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It was a sudden for Obito, he had not expected the little one to fall on him. He was stunned, for several minutes before he finally pushed Kakashi aside and sat up.

And their it was, the awkward silence.
"If your interrogation is over, I will leave-" he glanced at the silverette

He was adjusting his mask, but it was a bit too dark to make out his expression. But Obito supposed he was probably angry until.... warm rays of sun fell on his features.

"Oh?" Obito looked at the red sun rising above from the hills "It's morning already?"

He looked back at Kakashi and......'is he... no its can't be, it maybe because of the red rays of sun or maybe because he is just angry, he can't be blushing '

He stared at the little one a bit longer.

"Since its morning already let's go to the training ground" Obito suggested

"Mm" Kakashi responded

The half of the day flew by discussing there mission of the other day as they planned their strategy. And as they were about to leave Rin approached Obito.

"Hey, Obito!" She smiled at him

"Oh, hey" he smiled back, delighted to see her

"So what gift have you decided?"

"....gift?" He tilted his head

"You haven't forgotten about it, have you? Gift for Kakashi" she whispered childishly

Obito couldn't help but chuckle "Oh right, I remember...."

'That was what happened...... but he already has it anyway, what more could I give that baka?'

The next day they didn't had to see eachother as Minato had decided it as a 'self-teaching and being strong' day.

But Obito was still in his bed, what else could he do? He is strong enough, he does't need any training after all.

He pulled his hair in frustration
"Just what the hell should I do?!?!" He yelled

"What is wrong, Obito" He heard his grandma

"Nothing!" Obito replied hurriedly as not to scare the old lady

He sighed and jumped up near the photo of their 'three man squad'.

He looked at the four ninjas. How happy he looked in that photo. He wanted it to last forever, he wanted to make his dream come true as soon as possible. He wanted to leave this place.

"You always have that poker face of yours, always creating hindrance for me" he pouted looking at the white haired boy

'Make this person fall for you' he remembered black Zetsu's word

"Make you fall for me, huh? Will that even work?" He sighed "I guess, trying won't hurt"

"Hey, grandma!" Obito chirped tugging on her

"Yes? Obito?" She said while cutting some vegetables

"Can you teach me how to cook?"

"Oh? Why do you want to learn suddenly? Do I not cook good enough?" His grandma chuckled

"No~~ I just wanted to learn because....... its just basic life skill" he let out an awkward laugh

"Ok then, what do you want to learn to cook?" She lifted the boy to make him sit on the counter

"Anything will work! But maybe we can start from something easy!"

"Easy you say?hmm...... oh right! Ramen!"


"Yes, it's probably the easiest one"

"Seems like a good idea! And can I, like, you know? Sleepover to my friend's house or something...?" He asked nervously

"....sleepover? But you've never done it before... ah! So you are not a child anymore, my little Obito grew up~~" she ruffled his hair softly to which he smiled "So, who are you going to? Is it the girl you keep talking about?"

"Ehh, no its actually......

*Few hours later*
'Knock knock knock'

The door slowly opened revealing a sleepy wolf cub.

"You?" He sounded alert

"Yep! It's me! Aren't you happy to see me?" The elder one smiled

Kakashi glared at him "No"

"Oww! That hurt! But on second thought, what else could have I expected " Obito laughed

"What are you here for?" Kakashi asked closing the door slightly

But Obito caught it "Come on, isn't it rude to keep your guest waiting? Won't you invite me in?"

"No, get out of here " he frowned

"Hmm?" Obito pushed his way inside
"Hey! Stop! It's called invading, stupid!" The little one tried to push him out

What an irritating brat, won't even let me in. I want to hit him already! How am I supposed to stay here for long now?!

"Have you seen yourself? You are so tiny, how can you stop me?" Obito sneered and finally managed to get in

Kakashi stared at him in horror as if he had seen a ghost.

"What the hell do you want?!" Kakashi backed off in a defensive position

"Oh? Hehe" Obito lifted up a big lunch box with a huge 'fake' smile on his face

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