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Kakashi found himself in a dark place with no trace of light. He tried to move but he didn't feel his limbs at all. It was as if, he was just conscious, not even alive anymore.

'The rocks fell on top of us, And where is this place? Am I already buried in there? Right! Where is Obito?!'

He felt his heart shrink just at the thought of the another boy getting hurt by the boulders.

"Yo! I am here!" suddenly he heard a familiar voice

'Obito?'  a wave of relief washed through him

An orange goggled boy suddenly appeared in front of his vision, grinning with a lolipop in his mouth. Kakashi tried to call him but no sound came out of his throat.

"You are late" Kakahi froze when he heard himself say

He saw himself infront of Obito along with Rin and Minato.

'What is this......?'

"I was on my way early! But I saw an old lady struggling with crossing the road so I helped her up! Look, she even rewarded me with this!" Obito pointed at his lolipop proudly

"Excuses........" Kakashi saw himself scoff

The white haired boy struggled to speak, speak anything at all and make the four figures notice him but nothing worked.

"I am not!-" 

The usual bickering started between the two which was stopped by Minato. They seemed to have been talking something but Kakashi was too busy trying to break free of whatever was binding him. 

"I am here!" he finally managed to scream

Obito turned his head towards him followed by the other three. The other boy grinned at him and all if them faded away in the darkness.

Kakashi's eyes widen as he tried to reach out his hands to them and was finally was able to freely move his body but they were gone.

"Wait! Rin! Obito! Sensei!" the poor boy yelled panting desperately

'Don't leave me behind....'

"Be careful!" He heard himself again

He turned to the direction of the sound and saw the three of them. It was similar situation in what they had been a while ago. They were being attacked by the two ninjas. Obito and Kakashi were fighting with the first ninja. Kakashi stared at them in shock.

'Is this some kind of genjutsu?'

Suddenly, the second ninja sneaked up behind Rin and knocked her out.

"Rin! " Kakashi tried to grab her before the other ninja did but shockingly enough, his hand passed right through her

He stood stunned staring at his own hand for some seconds before attacking the enemy. But the same thing happened again, it was as if he they were air, or maybe.... he was the air. The two ninja's soon disappeared taking Rin along with them.

"Don't go after them" He heard himself

"What do you mean by that?" Obito stopped on his tracks and turned towards the white-haired.

 'This all must be illusions set by those two'

"I meant, you and I will continue to carry out our mission. They want to know our plan so they won't kill her right away"-Kakashi


"A ninja.... must sacrifice their comrade for their mission" 

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