19) Max's betrayal

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Leave had been organised and as I was in the second trimester, it was safe to fly.

Max had surprised me with a holiday, I was excited and didn't sleep much. We had planned on taking regular trips and small weekend getaways as well as keeping our social lives, but it had become hard, work and the house took up all our time.

With everything organised we left early the next morning; the short plane trip was booked for business class and the food was lovely. Two hours and forty-four minutes was all it took to get to the next city, not leaving the country but getting far enough away, it wasn't home.

The sunrays skimmed across the tarmac as we descended the stairs. Max taking my hand as I stepped onto the asphalt at the airport. We remained hand in hand till we got up the ramps and into the airport for baggage collection.

Both of us traveling light so Max took both the bags and wheeled the suitcase we shared. He had booked the hire car that waited just outside the terminal for us to drive. At that point I still didn't know what the itinerary was but knew Max would look after me, going along with his movements.

We pulled up to a small-town house twenty minutes later, not seeing any sites apart from the local dam and shopping centre we passed. The house looked nice from the outside cosy and intermate, however when Max looked at me with guilt then knocked on the door my heart sank.

A lady no older than me answered the door, glancing at Max before her eyes landed on me and a smile broke across her face.

"May, it's so good you could make it." I knew instantly this was Juliet Leone, my so-called cousin.

Max's betrayal was hard to deal with, he knew I didn't want to meet these people. The family that wasn't there for me when I needed them but reach out when they need me. My definition of family is completely different to theirs obviously.

Juliet invited us in and guided us to a room. Advising we can stay as long as we need.

My intention was to talk Max into getting back on the plane the first chance we got. However, once in the room Max placed all our luggage on the bed and held me to his chest. Calming me instantly as only he can. I took a deep breath and looked him in the eyes, my unspoken question answered.

"You would have regretted not meeting your blood relatives one day babe." He ran his hand down my face cupping my check and moving my blonde hair away.

"I have no chose, do I?" I sighed.

Max chuckled and kissed me the next millisecond, not allowing me to get upset again. It isn't hard for my emotions to get the best of me and my Special skills don't seem to be working properly while preggo. I wasn't able to even sense someone was in the house, only sensing Juliet's Special Skill when I passed her to enter the room, she had assigned us.

Juliet has Fire elementary skills, the warmth radiated off her and the slight red tint to her hazel eyes confirmed this. With my senses down I would have to rely on Max to pick up on these things and help me get through the week we had planned to be here.

Juliet was a good host, our breakfast was placed on a tray and left at our door, just like a bed and breakfast. We stayed in the room for a few hours, barely touching the breakfast as we ate on the plane. With our fast metabolisms and me caring a human inside, we could have eaten the meal provided but our discussion took precedence.

We had discussed that Max would come with me to meet my Uncle Neil, tomorrow and that I would not be left alone at any point. Max taking my life and care into his hands as always. He will always look out for me and take it out on himself, when he feels like he can't protect me. This is both a good and a bad thing.

I took the tray with me, when we finally emerged from the room. Max staying close, the small house was easy to navigate. I placed the tray down on the kitchen counter as Juliet came down the small staircase, next to the dinning table.

"Not hungry?" She frowned at the tray still holding some toast and scrambled eggs.

"Thankyou, but we ate on the plane." I forced a small smile on my face as an apology.

"All good, I'll keep it for later." Juliet stated as she began glad wrapping the plate to put it in the fridge.

It then dawned on me, the minimal items in the house and when she opened the fridge there was barely a scrap of food in it, they where struggling. My mission was to find out if it was an organ or money, they wanted from me and how much.

I advised Juliet we would go see her father tomorrow and today I would spend getting to know her. Max requested we go out first, just for an hour.

We spent the hour at the local shopping centre, we passed coming in from the airport. We brought enough food to feed both us and Juliet for the week, as well as some treats for us two. I browsed the shops for a small ornament to place on Juliets table, to make the home look less baron. Finding a simple vase with some black swirls painted on it, that was a reasonable price, I brought a few stemmed roses to go into the vase and we made our way back, through the crowd of people with our food trolley.

Max pulled me close as we entered the carpark. Shushing me, before advising someone was following us. 

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