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Wonyoung POV:

When Y/N and I reach her place, Taeju and that red cow are already in front of the house. The cow's standing there, looking down and talking to Taeju about something. I roll my eyes.

"Geez, every time I'm gone for one night, someone's standing around like this..." Y/N mumbles before getting out of the car. I follow her, irritated too.

"She's way too possessive. You should cut ties with her," I mutter, feeling my annoyance building.

The red-haired woman looks like she's about to cry as she approaches. "Y/N, where were you?"

I lean casually on the car, cutting in before Y/N can answer, "She was at my place last night. In my room." Perfect. The look on her face? Priceless. She turns pale instantly, like someone just ripped the floor from under her.

"I-is that true... Y/N?" Red Cow clings to Y/N's shoulder, trying to act like she's still got some control.

"I-I mean yes?" Y/N sneaks a glance at me, clearly flustered, then looks back at Ji-Yeong. "I was sick, so Miss Wonyoung helped me. Nothing more."

I smirk and push it further, "She was feeling hot—" but Y/N jumps in, cutting me off.

"Fever! She meant fever, Ji-Yeong." Nice save, but I can't help but chuckle to myself.

Taeju, who's been oddly quiet, gives me a look and gestures for me to follow him. Guess I'll save my fist for another time.

"She's sick. Don't bother her now. Let's talk in the car," I suggest, my annoyance shifting to something more serious.

Before we leave, Taeju throws another comment at Y/N. "Oi, bean sprout, stay in the house. And if you wanna talk, use Euihyun's phone. Got it?"

Y/N looks nervous. So she knows she's in trouble? Great. I'm the only one left in the dark, it seems.

Once we're in the car, I ask the question I've been dying to know, "What did she do now?"

Taeju takes a left turn and says, "The woman who survived that night? Y/N gouged out one of her eyes yesterday."

I'm speechless for a moment, then I smirk. "What the hell... but that woman must've stepped on her path first." I feel a weird sense of pride. My girl can handle herself.

"That woman's part of a rival group," Taeju continues, "and not just that. She's the spoiled brat of the leader. They gathered all of Y/N's info in just a few hours. Now they want us to handle her, or the deal's off." He looks at me, dead serious.

"So, what do you want to do?" I ask, trying to keep my cool. "You've got a soft spot for her, don't you?" Taeju must have to plan something, right?

Taeju sighs. "Yeah, but I can't let everything fall apart because of one person. This group is a snake pit, and we're in too deep. Honestly, we can't back her up right now."

He's right. As much as I hate to admit it, Y/N's in serious danger. If we let her go, she's as good as dead. That group is a snake cave.

"Then why are you asking me?" I snap, but deep down, I know I have to do something.

"Wonyoung, do you like her? If you're sure about her, maybe we can figure something out."

I'm not sure what to say. But one thing's for sure—I'm not letting her get taken down that easily.


"Oi noona, let's play dinosaur! Rawrrrr," Euiyoung's tiny voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

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