Live out the Dream

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Cedarcamp, Ohio

Elizabeth was waiting her turn for her food, the mess hall loud with multiple conversations. "So does your mom sound like me? Since she's from Ohio?" her bunk mate Sarah asked and the blonde smiled, "no she sounds like me although in old videos she sounds like you. She's been in London eleven years now but the American comes out after wine", Sarah and Elizabeth laughed. "Move girls, Sue wants her strawberry's. Yknow, you should have some, maybe put some healthy food into that system rather than all that...stuff you have there."

Sue Sylvester had squeezed between Elizabeth but paid her no attention instead directing her words to the blonde on her left instead, Harmony stammered before answering the intimidating woman. "Sorry, erm miss Sylvester. I'm allergic so I can't have any" Harmony turned and quickly walked off to join her friends concerned the woman may eat her alive if she stayed there any longer.

"Yes well. They're very good for you girl", "sorry I can't..." "I know. I know. You're allergic. Stop annoying me". Sue walked off and Elizabeth just shook her head at her friend as they continued down the food line.

Harmony made it back to her friends and joined a conversation she found interesting due to her recent interaction. "I swear the woman is insane. She had the duck house running laps half the night", "my mom said she used to be a teacher at her school, she was just as crazy then apparently. Tried to shoot cheerleaders from canons!" The girls around the table rose their eyebrows in shock at Harmony, the blonde beginning to devour her breakfast. "What shall we do today? Any plans?" Harmony spoke between mouthfuls forgetting her manners as she was far too excited for what the day had to bring. "I was thinking the wall climbing!" Jess, the first person she had met spoke up and Harmony began to bounce with excitement. "That sounds like fun!".

Elizabeth sat with Sarah at the other end of the hall. She had her book out reading whilst eating, Sarah doing the same. "They have fencing today. Fancy a try at it?" Elizabeth looked up from her book, "I think I would have an advantage over you, my mum sent me to lessons back home". "That's fine! You can teach me and make me the best too!" Elizabeth smiled and nodded, camp was shaping up to be good.

"It's a tour Quinn. I have to do them! How else do you think we can get by?! Your photos! Yeah sure!"
Quinn stopped, her back to Rachel the brunette gulped realising what she had just said.

"Quinn, I didn't mean...." "Leave it. You said it. Can't take that back Rachel. I supported you. Loved you. Carried your children. But I guess you're right, my dream would never be enough." The blonde stopped, swallowing in hopes to settle her stomach. "I've called San, I'm going to London with them, when they go back. I'm taking Elizabeth and this way we never have to see each other again."

Rachel stood shocked, was this woman really wanting to split up their family over an argument. Rachel watched the women's shoulders shake from behind as tears fell onto the carpet of their bedroom floor. Quinn wasn't breaking apart their family over an argument she was putting herself and their daughters first, defeated Rachel sat back on the bed and watched as Quinn walked from the room.

"Okay! Finally someone who isn't completely incompetent! Elizabeth Berry our reigning champion everyone!" Sue raised Elizabeth's hand and turned them around the crowd, presenting the girl to those she had defeated. "Now! Anyone left?"

Harmony and her friends had heard the shouting as they walked through the camp and the blonde had smirked upon seeing the 'champion' paraded. "I'll do it!" The girl entered a slight jog and approached the crowd, pushing her way to the fencing gear and suiting up. "Okay! Healthy competition. I like it! Let's do this!" Sue shouted and Elizabeth was almost certain it was the only octave the woman communicated in. Harmony pulled down her mask before turning to face her competitor, waving her sword in salute, the other girl doing the same.

"Really think you stand a chance?"
"Americans have been whopping English behind for years". Elizabeth leapt forward first, their swords contacting, Harmony shocked at the power the girl put behind the swing, she quirked an eyebrow at the competition and decided this would be fun. The girls fell into a comfortable rhythm as they battled it out for dominance both avoiding any form of touches, Elizabeth pushed forward leaving Harmony no choice but to back out of the ring the duel leading them off into the trees.

