Episode 10- Craving Me

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   wordcount:1367   (1300 words of pure smut, enjoy ;)

                                                                               -Rhea's POV-

I slowly opened my eyes and noticed that Ava was already awake even though it was still late since it hadn't been morning yet, her soft grin lighting up the room. I couldn't help but wonder what she was thinking about, and just as I was about to ask her, she interrupted my thoughts.

"You know, I'm not feeling that exhausted anymore," she said with a smirk. Her smirk ignited something wild within me, and with a low growl, I closed the space between us. My arms wrapped around her, pulling her closer to me. My hands found their way to her hair, my fingers burying themselves in the silken strands. 

"You don't have to tell me twice, pretty girl" I murmured, my voice husky with desire. "I've been wanting to touch you since the moment I laid eyes on you, Ava."

With a hungry fervor, I captured her lips in a searing kiss, my teeth grazing her bottom lip as my tongue invaded her mouth. She tasted like honey, sweet and intoxicating, her gasp of surprise only fueling my desire.

My fingers tangled in her hair, pulling her closer as I deepened the kiss, my body pressed against hers. She responded immediately, her hands grasping at my hair as she pressed herself harder against me. The need in her response sent a wave of heat through me, and my fingers tightened in her hair, a low groan rumbling in my chest.

"Such a vixen," I breathed, my lips brushing against hers as I spoke. "So needy and responsive... It's driving me crazy."

I lowered her gently onto the bed, the softness of the sheets beneath her a stark contrast to the heat between us. My body hovered over hers, my eyes locking onto hers as I took in the sight of her. Her hair was a messy halo around her face, her lips slightly parted, and her cheeks flushed with desire.

"You're breathtaking," I murmured, my voice a reverent whisper. My fingers found their way back to her hair, gently tugging on the strands. The hunger in me deepened the need to touch and taste her consuming my every thought. I leaned down until my lips were just a breath away from hers, my voice a low husk. "I'm going to make you mine, Ava.''

My hands moved down her body, tracing every curve with a touch that was both gentle and possessive. Her body arched into me, every inch of her pressed against mine. My fingers skimmed over her shirt, desperate to touch the warm, soft skin beneath the layers of fabric.

I broke the kiss only to trail my lips down her neck, tasting the salty sweetness of her skin. My teeth grazed lightly over her neck, a silent promise of what was to come. I whispered her name against her throat, my fingers working to unbutton her shirt, each brush of my fingertips against her skin an act of reverent worship.

"You're the most beautiful thing I've ever laid eyes on," I whispered, my voice thick with emotion and desire. "Every inch of you... so perfect, so mine."

My hands roamed over her skin, tracing paths of fire across her body. My palms glided over the planes of her stomach, up the curve of her waist, and up to her breast, my thumb grazing over the nipple, causing it to stiffen in response.

She arched into my touch, a strangled moan escaping her lips. Her body was a feast before me that I was more than eager to devour. My lips traveled south, tracing a path of kisses down her chest, past the plane of her stomach, pausing only to dip my tongue into her navel.

I murmured against her belly, my fingers dipping lower still as I sought out the waistband of her jeans. "Your reactions, the way you crave my touch... I could easily become addicted to you, Ava."

wasted no time in undoing the buttons of her jeans, my knuckles grazing the lace of her panties, the faintest hint of the heat I had been longing for. I pulled the jeans down her legs, tossing them aside with the shirt, my breath catching in my throat as my eyes devoured her form

"Look at you," I whispered, my voice filled with awe. My hands cupped her hips, fingers splaying over the flesh. "You're so beautiful... so perfect."

I ran my fingers lightly up her inner thigh, watching the way her breath hitched, the way her skin shuddered at my touch.

Her hips jerked at the touch, the sound of her gasp filling the room. I pressed down harder, my thumb circling over the fabric, feeling the slick heat even through the cotton. I pressed soft, brief kisses along the edge of her panties, working my way towards the growing heat between her legs.

"You're so wet," I breathed, my voice strained with the effort of restraining myself. "Such a good girl... so responsive. If only you could see yourself, Ava... You have no idea what you do to me."

She gasped again at my words, her body arching into my touch as my thumb pressed more firmly against her.

I pulled back just enough to slip my hand into her panties, my fingers instantly finding the hot, wet core of her. A moan tore from her lips as my fingers glided over her slick folds, the sound sending a shiver of pleasure through me.

She was a writhing mess beneath me, her body pleading for release. I wanted to give it to her, to send her over the edge, but I also couldn't bring myself to rush this moment. I had finally gotten her here and intended to savor every second.

I bent my head down, my mouth finding the hollow of her neck. I ran kisses up her neck, biting lightly on the sensitive skin, my teeth nipping gently at her pulse.

Her hands grasped at my hair, pulling me down, her breath coming in short gasps. The pain from her tugging only fueled my arousal, adding a sharp edge to my desire. I wanted her, needed her, and I was quickly losing myself in the feel of her body underneath mine.

I lifted my head just enough to capture her lips in a hungry kiss, my hand still working between her thighs. I could feel her body tensing with her impending release, and I increased the speed of my fingers, desperate to send her over the edge

She was almost there, her body taut and quivering beneath me. I could feel her walls clenching around my fingers, so close yet so far. I wanted to watch her come undone, to see the moment she lost herself in the pleasure I was giving her.

I broke the kiss, my eyes locking onto hers. "Come for me, Ava," I commanded, my voice thick with desire. "Let me feel the pretty cum of yours around my fingers."

She broke, the words tipping her over the edge. She cried out, her body convulsing as she climaxed, her hands digging into my back. Her walls clenched hard around my fingers, her body shaking with the force of her release. I held her through it, reveling in the sight of her in the throes of pleasure

I kissed her gently as she came down from her high, my fingers stilling but not withdrawing yet as I held her close. The feeling of her body pressed against mine was overwhelming, my own need even more unbearable than before

''You were so beautiful," I whispered, my lips grazing her skin. "Absolutely breathtaking."

After cleaning her up I kissed the top of her head, my lips lingering there momentarily. I could feel the steady beat of her heart against my chest, a soothing rhythm that lulled me into a state of peaceful contentment. She nuzzled against my chest, her breath warm against my skin. I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her in even closer, relishing the feel of her body against mine as she fell asleep and it didn't take me long to follow her as we still had a bit more time to sleep till morning.

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