Resist being loved by you

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Stafford hotel, lobby

Rachel allowed herself to stare into brown orbs a little too long, completely missing what the blonde had said. "Erm, yeah, yeah of course." Quinn giggled and bit her lip, shaking her head at Rachel. "Still not great at paying attention I see. You know you just agreed to pay for my plane ticket right?" Rachel rubbed her neck nervously and shrugged at the blonde, "if that's what you need." Quinn looked at the woman, her face suddenly stern, "I don't need anything from you Rachel, but thank you".

"Gee it's good to be home but I sure have not missed this tension." Rachel looked past Quinn and to Santana who was leading the group of aunties and uncles through the hotel lobby. "Nice to see you too Santana" Rachel didn't miss the slight glare the woman had given her at first but was appreciative that it had faded when Quinn turned to face them all too. "Where are the girls?" Both Rachel and Quinn sighed, "they should be here but clearly they got Rachel's time keeping skills." Rachel scoffed "oh yeah and your sass" "your attitude" "your smile" "your eyes" "your charm".... the women were stopped by a throat clearing and realised they had traveled closer to one another in the debate.

"You okay Moms?" The women looked to their children that had appeared behind them both taking in the sight of them in matching clothes. "This" Quinn gestured between them. "Well we kinda figured that, we didn't want to go without each other so we've decided to stay for the end of summer." There was some snorts from behind and Rachel groaned, "girls please. Your mother and I are very busy and we need to get home." "That's fine Mom we won't keep you just as soon as you agree that we can spend the last week of summer here."

Santana pushed past the two women and squatted down in front of the girls, Sam had followed and was stood behind her, both staring at the twins. "You got any ideas trouty mouth" Sam rolled his eyes, "maybe you guys should just stay, let them enjoy summer before organising a routine?" Quinn sighed and closed her eyes, Rachel looking at the blonde. "I can send Elizabeth back once summer ends." One of the twins coughed, drawing the attention of both women, Sam and Santana now standing either side of the girls, still trying to figure out any sign one was different from the other. "We will just do this again. We want a family summer."

A vacation, that is what Finn had been promised, one last group hurrah after school finished but instead he was currently sat holding back Mercedes hair as she threw up into a bucket he had found under the kitchen sink. "This is the last vacation I'm taking with you guys." Rachel pushed herself up on her elbows from her position on the couch, "don't be such a bore, maybe have a drink and lighten up." "Yeah loser!" Finn rolled his eyes at his friends, rubbing Mercedes back in comfort as the girl began to settle and slump over the bucket. "Sam shouldn't you be over here?" Santana laughed from her own spot slumped against the sofa, "he's out of it man. It would seem that for the first time in history Finn has become the adult amongst us." Everyone laughed and Finn sighed, he supposed they were right, after all he did always get drunk first and the quickest.


"I can't believe the whole Addams family is coming to stay." Rachel sighed and rubbed her face before placing her hand back on the steering wheel of the car. "It's only a couple of days and it's to make sure my daughter doesn't end up in London. It'll be fun, something different to do, it'll be good for you to get to know both girls as well as their families." Kitty folded her arms in the front seat and decided to sulk the rest of the journey, she had no intention of getting to know children she didn't plan on being around for too long and a family she felt the same way about.

Rachel smiled over at the blonde in her passenger seat, she was thankful for every moment with the woman but moments like this, when it was just them driving to their home, these moments she cherished even more. "Care to share star?" "Just thankful, for everything. Really, truly thankful that you allow me to love you everyday." "Who could resist being loved by you".

Vineyard, Napa

Quinn was in awe of the home she was being shown around by Sam. They had arrived earlier than Rachel and Kitty who had stayed back to sort out a few things. "This is amazing Sam. I can't believe you guys really made your dream come true." "Yeah and unlimited wine!" Brittany walked through the kitchen presenting two bottles to the others all sat around in the lounge. "As long as it's not from the secret stash feel free." Mercedes head perked up at this and she turned to face Finn in her seat, "secret stash?" "No." Quinn spoke up and Sam laughed at the brunette, he certainly had missed having her in his life. "Mercedes. Fancy going for a walk?" Everyone looked at Sam, the women confused and the men smug, "get it boy!" "Get what?" Quinn looked at Puck to explain to her inquisitive daughter who had entered the room, the man just sunk into his seat under the glare instead.

"I'll give you five minutes of my time, that's it." Mercedes got up slowly, Sam having already jumped to his feet. The blonde offered his hand to the woman but she just shrugged past it and lead the way for him to follow which he did in a manner not unlike a golden retriever.

"Have I missed something?" Rachel asked as she walked into the room and joined what had earlier been described as the 'Addams family'. The brunette took the moment to really take in the scene before her, Sam and Mercedes were missing but with Santana and Brittany cuddled up on a couch drinking wine, Puck and Finn on the couch opposite sat enjoying the same bottle and her daughters, one sat between Puck and Finn the other in Quinn's lap. Rachel smiled, she had tasted this moment before, she had almost touched it. "Hey!!" Rachel's musings were interrupted at the voice of her fiancée and she turned to smile at the woman, not missing how Quinn's previous smile faulted.

"What's the plan then?" Kitty asked as she hung off the brunettes neck smiling at the room who was paying her no attention. "We're chilling, up to you what you do." Santana said and Kitty remembered just how much she disliked the Latina. "Well the girls and Rachel have this camping trip tomorrow so perhaps everyone should get some rest." Quinn turned to look at the woman and grinned, "yeah the trip should be fun, I haven't camped in years." Kitty's face scrunched up as she turned to look at her fiancée, "Quinn is going on the trip? That's weird Rachey".

Quinn patted for Elizabeth to move off her lap and stood up walking towards the two women. "I agree, it is kinda weird. I mean, the trip would probably be a better idea for you to attend and spend some quality time with the girls." Kitty stuttered over her words as she struggled to find a reason as to why she couldn't attend, the older blonde put her hand up gesturing for the children behind to silence their disapproval at the idea. "Sure. It should be fun." Rachel noted the smirk on Quinn's lips and also the way it made her stomach flip lightly.

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