my colleagues, Sarah, Jacob, and Layla. Because I just didn't want our relationship to overshadow my workspace. However, I couldn't contain my excitement and had to share the news with my childhood friends, River, Danielle, Norah, and Ethan. Their reactions were priceless – River was in disbelief at first, and I had to show her our text messages to convince her.

Rhea and I had our little routine for the day that I absolutely adored. Every morning, we would wake up together, and as I got ready for school, she would prepare for her gym session. When I returned home from school, Rhea would often beat me back and eagerly greet me with the most heartwarming smile. Her affectionate hugs were like magic, instantly melting away all the weariness from my day at school. It was such a precious and adorable part of our daily routine that I cherished deeply.

I woke up today to see Rhea still sleeping soundly next to me, and oh my god, she looked super cute. I couldn't resist wrapping my arms around her and pulling her close to me. As I ran my fingers through her hair, I felt her stirring slightly. "Good morning, baby," I whispered, knowing how much she loved that pet name. It had become our little morning ritual, and I cherished every moment of it.

She buried her head in the crook of my neck, mumbling incoherent words as she slowly woke up. I couldn't help but squeal at her adorable sleepiness. "You know, maybe you shouldn't go to the gym today, Rhea. You seem pretty sleepy to me," I teased gently, running my fingers along her back. I could see her trying to protest, but I also knew that her body needed the rest. After all those intense gym sessions, it was important for her to take a break. 

"Nope, I'm not taking no for an answer, you'll be staying in today and waiting for me to come back from home, and maybe you'll get a reward," I said with a mischievous smirk. She laughed and replied, "Hmm, I'm definitely staying at home then." Her laughter filled the room, and I couldn't resist planting a gentle kiss on her lips. She looked at me with those gorgeous blue eyes, and I knew I was completely smitten.

I slowly tucked her into bed, ensuring she was comfortable and cozy. As she nestled into the soft sheets, I couldn't help but admire her peaceful expression. I slowly got up and made my way to the closet, carefully selecting my outfit for the day. I chose a simple pair of comfortable, slightly worn baggy jeans and a crop tıp. As I stood in front of the mirror, I gathered my long curls into a loose, messy bun, leaving a few tendrils framing my face. I couldn't help but smile as I remembered how Rhea always liked it when I wore my hair this way.

At that moment, I realized that I was willingly embracing the feeling of having a crush like a giddy schoolgirl. But honestly, I couldn't care less. All I wanted was to make Rhea happy. It wasn't just about today, or tomorrow – I wanted her to feel joy and contentment every single day, forever.

It was time for me to leave for school so I wanted to take one last look at Rhea and was relieved because she was still sleeping peacefully. I couldn't resist giving her a kiss on her temple and before I got addicted to giving her little kisses all over her face I grabbed my bag and got to my car to go to school.

I was glad since Rhea finally decided to listen to me and take a break from her usual stubbornness about going to the gym, especially when she needed to rest.

                                                                          -Rhea's POV-

I honestly don't know how long I had been sleeping till I woke up to the smell of something delicious. Wait, if Ava left at 9 am and her school ends at 4 pm... Gosh, I had been sleeping for 7 hours straight. Ava was absolutely right - I must have been really exhausted to have slept for a full 7 hours even after just waking up in the morning. It's moments like this that make me truly grateful for having someone like her in my life. She always reminds me to take care of myself and pays attention to the little things that I often overlook. I can't help but feel incredibly lucky to have someone as caring and beautiful as her by my side.

Just as I was about to get up I saw Ava's head poking out from the door and smiling at me. ''I didn't wanna disturb you so I made some food instead, you must be hungry after all that sleeping'' she giggled. ''I sure am hungry, come here babe'' I told her and she almost instantly wrapped her arms around me. Gosh, I loved how she smelt just like vanilla cupcakes. Okay, don't call me weird, but I love the way she smells. With a swift and loving motion, I guided her to lay on top of me, embracing her with all my heart as I kissed her lips. I could feel the warmth of her smile as she leaned in to kiss me back, her lips meeting mine in a gentle embrace.

