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What is this enormous pressure? I've got a bandage, and I'm waiting for Euihyun, but... why the hell is Taejo staring at me like that? Goodness, I feel like crying.

"Were you trying to commit suicide too?" Taejo grinned smugly, his tone annoyingly playful—at least, it wouldn't be annoying if I were still just a reader.

"No, and what do you mean by too?"

"Well, I once found someone trying to commit suicide... with a kid." He leaned back, casually resting on the couch.

I knew exactly what he was talking about.

"Don't you think you're a bit too nosy?"

"I don't like digging into other people's matters," I said, trying to avoid his questions.

Taejo chuckled, clearly entertained. "You've got quite a way with words, don't you? Hmm~"

"What's your name, Mister?" I asked, trying to shift the conversation.

"Yeo Taejo. Why?"

"Please stop asking me questions. It'd be much better if you didn't talk to me at all."

"Grumpy, aren't you? You're kind of boring, you know?"

Just then, Euihyun walked in, his right hand wrapped in a bandage.

"Hey kid, are you okay?" He sat down between us, not even looking at me. What a gem Taejo had.

"She's not a kid. Can't you smell her? Look at her—she's just short."

Both Euihyun and I gave Taejo a disgusted look.

"Wha... What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?" Taejo poked Euihyun's cheek, only to be met with a slap. Good move, Euihyun.

"Ah... Sorry for his behavior," Euihyun apologized. "Um..."

"Y/N. Jung Y/N. Thanks for saving me," I said with a bow. "What's your name, hyung?" I asked, giving him a friendly smile.

"HYUNG?! WHO ARE YOU CALLING HYUNG YOU BRA—ACK!" Taejo's rant was cut short by a well-deserved punch from Euihyun. I actually felt a bit bad for him.



We were walking down the stairs, and Taejo was... helping me? Well, not exactly being nice, but still.

"Hey, how old are you, brat?" he asked, making sure Euihyun couldn't hear.


"Because I paid your hospital bill."

"Who asked you? I certainly didn't."

"Ungrateful brat! I only did it because my wifey asked me to. Now tell me."

"Seventeen," I sighed.

"Hmm~" Taejo leaned in and sniffed me.

"W-What the—" Cringe overload!

"You're an omega, aren't you?" His tone turned serious.


Euihyun turned back, looking puzzled. "Um... You've got it wrong... I'm not his—"

"Oh hell YEAH, he is!" Taejo interrupted, wrapping his arm around Euihyun's neck. My poor baby was mumbling something, completely flustered.

"Stop messing with her, you maniac," Euihyun grumbled again.

Outside the hospital, Euihyun got a phone call and stepped away to answer it.

"Betas don't smell this strong," Taejo whispered as he leaned in close. "So, are you from a well-off family? We don't see many omega girls from lower classes. To be specific, they're usually found in the pros' quarters."

"Mind your own business, Mister!" I snapped. Stay calm, Y/N. Don't make him more suspicious.

"Are you a runaway? Or did your family kick you out?"

I stayed silent. Taejo was probably already calculating how much money he could make by selling me.

"Well, if you need a job, come to me," Taejo said, flashing a grin.

"No thanks."

"Are you really going to be okay?" Euihyun asked, coming back with genuine concern in his voice.

"She'll be fine, wifey," Taejo chimed in before I could answer, clearly enjoying himself.

"Yes, hyung. See you around!"

I watched them drive off, feeling a bit hollow. I had nowhere to go. No matter how nice Taejo was to Euihyun, he was still a loan shark, deeply involved in illegal activities. Euihyun was probably the only thing keeping his wild side in check.

Agh.... I feel so dizzy. I only took a  coffee at the hospital. Taejo and Euihyun are now in a car, only 6 seconds it will take to loose their track. I don't know how I will survive in this world. I wish they could just take me with them. But they won't just help a random omega girl for nothing. Euihyun might've done this but he already got problems. And talking to Taejo won't do good.

They are gone. Maybe I should've tried a bit more. I am lost in the crowd, a deep ocean and I feel like I am sinking.

. I unconsciously put my hand in my pocket. Wait a piece of paper? It's a note!

(Dear readers, I in case changed and will change some information about the omegaverse. I will try to not make any major changes though. And sorry for any grammatical problem. Happy reading :))

Shadows At Dawn(Yeo Wonyoung X Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now