Episode 8- Comfort

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-Rhea's POV-

I woke up really early, just like I always did on my Saturday workout days. My eyes slowly adjusted to the light filtering in through the window, and I turned my head to gaze at the cute sleeping beauty, Ava. She was still sleeping soundly, her chest rising and falling in a gentle rhythm. I knew her asthma attacks were taking a toll on her, leaving her exhausted and vulnerable but even in her state of rest, she looked so adorable and peaceful. I felt a surge of lov- no, affection for her and decided to spend some more time just watching her sleep. The way her hair cascaded over her pillow, the way her eyelashes fluttered ever so slightly, and the way her lips curved into a faint smile - every detail was etched in my mind.

As I took in her beauty, I noticed a few strands of her hair falling on her face. At first, I didn't want to disturb her, but I couldn't resist the urge to push her hair back and run my fingers through her soft curls. It was almost unintentional, but I found myself caressing her cheeks with my thumb, taking care not to wake her up. At that moment, I felt a sense of warmth and tenderness that I had never experienced before. Was it love? No, it must be the affection. It was as if time had stood still, and all that mattered was this precious moment with her.

I needed to go to the gym but I really didn't wanna leave her so I did something that I never thought I would do, ever. For the first time in my life, I skipped gym that day, right now Ava was more important than any workout for me. Instead, I quietly got out of bed, not wanting to disturb her peaceful slumber, and headed to the kitchen to make her breakfast. I noticed she hadn't been eating very healthily since her fridge was full of deserts and junk food which made me laugh a bit but still, I made myself a mental note to make her eat more healthily. I saw some ingredients that I could use to create a healthy breakfast for her so I started doing that. After about 20 minutes I finished up the breakfast and went to her room to wake her up.

I went to her room and sat on the edge of the bed, watching her for a few more seconds then gently shaking her a bit, trying not to startle her. "Good morning, sleepyhead," I whispered softly as I saw her stirring from her slumber. Her eyes slowly opened, and she let out a contented sigh. "Hmm, good morning. Oh wow, it smells so good! You cooked?!" she asked, her smile lighting up the room.

I couldn't help but think how beautiful she looked when she first woke up, and don't even get me started on that cute little dimple. Trying to keep my thoughts in check, I responded, "I tried to make breakfast. I'll give you some time to dress up and come and taste it, okay?"

"Sounds perfect! I'll be right back," she replied, getting up to go to the bathroom. As she walked away, I couldn't help but admire the way her curls fell softly around her shoulders as I went to the kitchen to prepare the plates.

-Ava's POV-

I headed to the bathroom to quickly do my skincare routine. After finishing up, I got out of my pajamas and picked out my favorite skirt and an oversized t-shirt to wear for the day. I wanted to be comfortable, but still look cute for Rhea. However, I soon realized that it was a bit silly to put in so much effort, considering that Rhea had seen me last night when I was looking like a complete mess while having an asthma attack, being all red-faced, struggling to breathe on the floor. I used to be so embarrassed having them in front of people but having them in front of Rhea didn't make me ashamed. Sure, it wasn't the best situation to be in but her presence just made me feel calm and safe.

I was a bit anxious since I knew that sooner or later, Rhea and I would have to talk about the intruder situation that happened yesterday. As I made my way to the kitchen I was taken aback by what I saw. There, on the table, was the most beautiful display of breakfast foods I had ever seen. From fluffy pancakes to crispy bacon to a bowl of fresh fruits, everything was laid out perfectly, as if it were a work of art. I also noticed how she cleaned up the mess the intruder made yesterday. I couldn't help but feel a warm sense of gratitude towards Rhea who had done all this.. I realized how lucky I was to have someone as caring and thoughtful as her in moments like these.

''Rhea oh my god, you really didn't have to-'' I began but she cut me off. ''Ava, stop I wanted to. After everything you went through yesterday, it was the least I could do.'' she said. Her words made me feel emotional, and I couldn't help myself as I moved closer to her and hugged her tightly. She hugged me back, and her soft laughter filled the air. "Now come on and taste it!" she said and I quickly sat down and tasted everything. ''Okay wow, maybe wrestling isn't the only talent you have Miss Ripley.'' I smiled at her. ''Oh, it definitely isn't. I have a few more talents I can't wait for you to see.'' she winked. Her wink and suggestive tone caused my cheeks to flush with embarrassment and damn did I need to know about her other talents.

"But before that Ava, tell me what happened yesterday before I was here" her voice turned serious. I could sense the concern in her tone and I knew I had to tell her everything. My heart raced as I recounted the events of the previous day. I told her about the intruder who had broken into my house and turned it upside down. Then I told her about the broken vase and how the dust from it had triggered my asthma attack, making it difficult for me to breathe. As I spoke, I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, reliving the fear and panic of that moment all over again.

"Hey, look at me," Rhea said softly, "I can guarantee you nothing like that will ever happen again Ava. We will speak with the police about this intruder after breakfast, okay? After that, we'll go and buy you a new set of locks and a security camera. You have nothing to worry about."

I took a deep breath and slowly nodded my head, feeling a wave of relief wash over me. I knew I had to trust her on this, but the thought of someone breaking into my home still made me a bit uneasy. I just couldn't wait for this nightmare to be over, but for now, I was grateful for Rhea's reassurance and support.

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