"Care to give up?"
"Never!" Harmony panted as she threw herself back at the girl, now making their way back to the crowd and quickly through. Elizabeth was forced into stepping up and onto the decking of a hut, she pushed back just in time but Harmony skipped and climbed atop a wood pile. "Ha!" Harmony reached forward but lost her balance, she wobbled slightly before falling back and with a mighty splash was drenched and sat in an old water trough. Elizabeth peered over the railing and laughed, "see, we brits do it just fine thank you. We also have manners." The girl outstretched her hand offering to help the other up, "yeah well, must have been something lost in the pond" and with a yank Elizabeth was pulled into the water with Harmony, who laughed as the other girl began to flail about.

"Ha! Brilliant! Now girls get up and make nice. I can't be dealing with teenage drama for the next four weeks!" Both girls had made it out of the trough and were stood opposite one another theirs backs touching. "Now girls!" They both jumped at the instruction removing their helmets but ignoring the gasps, they turned to face one another both jaws dropping.

"How you guys gonna tell them apart?" Puck asked staring between the two cribs, looking for any sign the twin girls were different. "Rachel pretends she knows but she's actually put a dot on Harmony's foot". Puck laughed and Rachel smirked, opening her arms for Quinn to sit on her lap and cuddle into her chest. "Has Mercedes been over yet?" Sam asked and Rachel smirked knowingly at her band mate, "she popped by the other day. Yknow, you could just ask her out?" Sam shook his head as Rachel began to rub her fingers through blonde locks noticing how even Quinn's breathing was becoming. "Nah. She doesn't do second chances, she'll forever be out of my league" "yknow I said the same thing to Puck about Quinn, now look at me. I get to live out my dream for the rest of my life".

"It's weird Harmony! Like, you guys are identical!"
Harmony huffed, the entire way back to her cabin her friends had gone on and on about the similarities between herself and Elizabeth. "Slightly, sure but enough because tonight I'm getting my revenge for that fencing. Jess can you send a note to the other cabin? I need to get ready." The girl turned quirking an eyebrow at the taller of them all.

Quinn smiled at the brunette across the table from her and quirked an eyebrow. "What's wrong Berry? Scared?" Rachel huffed and threw ten dollars into the pile of money in between them, their friendship group gasping. "Cmon Fabray, cough up". The blonde sighed and lopped her cards down on the table, a good thing too as Rachel was clearly taking the win.

"This is the last time you're allowed to bring a new person into the poker nights Puck" Quinn hissed getting up and storming off into her parent's kitchen. Puck sighed, "sorry Rae, she gets like this sometimes". Rachel shrugged and stood, "it's okay, I should have been less cocky. I'll go speak to her."

Rachel walked to the kitchen, leaning against the door frame and watching the blonde sip at a glass of wine she had poured herself. "Last I checked the age limit was twenty one, not sixteen?" "Sue me". Rachel approached the blonde and stopped when she brought them face to face, "why don't you like me? I mean Christ Quinn I've tried so hard to be your friend. We've been in the same friendship group for a year now and yet I feel like I don't even know you. Am I really that bad?"

Quinn shook her head, she could feel her breathing becoming unsteady from the brunettes proximity. "What then Quinn? I've not got cooties. I just want you to give me..." Rachel was stopped abruptly by Quinn's lips on her own, the brunette instinctively grabbed the blondes hips and pulled her closer, getting lost in the sensation.

Harmony stared at the British girl and quirked an eyebrow, "giving up?" "Never". Elizabeth unfolded a five pound note and slid it across to Harmony, "sorry but I think, like the fencing, you've been bested" "not so fast Lizzie. In your honour, a royal flush." Harmony was jostled by her friends as she sat smirking at the other girl proud to have finally outdone her at something.

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