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𝚔𝚎𝚗𝚣𝚒 𝚙𝚘𝚟
I woke up the next day friday. Happy for three reasons. My bf was right here, laying on me, and i'd get to walk to school with him and all. Number two, my birthday was in a week. Three, I GET MY TATTTSSSS N PIERCING. I'm so exited and i didn't tell nobody, well ddot know i want em but he don't know im finna get them and where and what. I plan on getting a flower on my wrist area type stuff, and a sonder tattoo on my neck. I love brent.
"cmon bae it's time to get up" i nudge ddot "ion want too" "GET UUHHHPP" and ddot sat up as i laughed in his face "it's too early for this mama" he rubbed his eyes "cmonnn " i got up and went into my bathroom to start my routine.
A few minutes later ddot came up and began to brush his teeth and wash his face.
I transitioned to my room to find an outfit. Ddot begged me to match him with his grey nike tech, so ofc i got out mine.
"new balances with this or no?" i ask "def the new balances, i just got black cats" he shrugged "i could wear mine then" i smile going into my closet
ddot was now basically ready. Makenzi still had to fix up her hair and make up, she didn't fully know about the makeup. Ddot watched her do her hair humming to the music in the back. Ddot liked her hair straight a lot, curly too, braids, natural he loved it all. No favorite. Watching makenzi get ready had him falling in love by the minute. The more he stared at her soft gaze focused on her hair, or how pretty she looked natural faced, or the way her tech fit her nicely. Ddot liked it all.
"darriannn, you like my hair or curl it?" i said brushing through her hair "it look good" ddot said "makeup or not today" i turn in my chair
Ddot took in her beauty from a full angle when she turned to him. He started her down and up before licking his lips, motioning for her to come closer. Kenzi came close honestly nervous from what he was thinking, and the way he was looking at her was having her going crazy. Ddot was on demon time before school, he was also going crazy.
Makenzistood in front of him and he wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her down to sit on top. Makenzi smiled as ddot guided her face into a kiss.. and then another.. and another.. and a few more. darrian slipped his tongue into makenzi's mouth and it turned into a make out session. Makenzi wrapped her arms around his neck, running her hands through his curly hair, as ddot held on tightly too her hips. Not wanting it to end, makenzi pulled ddot even closer and he began feeling on her, rubbing his hands up and down her legs. Finally makenzi knew they had to separate or they wouldn't make it too school. She tapped his shoulder and smiled.