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Ugh. That's the 23rd time that song has distracted me. I can't concentrate on work or get Wonyoung out of my head. Was that just a dinner? Or... a dinner date? I can still taste her lips—soft and sweet. Damn, I've got it bad.

"Y/N, your hands aren't moving."

"Oh! Sorry!" Gurenge-ah's voice snaps me out of my daze, and I hurriedly get back to work, flipping through the files. Wonyoung's been busy these past two days, so she hasn't come into the office. Probably for the best, considering my brain's a mess.

"By the way, where did you spend your holiday this week?" Gurenge-ah's sudden question catches me off guard. She never asks things like this.


"At night too? I couldn't reach you that evening," she adds, typing furiously like she's hacking into some rival organization's server.

"I went out for dinner... with a friend," I reply, keeping my voice neutral. If I act shocked, it'll seem suspicious— Why does that feel like a lie even though it's the truth? Ugh, stop overthinking, Y/N.  Wonyoung and I are just friends... except, friends don't—

"Oh?" Gurenge-ah side-eyes me for a second but doesn't press further.



Later, I'm handed a stack of files. "Y/N, put these on Boss Wonyoung's desk."

Great. Just what I needed—an excuse to not think about Wonyoung by... walking right into her office. When I get there, she's already seated, scrolling through her phone. When did she come in?!

I try to quietly drop off the files, but her eyes snap up to meet mine. Crap.

"Y/N, WHAT DID YOU DO?!" A coworker's scream distracts me, and I look down to see all the neatly arranged papers scattered on the floor. Great. I kneel to pick them up, and then—of course—Wonyoung kneels down next to me to help, while giving me that smirk. You know, the one that says, I know you're flustered, and I love it.

She brushes her fingers over mine while handing me the files, and I swear my whole body flinches. Why do her hands feel like electricity now?



"Why did you drop them? Lost yourself in my eyes?" she teases, leaning in close enough to make my heart race.

I choke on my coffee, feeling my face turn bright red. Her flirting never used to get to me like this! What did that kiss do to me? Was it drugged?

"Miss Won—"

"Darling," she interrupts with a smirk. "Call me that."

I spit my coffee all over her face. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN!?" I shout, jumping to my feet, fists slamming down on my desk in panic. Papers fly everywhere, and Gurenge-ah calmly hands tissues to Wonyoung, who wipes the coffee off her face like it's no big deal.

"So, dea—" she starts again, but I cut her off, bowing deeply.

"I'm so sorry, Boss!" In my rush, I smack my head on the desk corner. Perfect.

Wonyoung grabs my hand and pulls me into the guest room next door, usually reserved for her and Taeju when they need breaks. "Ish, be careful, babe," she says, pressing an ice pack to my head. "You hurt yourself."

"W-Wonyoung, are you... okay? You're scaring me..." I mumble, watching her carefully. She doesn't seem weird, but why's she acting like this?

"Huh? What do you mean? Sit here." She tugs me onto the sofa beside her.

Shadows At Dawn(Yeo Wonyoung X Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now