Thats Forever

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Elizabeth had decided to sleep on the crazy plan Harmony had pitched to her last night about them trading lives when camp finished in the next couple of days. She was desperate to meet her Mum but she also missed her Mum like mad.
"I know you're awake, have you decided yet?" Elizabeth sat up and smiled at the girl sat on the end of the bed they had pushed together. "Yeah and I agree, let's make this happen!"

Quinn ran her hand across relaxed abs, smiling at the slight twitch in Rachel's boxer briefs. She had waited patiently for a full twenty five minutes for the brunette to wake up and in her opinion it was becoming a bit of a joke that she still slept. "You're thinking loud my love." Quinn smiled excitedly and poked at the stirring women beside her. "Hey stud, care to grace me with your presence?" Rachel smirked at the nickname and opened one eye, "yes?" "I'm ovulating" Quinn leant and whispered in the brunettes ear. The blonde giggled as she was flipped onto her back and Rachel hovered above her grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

The girls didn't have much time to prepare, luckily they had been spending everyday learning about each other, however Elizabeth was not sure of the next step they had to take. Harmony had shorter hair and Elizabeth had always taken pride in her long curly blonde locks, she cringed as Harmony cut a chunk away. At least it would grow back Elizabeth thought as she smiled at her sister through the mirror, "Let's do this!" Harmony grinned at the approval and proceeded to cut away at the girls hair, she cringed slightly as she cut a bit too short "everything okay?". Harmony collected herself and nodded, "of course!".

Elizabeth's trip to the hair salon didn't take as long as she expected and she was soon admiring her new trim. "I knew it wouldn't look bad, I mean you have the same style but I'm quite surprised by how much I actually like it." Harmony grinned, "of course! Plus when you're at the vineyard it'll help keep it out of your face".

Both girls were stood smiling at one another when Harmony's grin faulted slightly. "What is it?" "Erm, I kinda have my ears pierced". Elizabeth's eyes went wide and she held her hands up defensively, "no". "This would have all been for nothing! Liz we have to do this!" "It's going to hurt!" "Slightly but then it's over and you can finally meet Mom". "Fine! Get it over with!"

Rachel smiled as she walked up behind a familiar blonde figure, wrapping her arms around the women's waist and smiling into a neck. "Hey star. Where have you been?" Rachel grinned at the nickname and let the blonde turn to face her placing a chaste kiss on her lips, very aware they were in their school corridor surrounded by hormonal teenagers. "I've gotta show you something." Quinn quirked an eyebrow for the brunette to continue. Rachel released the blonde and stepped back, she turned her head and brushed her hair to the side. Quinn watched and then let her jaw drop as she saw behind Rachel's right ear was a small Q in script.

"Rachel Berry! What on earth have you done!" The singer turned back and smirked "I thought you'd like it". The brunette looked disheartened and Quinn felt slightly bad for her reaction. "It's nice, but, Rach, that's forever" "So are we".

"Okay, have fun and give Mum a hug for me. Don't forget to find out how they met". Harmony smiled as she hugged her sister, "don't you forget to find out why they aren't together now". The sisters separated and smiled at one another for the last time, "I'm going to miss you" Elizabeth said feeling a tear forming in her eyes corner. "We will be back together soon and so will our Moms! Let's do this!"

Harmony was on the plane first, her mother having arranged earlier transport since the journey was so long. Elizabeth had told her that her aunties weren't available to collect her from the camp but their mother trusted she would make a safe return. Harmony had been escorted to and through the airport by a steward and sat enjoying the meal her mother had preordered her, well had ordered Elizabeth but lucky for Harmony they both enjoyed similar foods. She sat musing at how big the ocean really was between her and her mom back home, she hoped her mother liked her, she hope Elizabeth was getting on well with her family, their family.


Elizabeth was looking at her reflection in the airport bathroom mirror, she had splashed her face with some water to try and help calm her nerves. She had never been very comfortable meeting new people but something about this coming interaction made her feel warm and fuzzy. She was about to meet her mother for the very first time and with one last glance she pushed off the sink and left the room with purpose, the airport was still as busy as ever and as someone budged past her she wondered if all Americans lacked manners. She had reached the end of the terminal and bit the inside of her cheek nervously, thinking that perhaps she had gotten on the wrong plane, or maybe it was the wrong day, or perhaps the wrong airport.. "Harmony!!! Get your butt over here kiddo!" Elizabeth's breath caught a little and her legs moved involuntarily toward the voice in the crowd, she stopped suddenly in front of a brunette woman, her own eyes looking back at her and the biggest smile plastered across both faces. "Mom!".


"Elizabeth! Get that little butt over here!" "Hey don't you recognise your aunties!"

Harmony smiled and ran towards the two women stood in the airport smiling at her, she was pulled into a hug by both at once and felt slightly sad that it wasn't her uncles. "Zi! Look at your hair and your ears! Someone went rebellious I see." Harmony smiled at her auntie Santana but felt her auntie Brittany's eyes watching her, she turned to the blonde and grinned before offering out her hand. The dancer willingly accepted and both quickly entered into a dance/handshake routine Elizabeth had taught Harmony, both could hear Santana laughing at them but that didn't matter, what mattered to Harmony right now was that finally she was starting to feel complete.

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