After a moment I slowly broke off the kiss and I played with strands of her curls that fell on her face. Gosh, I just adored every single part of this beautiful woman standing in front of me. ''I love when you do that,'' she smiled softly, her eyes sparkling with affection. ''And I love doing it, I can never get enough of your stupidly beautiful curls,'' I responded, running my fingers through her hair. ''Now let's go and eat before the food gets cold. I'm not half the cook you are, but I tried,'' she laughed, her voice filled with warmth. ''I'll love whatever as long as you are the one making it, pretty girl,'' I told her, feeling a surge of love as I picked her up and walked towards the kitchen, her laughter echoing through the house.

                                                                                  -Ava's POV-

I try to resist her picking me up and carrying me everywhere but god damn those biceps of hers make me get so flustered and turned on every single time. So obviously, I let her carry me all the way to the kitchen and place me on the chair. '"Taste it and let me know your thoughts," I said excitedly, as I eagerly awaited her reaction. I had prepared manti, a traditional Turkish dish that I absolutely adore.''

I watched as she took one of them and tasted it. ''Okay wow, I don't know what the name of this is but it tastes super good!'' she said. ''Not as good as you though'' she added smirking. Of course, she never misses making some cheesy pickup lines which I gotta admit, I love them. Plus I also get to see that pretty smirk of hers so I'm not complaining.

 "Thanks, this is manti. A Turkish dish that is kind of like dumplings, my mom used to make them and they are the best!" I said with a smile, recalling the delicious taste. "Now I have to cook some Australian dishes for you too," she laughed, her eyes lighting up with excitement. "Please, what else do you Australians have besides vegemite and Tim Tam's?" I teased her. ''Shut up, vegemites could easily be a competition for multiple dishes combined.'' Oh, I know how protective she was of the vegemites so I didn't push it further and just continued laughing at her cute pout. 

The rest of the dinner went by of us talking about Australian and Turkish traditional dishes and the clock striked 6 pm. She got the dishes and put them in the dishwasher. I couldn't help but stare at her unreal back muscles so I got up and gently hugged her from behind as I rested my head on her neck while also pressing soft kisses on her neck. I could tell she loved it since she tilted her head backward for me to get better access. 

I took that as an invitation to lead her on the couch and push her towards it as I sat on her lap. I quickly faced her and began sucking on her skin gently and giving her multiple hickeys on her neck. ''Darling, how am I supposed to go to the gym tomorrow now?'' she smiled. ''You don't need to'' I whispered through kisses. She eventually let herself relax and pulled me closer to her. I laid my head on her chest and wrapped my arms around her waist. She held me even tighter as I felt her kiss my forehead and I literally felt like I could melt.

The rest of the day went by in a blur. I was engrossed in my work, hunched over my computer, typing away furiously to develop new storylines. Meanwhile, Rhea was happily occupied playing with the dogs, and every now and then, she would sneak a glance in my direction. It's so funny how she thought she was so slick with it but her subtle glances didn't escape my attention.

After a while Rhea stepped outside to let the dogs in. Meanwhile, I swiftly closed my laptop, eager to give her my full attention. I watched as she carefully guided the dogs inside, her movements graceful and deliberate. As she made her way back into the house, I couldn't help but admire her quiet strength and unwavering love for the cute little dogs. With a sense of contentment, I shifted my focus entirely to her, ready to join her in preparing for a peaceful night's rest.

I was heading to the bedroom when I caught sight of Rhea slipping into her pajamas which were only her panties and bra. I loved her for that because I could stare at her abs for hours. ''Don't worry they're all yours to stare and touch'' she smirked. ''Then come over hereee'' I said while petting the space next to me. As she eagerly laid down next to me, I snuggled up close, feeling the warmth of her embrace as she wrapped her arms around me. Soon, I drifted off to sleep in her comforting presence.

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