20) Surfer

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On the way back to Juliet's, Max filled me in on detail's I didn't pick up. The male following was around our age with long blonde hair in messy curls. Max advised the Normie was following for some time, even before we got to the shops.

We dubbed him 'Surfer'. Surfer had pulled up next to us as we arrived in the carpark. I had noticed the car arriving but paid no attention to the driver or car details, I kind of need that silly machine at the moment.

Max wasn't suspicious till Surfer walked out behind us with out making a single purchase.

We unloaded the car as quickly as possible, with out drawing attention to the fact we both knew, the navy-coloured car parked across the road is Surfer. Again, he pulled up just as we pulled into the driveway.

I took a quick glance but with my Skill's dulled and the heavy tint on the windows, I couldn't make out his features let alone, if anyone else was in the car.

Once all the shopping was unloaded, Max announced he was going for a walk. This was for Juliet's sake as I knew he wouldn't leave me unless necessary. He made himself invisible, blocked his Special scent and went to check out Surfer guy.

I made idle chat with Juliet as I placed water and the flowers in the vase. She seemed distracted looking at her watch every so often. Max coming back in through the back door as he left, being gone ten minutes.

With the groceries away and the vase on the table, I followed Max into the bedroom, so I could get the scoop on what he had discovered.

Turns out Surfer is named Danny and he is good mates with Juliet, by the looks of the text Max read through the car window. Juliet looking at her watch was obviously her reading the text from Danny. A previous text on the screen was from Juliet saying 'Hey Danny they are here when can you come?'

Danny informed Juliet that we seem just like a normal couple, who went grocery shopping. So, Juliet didn't trust us and had a friend spy. I was going to spend the afternoon getting to know her but looks like she has been digging into us for some time.

She knew I worked at the Unit and Max was in Stocks and Shares, she also knew I was pregnant. I wonder if that puts a damper on me being an organ donor for Neil.

We spent a little too long in the room discussing Juliet's friend and her interest in myself. Max was starting to think I was right and coming here, to meet them was a mistake, I could see it in his face and the indecisiveness in his voice.

We vowed to keep to the plan and I left the room to go see Juliet. She had made lunch with the food shopping we did, consisting of sandwiches and veggie sticks. Juliet carried a plate out to the courtyard and placed it on a small round table, while thanking me for the food and the flowers.

As much as I pried into her and her father's lives, I got limited answers. Receiving the only info I had already known. My mother chose to leave her family and my grandmother had passed away and of course, Neil was sick and in Hospice.

Juliet seemed close to our grandmother when she was alive and talked a lot about her but didn't mention how she died. Avoiding prying more into the family death in fear of upsetting Juliet, I chose to eat the questions down, choosing sandwiches with no Deli meats and eating most of the veggie sticks.

When the conversation died out completely, I excused myself to use the bathroom. Max slightly touching me to make me aware he was right next to me and would follow. I've gotten use to Max being present but unseen and I hope I'm that good, not having a reaction, hoping Juliet didn't see the effects of our exchange.

I did have to use the bathroom, Max waited in the hall. Knowing Juliet stayed outside, he whispered into my ear the signs he picked up on. What killed my grandmother is probably the same thing Neil is battling with now. Speaking of her/our grandmother made Juliet's heart rate rise and tears come to her eyes but she also had helplessness and disappear in her scent, which is usually not past emotions.

I returned to Juliet only to advise I would be having a rest this afternoon but I was happy to do dinner and will out in plenty of time.

Max was on a mission of his own, looking into my family's financial situation. If Max was uneasy after listening in to the conversation, he didn't show it but he did want to get to the bottom of it.

He was clearly more worried that they wanted money then I was. I was more worried they wanted my organs or that of my unborn child. 

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