Forty-Nine | Presidential Suites

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It feels as if sunshine finally broke through the storm clouds that hung between Renata and me.

After days of busy schedules—meetings that stretched into the night and a suffocating sense of duty, we've finally escaped it all.

Not only the crown but family duties in general.

And knowing Renata, this wasn't just a getaway.

It was a meticulously crafted escape from the royal cage of my life, and what would soon be hers.

A chance to breathe the salty air, feel the sun-warmed sand between my toes, and simply be Azura, not Her Royal Highness.

Just the thought of it makes my heart do a little pirouette.

The weight that had settled on my shoulders felt much lighter today.

It's as if Renata possesses the magic to transform the dull ache of duty into a wave of butterflies flitting in my stomach.

Never once, since the very beginning, have I felt the weight of confinement with her.

She's like a summer breeze, whispering promises of freedom in my ear.

- Azzy

Chapter Forty-Nine: Presidential Suites

Right in the center of Monte Carlo, the luxurious hotel sat between the city and the beautiful, sparkling water lapping in at the sandy shoreline.

It was a beautiful sight.

But not nearly as beautiful without her standing in front of it.

Check-in went seamlessly, which was likely due to the anticipation of our arrival.

Especially since Renata had reserved the only two presidential suites available at the luxurious hotel.

"How do you like it so far?" Renata murmured in my ear, standing behind me in the elevator with her arms secured around my waist.

I leaned back into her, turning my head slightly to meet her dark eyes, "I love it so much," I said, a smile growing on my lips as I pressed a soft kiss to her cheek, "Thank you Chéri."

Antonio hummed, "Yes, I love it as well Chéri," he mocked my words, which inevitably earned a shy blush from me and an amused chuckle from the woman behind me.

I playfully shoved my best friend, "Okay, now you're third wheeling," I said, teasing him back.

Antonio laughed, "Well, if I could get out of this elevator fast enough maybe I wouldn't be," he pointed out.

I jokingly rolled my eyes, glancing over when the elevator dinged, and the doors slid open to the highest floor.

"Thank God—I think I need a massage for the emotional damage I've been put through," Antonio said, stepping off of the elevator almost immediately.

I laughed a few times as we walked off the elevator with him, but before I could counter his statement, someone said—

"I could go for a massage too."

My eyes grew what felt like ten sizes, noticing Elijah standing by one of the doors dressed down in his usual black button-down and matching pants.

I can't believe he's here right now.

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