24) Uncle Neil

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It's been a while, needed to write today though.

Max isn't here, I am alone, home. I feel useless, only offering help from afar in all aspects of my life at the moment.

Maria offered to come stay for a little, but I just couldn't take her up on the offer. Katherine is in a new position at work and thriving, in her career motivated way. Sara went away for some Training as she is just out of her course. Ryan turned into the party boy recently and spends all his time at guy bars. Aria and Tyler have their hands full with one bub and she is bigger then me with her second.

I'm showing now, in fact I feel so big and useless I just sit or lay around all day.

Work, where do I start. I have worked from home some days because there was no point in me going in. When at base, I sit at my desk or stand at the center table for short periods when needed. It's not at all what I expected it would be like when Alice told me how little time she took off.

Max half finished the nursery, he has done a great job so far. I go in the room once a day and add a little touch or just admire the small number of things we have so far.

I'm due for a check up with Janet, my doctor but I don't want to go alone. Last appointment I went alone to Dr. Paisley told me our child is a female, great news yeh, but she followed up with Cypher, not good news. This was rare and she figured it out from my lack of Special Skills, along with the fact our baby girl had her eyes wide open in the ultrasound. 

All I could think of at first was Renee from Unit J, she hates who she is. Hiding it from the world and even other Specials are scared of Cypher's. Then, it clicked, my child has and still is taking my skills, cyphering them from me. Why I do not know, Janet had no previous case to work off, unable to provide answers.

The last six weeks have been hard, with no Skills left for me to use, I have become as useless as a Normy at work.


Uncle Neil passed away last week and I couldn't fly to be there, on doctors' orders. That's where Max is, he has been great, going back to help as I promised 'we' would. He helped Juliet get the townhouse on the market, through a realty over a week ago, when she advised us, Neil was in Palliative care.

Me and Juliet have become close over the last few weeks talking all the time and Juliet has been thanking me a lot. I can't take the credit though, most of it was Max. The hotel they are both staying in, which is two separate rooms, the food and money, all Max.

The only thing that might have been me, is the job interview I have lined up for her. It's a low-level accounting position, her interview booked for next week with Regan's wife Dani. Having a work family willing to help out, came in handy when I told them her situation.

Her room has been guttered, awaiting the arrival of all her things, that were shipped three days ago via road, it will all go into storage if Max and Juliet don't arrive first to retrieve it.

I hate that a can't be there for her. A Skype link was set up yesterday for me to see the service. It was a lovely service and Juliet was so strong, delivering a speech that would have melted the coldest of hearts.

Glad I wasn't there after the service, as it all came crashing down on me late last night. The loss of yet another family member, although a barely knew him, had me staring at the photo.

Jay was and forever will be a huge part of me, my strength I owe to him. Thinking, would I have ever been this strong, if he was a Special as well. Would we have both been a lower skilled Special. He gave his life to save mine and was beside me for a decade being my rock, telling me I was okay, tending to my broken toys and reading the bedtime stories.

My mother and father, how I wish my father was stronger but all the same, I miss them both. My mother's beauty and grace. She was the prettiest person I can remember ever seeing. My dad was always there for my mum, in the end, he couldn't go to his afterlife without her by his side. I kind of understand that now I have Max.

Max is my savior, had he not charmed me in his own brutish but cute way, I would have been alone still. No life partner, no friends and I would have never wanted to start a family. He is the one that gave me a family and life. Supporting me in everything I want to pursue. With the exception of the Unit and his jealousy of Dominic.

He calmed me down and made me realize my stupidity when I had a full breakdown, wanting to leave the Unit. My memories would have to be altered, as no secrets or Service details are aloud to be known by the general public.

I was willing to do it, giving up on my future for our child, she, our precious bundle of joy was clearly needing my skills for her health and growth, I hope anyways. If she is using my skills to see from inside of me, her mother, I would be mortified. Although I doubt, she will remember when she is older.

Hoping she can't see what me and Max, her father, get up to. One thing we had never done before, we did the other day.

We had video, phone sex. The toy, Max brought me a long time ago now, was used as replacement for him, while he watched me pleasure myself, his arousal grew, till he was stroking his length, eventually removing his pants and shirt, standing to give me the best view of his sculptured body, that set me over the edge. 

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