Heart beat

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Vineyard, Napa

Quinn looked out from the porch and waved gleefully as her daughters pulled up with their mother in the truck, her eyebrows furrowing when she noticed a certain passenger missing. "Hey!" The girls just waved at their mother sadly and then stormed up the stairs to her, pushing past her and making their way into the home. "Hold up! No hug? No conversation? Did you at least have fun?" The girls turned and continued frowning at their mother, "we're grounded." "Forever." Rachel said as she stopped and stood next to Quinn, her hands on her hips. "Where's Kitty?" "She left, the camp site and me." The twins looked between each other sheepishly before returning their gaze to the floor, refusing to look at their mothers.

"What happened?" "We played a prank." "You almost drowned her, they dragged her bed to the lake in the night." Quinn stifled a laughter, pressing her lips into a thin line, "that's...that's not good girls." Rachel turned and stared at the blonde, her own smile now turning into a small laugh. "You, are just as bad as them, yknow that?" Quinn poked the brunettes arm and smirked, "always stud."

Quinn hummed as she felt Rachel's hand run through her hair, "you best have done it that time stud. I don't know how much longer I can keep up with your stamina." Rachel chuckled in response, placing a gentle kiss to the head on her shoulder. "I think I done it well enough to make two that time."

"The girls are in bed, their phones in my safe". Quinn giggled and turned to face Rachel who had walked into the kitchen. "Yknow, I never did like Kitty." Rachel laughed, shaking her head at the woman, "maybe one day I'll thank them." Rachel walked round the counter and past Quinn, neither missing the way their bodies brushed and the jolt they both received at being so close. "Have you seen Sam? I tried calling him to let him know I'd kinda lost his air mattress but it just went to voicemail".

"Well, him and Mercedes went for a walk about a day ago and yeah, that's the last I heard." Rachel shook her head, looking out of her kitchen window, she wondered just what part of the vineyard Sam had taken the woman too on this walk or perhaps they had gone straight to Sam's house tour. "The others?" "Something about your finest grape yet?" Rachel groaned and let her head fall slightly, she knew she shouldn't have shared that particular batch with her friends. "That bad?" Rachel turned, she allowed herself a moment to really take in the woman before her. Quinn had aged, they both had but it looked great on the blonde, there was no distinct sign that she was older she just held herself higher and looked wiser. She certainly had aged well Rachel mused letting her eyes run down the woman's body and settling on the way her arse filled the jeans she wore, "good there stud?" Rachel stuttered and reigned herself in, "why do you keep calling me that?" Quinn blushed, standing up straight from the counter and turning to walk towards Rachel. "You gave us two daughters, I think that's stud worthy right?"

Rachel could have sworn she felt the air getting thicker with each step Quinn took towards her, the blonde stopping two steps away. "Have dinner with me?" "Of course." Quinn surprised herself and Rachel at how fast she had answered. "I wasn't expecting that. I was just going to eat some of the leftovers in the fridge." "Never done me any harm". Rachel wanted nothing more than to push the stray lock of blonde hair in front of Quinn's eye back into its place, she wanted to remind herself of how the Blonde smelt, the softness of her skin underneath her fingertips, the way the woman's face would nestle into her hand when Rachel cupped it.

"Come with me first." Rachel offered her hand to Quinn who accepted it both convincing themselves the shot of energy they felt was in their minds. Rachel pulled the woman behind her, leading her towards a door Quinn hadn't been through yet, "mind you head." "I bet you don't have to worry about that." Rachel paused pushing open the door to turn and look at Quinn, her eyebrow quirked and eyes squinted. "Don't push it Fabray." "Berry. Never changed it legally." Surely Quinn knew the way her words were playing with Rachel's mind, Rachel shook the thoughts from her head she knew Quinn had always spoken so openly with her and she also knew the woman meant no harm by the way she spoke.

Rachel flicked a switch on the wall, pushed open the door and began to lead them down the steps trying to shake the way Quinn's hand in her own made her heart beat faster than ever. "This is my treasure trove. The only place I have to myself really." Quinn looked around it was a cellar if she had ever seen one, shelves lined the back wall filled with wine bottles and a small table in the middle, one chair, the chair positioned to face the side wall where a cork board was hung. "Remember these?" Rachel gestured for the blonde to take the final step and look at the board. Quinn approached and took in the photos, each sparking a memory within her.

Quinn held the phone out in front of them both her face scrunching as Rachel nuzzled her cheek, the blonde quickly capturing the moment.

The blonde was leant against the headboard flipping through a book for school, her glasses in place and one of Rachel's T-shirts on. "Rachel I swear to god, put my camera down." The brunette shook her head and took the opportunity to snap a quick photo.

"Everyone in position!" Mr Shue shouted as he ran from behind the camera and jumped up on stage into a seated position in front of the glee club. "Say cheese!"

Rachel smiled at Quinn, the way her eyes were glowing made her heart beat uncontrollably. "Look at the camera Star, I want at least one wedding shot without you eye fucking me." Rachel laughed and did as she was told.

Quinn breathed, keeping her camera steady and waiting for the brunette to walk down the stage. "Everyone sing!" Rachel flung her arms up in the air for the crowd to join her and Quinn snapped the quickest photo she could have ever taken as the brunette jumped into the air smiling wildly out at the crowd.

"This will always be my proudest photo." Quinn ran her hands across a baby scan, the baby scan where they had finally been informed that they were having twins. "And to think, I really thought I was going to have a son." Quinn just shook her head looking to the brunette who was now stood at her side, "why did you keep all of these?" Rachel took Quinn's hand in her own pulling the woman slightly closer, both could now feel the rise and fall of one another's chests with each deep breath they were taking.

"I never forgot anything. I never wanted to forget anything about us." Quinn felt her head tilting instinctively, the voice sending smooth air across her lips and cheeks, she had never been able to resist Rachel and she knew she never would be able to.

"Anyone home!" Rachel recognised Sam's bellowing voice and glanced to the open cellar door, in that split second, one hesitation, Quinn dropped her hand and began to walk backwards, creating space between the two. Rachel clenched her jaw and felt her nostrils flare as she attempted to keep in her tears, watching as Quinn shook her head and let her own fall freely. "There isn't an us anymore." It was whispered and then the blonde fled, Rachel left standing alone for the second time in their story surrounded by their memories but nothing to hold on to.

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