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Kakashi had no idea what in the world was going on. He was already occupied with the thought of how Obito had changed and suddenly became so fierce. And now, their he was, showcasing his 'treasure'.

"Look, this one is the noodle, it took me five whole tries to make it perfectly. And this one is the chilly sauce, it was also quite hard to make. One time it becomes too salty and the next, no salt at all. And the other one's arr just chopped veggies" he explained all his stuffs proudly

Obito had forced Kakashi to take him to his kitchen. It had all the items Obito needed for whatever he wanted to make or atleast he said so. Hatake Manor was quite big than average house even though it may be smaller that the Uchiha or Hyuga Manor.

Obito had a total of five containers.

"Do I look like I care?" Kakashi said coldly

Obito scoffed "It's not like I want to do it either, but later you will be the one asking for your gift on promotion to jonin "

"Believe me, if you agree to get out of here I will never even bring that topic up. I won't even take gifts from the others" Kakashi groaned

"Like I would believe you" Obito heated oil in a pan

His grandma had told him how to make it, how hard can it be, right?

When the oil seemed hot enough, Obito picked up the lid and shielded himself with it as he held chopped garlic in the other hand.

He tried to put it in but retreated, scared of getting the oil jump on him. This repeated a few more times before Kakashi couldn't ignore him anymore.

"Just stay a bit farther if you arr that scared of it, you will ruin you dish if you continue to act like this!"

Who the hell does he think is scared?!

Obito felt his blood boiling, he was so irritated that he almost threw the pan at the boy, almost. 

I should calm myself and not give him any more reason to hate me if I want to make this baka 'fall' for me.

"I am not SCARED, Alright??! I am just being carefull- wait, that's a good idea! I can cook it while staying back!" Obito grinned  and stepped backwards.

So, what if I cannot attack you directly? There are just more than one way of doing that!

"What are you going to do now?- tell me you aren't going to do what I am thinking " kakashi backed off as he held his hand up

"You will see" and with that, Obito started to throw the garlic into the oil like shurikens

The oil was now jumping all over the place and even the garlic could be seen flying here and there. The pan itself  had caught fire and it all was a complete mess.

"Hiya, stupid!!!" Kakashi yelled backing off from the range of danger

Ah! Missed it!

After a few minutes, the chaos finally calmed down and the silverette turned off the flame.

"Oh no, it's all ruined. Now I will have to do it again~~" Obito wined

"No! You are not doing anything more!" The little one glared at him

"But I have to make dinner for you~~"

"If you really want to do something so bad, clean this mess you have created," said the silverette

Obito narrowed his eyes "Its not like you are a clean freak type,you always have a messy room."

"Have you ever even seen my room?" The little one frowned

"Ya, of course - I mean no, but I could guess that." Obito turned behind

Shit! I almost revealed that I once stalked him to his home. But it was the adult Kakashi....

"What did you just say?" Kakashi whispered loud enough for him to hear and had suddenly appeared just behind him like a ghost

For some reason, Obito shivered.

Was this bakashi always this scary??!

"Nothing!" Obito turned towards him with an akward smile

"Are you cleaning or not?" Kakashi narrowed his eyes

"Hehe, do I have a choice...?"


How dare you!

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