29) Hungry

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Max was thankful for the information I had gathered and showed me how proud he was of me, after Juliet went to bed last night.

His words, along the lines of; "I want to show you how proud I am, I'm also still hungry."

If my pregnant body wasn't always horny, I might not have picked up on the suggestive wink at the end of his sentence.

Knowing I can handle some rough play still, my legs that I had dangled over the side, where flung onto the bed. Instantly laying me down almost in the correct position of the bed. My head not on the pillow but I was straight. Max was on top of my lower half in milliseconds, not wasting another to remove my loose-fitting maternity jeans.

His nose run the length of my core over the top of my underwear. His hot breath followed, once going over my clit, a small noise escaping my mouth then the pressure of his nose was removed. He used his teeth to remove my underwear, painfully slowly.

"Max please." I must have begged multiple times throughout.

He found amusement in slowly torturing my horny pregnant body.

I remember the pressure of his hand and fingers holding my legs down to the sides. His lapping, sucking and soft caress of my core, clit and lips with his tongue and lips, to the point I begged one final time for him to let me release. His eyes meeting mine for a split second then he went back below my stomach. I didn't feel anything for an agonising moment.

One hand was removed from my upper thigh and fingers where inserted so quickly I shrieked, not from pain or discomfort but the shock and pleasure.

His mouth reattached onto my clit working his magic while his fingers stroked and curled inside of me, hitting the perfect spot over and over till I stiffened, my legs wanting to close together, trying to crush his head between them. Max removed his fingers and I heard him lick them clean quickly before using both hands again to pin my legs down. Cleaning my juices up with his mouth while I continued to release.

As I lay flat on my back thinking I would never be able to move again, Max crawled over my body, making sure to run a hand over my side one at a time. He stopped when we were face to face, our baby making my round stomach and his wash board abs brush as he held his position. He gave me a small kiss that was both sensual and caring.

Bub had been asleep and I could experience and absorb it all. I think she woke the moment he sat up and trust into me. I didn't know when he removed his pants or why the sudden need to be inside me. He wasn't that into full sex, now I am bigger. The next part really scared me.

Max very quickly got close to climax, trusting hard and fast, I watched his face as long as I could till my eyes closed with my own pleasure building again. Opening my eyes when I felt his Skills, He was glitching, yep glitching not invisible then invisible glitching. He ejaculated as he became aware of the situation, moving away.

Needless to say, we were both a little shocked that our bub could also affect Max, as there was no physical contact with him directly and would have been cyphering through me.

Then I felt worse, as I was so spent, I didn't move after. Leaving Max to do all the clean up and lift me to change the sheets that got messy.

I must have passed out, till two- fourteen am when I woke with the urge to pee. I have been up since then, unable to go back to sleep, not that I didn't lay there trying for a good ninety minutes.

Eventually I gave up and decided to quietly sketch in the nursery. The only thing I kept drawing was horses. I had five horse sketches by the time Max entered the nursery at around six thirty.

He admired my work, taking particular interest in the dark stallion almost in a front on portrait.

"This one looks just like Jet!" he exclaimed with a small smile on his face. I could sense the joy in his emotions.

"Who's Jet?" I quirked an eyebrow. Still hoping he opens up to me, after all we are getting Married and our bub is due very soon.

"My Grandads old horse, it passed last year though, I heard." He had moved behind me as I sat on the nursing chair. He gently rubbed his hands down me dressing gown covered arms, giving me a kiss on the top of my head.

"I'll get breakfast started!" Max left the room a little to quickly to just start breakfast. I wondered if the memory of Jet was still Joyful but atlas our Girl had woken and my senses were draining by the second.

I used the back half bathroom on the way to the kitchen, relieving myself and washing my hands. As I exited the half bathroom, I was thinking of the times our girl was asleep, when I could concentrate. Obviously, that wasn't the case right then, I ran straight into the side of Juliet.

"Oh my, are you okay? I'm so sorry." Juliet held my upper arm in her palm like I would full over if she didn't support me.

After I came to from the shock, I admitted it was my fault and my brain wasn't working, let alone my Skills.

Juliet smiled and waited for me to smile back, before starting her way up the hall again. I followed after a little, and checked down the hall again making sure no one else was coming, although no one else was in the house except Max in the Kitchen.

Max had made pancakes and fresh squeezed juice for me; he also had the coffee machine going for Juliet. I assume his senses are good if he knew she was up and ready for her coffee.

Juliet still has the rest of the week before starting her Job on Monday, so mornings would be shared till then when she starts earlier then me and would be leaving as I got up, normally.

The pancakes smelt delicious but I couldn't eat them. I made sure to thank Max and just said I wasn't hungry before going and getting ready for work.

Max gave me a long passionate kiss and handed me a decaf coffee in my travel mug on my way out.

Juliet wasn't in the living area when I left so I didn't bother saying goodbye, would have taken to long to go find her with my wobble being worse today.

It's only lunch time and I'm over the day, not making any progress with the case notes. The only good news is the team won't be back till tomorrow so I have some piece and quiet in the office.

I even made a few personal phone calls, I know, naughty me right. I spoke to Aria the longest, her due date creeping up like mine. She doesn't work so she is always free for a chat unless putting the little gremlins to sleep, her nickname for her children, not mine.

She had been getting Braxton hicks contractions and Tyler won't stay home yet, as wants all his parental leave for after the baby is born. I feel for her and it made me more grateful, that Max works from home, he will be there when I need him. I didn't share that thought with her though.

Anyways I better get back to work while bub is sleeping. Maybe I'll make some progress. Bye for now. 

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